I’m 31.. been drinking since 15.. it’s got worse after a relationship break down.. i have developed this rash on my thighs it’s the worst arms and back and side.. it like red circles of dry skin.. I haven’t had blood tests as I am terrified of the results..
Have I got it: I’m 31.. been drinking... - British Liver Trust
Have I got it

You need a gp and none of us on here are that you can't Bury your head in the sand if you think you're poorly
Hi Pixea-mae
Unfortunately, no one on the forum is medically trained to assess your rash. We understand how worried you may be- however, to get the answers you need, you will have to consider being brave and making an appointment with your own doctors.
They really are best placed to help you.
Take care,
Warm wishes
Most dermatological issues are not anything to cause you to much to worry about. Dry patchy circles are not something directly associated with liver issues nor are they diagnostic of it. I have eczema and it presents as dry patchy skin all over. Not saying that is what it is and not being a doctor I cant say either way anyways. But it could be that simple.That being said get checked out by your doctor and see what it is. Anything is possible but, as i said most dermatological issues are not serious and easily treatable. We all fear doctors results but that doesnt mean they will be bad results. Thats the fear talking. Good luck 🙂
I have psoriasis. We cant diagnose you but as Phoenix says, it could be totally unrelated to any liver concerns. I had this for many years ,well before any liver problems. The cause isn't known but believed to be linked to a stressful incidence. A relationship break up would be an example.
Get yourself checked out ASAP. and stop drinking alcohol immediately.
Your Dr can refer you to a liver clinic and the tests etc are not painful.
If you've got a problem with drinking go to AA or tell your Doctor who maybe able to get you into rehab center. I am an alcoholic so I know what I'm on about. 8 years clean and sober now. Best wishes to you mate.
I too can't diagnose you. All I can say is my husband had to see his GP and a dermatologist and they diagnosed lupus which wasn't anything to worry about. It has been treated with creams that have helped. I'm not saying that you have the same but take the advice of others and see your GP. Best of luck