any help appreciated fatty liver,liver... - British Liver Trust

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any help appreciated fatty liver,liver biopsy

dcfc1979 profile image
9 Replies

Hi all I'm new here was just seeking some feedback/advice/help/reassurance. In the new year I had what i thought was a chest infection, my Dr carried out some blood test which were fine apart from raised LFT so she said to wait a two weeks and have them again. the first test was just after xmas/newyear so thought maybe the celebrations had spiked it. it was 3 weeks not drinking when had the full liver bloods done and this time she said they were 6x higher than normal. I went for an ultrasound test and i have a fatty liver which is very bright whatever that means. Anyway she referred me to a consultant who I saw friday he revealed that my LFT have been high for 10 years with one reading 170 but my GP has never mentioned or done anything about it. He said its not drink related and has recomended a biopsy all this has happened pretty quick and I'm a tad worried should have asked more questions but it all comes as a bit of a shock. I have type 2 diabetes and over the last couple of years i have reduced my weight to 16 stone from over 20 by running marathons I'm aiming on losing more as I'm now training to walk to everest base camp in November just I'm tired all the time constantly itchy. Having access to google also doesn't help if you know what I mean.

Thanks for reading Simon

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dcfc1979 profile image
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9 Replies
Ironman1125 profile image

Hi Simon, I know exactly what you mean about Googling. Personally I know its easy for me to say but I'm in a similar situation to you in respect of a raised Gamma GT. If only fatty liver then I'd suggest carry on with the exercise, knock the booze on the head and cut out crap in food. It does concern me at times that ok given we always look for positives it would be better if some GPS made more of a point of things as opposed to saying nothing to worry about. My Gamma GT is higher than normal and i explained im teetotal now and they suggested come back in two months and we will test again. I have had three doctors having a feel around and all have said it feels fine but I'm still a bit paranoid to the degree I have stopped the drinking and no painkillers etc. Try not to worry as I know what it feels like!

dcfc1979 profile image
dcfc1979 in reply to Ironman1125

Thanks for response I've stopped drinking but the worry is the consultant said it's not that and ordered a biopsy, which I understand aren't that common anymore. Would have been easier if he just said it's down to alcohol give it up and hopefully will repair itself.

Ironman1125 profile image
Ironman1125 in reply to dcfc1979

Ah right yes sorry I misread that in your post. Well fingers crossed for you. You haven't been taking anything else especially with the running like painkillers have you?

dcfc1979 profile image
dcfc1979 in reply to Ironman1125

No mate I try to avoid painkillers or anything other than what's prescribed for diabetes

Ironman1125 profile image
Ironman1125 in reply to dcfc1979

Maybe it's the diabetes medication. Fingers crossed for you bud!

AyrshireK profile image

Diabetes is a potential risk factor for non alcohol related fatty liver disease. Have a wee read at the British Liver Trust page on NAFLD and NASH to see if there are other risk factors in your lifestyle.


GrandmaDylan profile image

I had raised inflammatory markers for years but various gp's put it down to inflammation somewhere in my body. I now have cirrhosis caused by autoimmune hepatitis and my hepatologist said I'd probably had it for over 10 years. If one of them had investigated my inflammation markers maybe I wouldn't have gone on to develop cirrhosis. I sincerely hope that this isn't the case for you. I had to wait months for a liver biopsy so you're lucky it's being done soon.

You might want to read this to help both your diabetes and fatty liver:

dcfc1979 profile image

So I got my appointment for my biopsy through its for this Monday. 4 days from seeing a specialist to getting a biopsy got to be some sort of record for the NHS ? Made me quite nervous that they've maybe rushed it through better to be sooner though i suppose ?

Not what you're looking for?

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