Hello everyone, my name is Rachel.. I recently had a ultra sound ... when the drs rang with results he said nothing was found !! But when I went to see him he looked at results and said oh yes you have fatty liver! Nothing to worry about and we spoke about other things. Should I be worried or even should he have done other test??? Thank you
Fatty liver: Hello everyone, my name is... - British Liver Trust
Fatty liver

I think the thing with Drs is they know when to worry and when not to. If he said it is nothing to worry about it probably isn’t.
That shouldn’t stop you asking again though or beginning to make subtle lifestyle changes (weight loss if needed, healthy diet, not too much booze, etc) as your liver is for life - look after it!
And welcome btw - there are some great people here who know a lot more than me.
All the best x
Don't fall into the trap of a doctor saying fatty liver is nothing to worry about and just carrying on as you were. Fatty Liver is the first of a series of changes that the liver goes through when it is becoming damaged. It is probably the most quickly rising cause of liver ill health in the western world and sadly isn't as 'harmless' as some doctors make out. In the earliest stages the liver can recover but if it carries on becoming ever more damaged then it can ultimately lead to scarring and permanent liver damage.
The British Liver Trust has a good page about Non-Alcohol Related Fatty Liver Disease at:- britishlivertrust.org.uk/li... which might be worth a read. See if you fall into any of the 'at risk' categories for NAFLD and see if there are lifestyle changes you can make to prevent this condition from getting any worse. If you are a drinker at all then alcohol also leads to the development of fatty liver. Again the BLT has a page all about alcohol and the liver. britishlivertrust.org.uk/li...
We have had members who have been told in the past it's 'just' fatty liver - done nothing about it and gone on to develop more advanced liver disease. Good news is you know you have this change going on and there are things you can do about it the vast majority of the population who have it are going about their everyday lives not knowing they are living with a potential ticking time bomb.
Have a read and perhaps make some changes to diet, exercise, drinking (if you do) and hopefully you'll turn this around. It isn't something to be ignored. Yes don't worry about it or become obsessed by it but knowing you have the start of liver damage you are in a position to do something about it.
All the best, Katie
I agree with Katie,
My doctor said oh, you have fatty liver. Don’t worry about it. Every one gets it. Just calm down a bit on the wine. 4 weeks later I was in hospital with cirrhosis. That’s just my story though. It doesn’t happen to everyone.
Cheers for,
Thank you Brett, yes was good advice and I am going to go back and ask for more test to be done! Hope you are ok
What test should I ask for??
What led you to be having the ultrasound in the first place? Have you had liver function test (blood tests) to see if you have ongoing inflammation. If your area has the facility you might want to ask for a Fibroscan which is similar to the ultrasound you've already had but measures liver density and also fat infiltration.
Other than that you need to have a look at the pages already posted, see if there are areas where you can make positive lifestyle changes. If it is 'just' fatty you should be able to change it around.
Hi Katie, it was a swollen abdomen and loose bowels and pain in back!
Hi Rachel and another Welcome.
I’m interested to hear about your “pain in back”? After nearly 4 years of liver clinics and at most saying I struggled to walk fluidly nothing was said, they, rightly I guess, were more concerne about my liver rather than my whinges! 😀
Anyway about 3 months ago pain in back so bad went to one of the best GPs in our practice (pot luck who you get like most I suspect).
Anyways he got me to lie on the bed and did all sorts of things with my hips knees etc and the said its not arthritis. Goodo 😬.
Then with my legs straight and one leg at a time got me to raise them off the bed - no bending. Flabbergasted! My left leg I could only raise about 3 inches with the other going almost to the ceiling
I wish at my age 😀).
Got sent for an urgent MRI and got told that my spine was encroaching on my spinal chord and I needed an urgent operation. Well, the urgent went out the window because in the meantime I had got on the famous T/P lisr. Liver 1 Spine 0.
Still waiting because its going to be months before they can operate.
But the funny thing is that since my T/P (6 weeks ag) I havent got anty back pain and can walk upright again!
Anyway after that diatribe jyst though it was interesting you have backmpain. You can do the leg lifting test yourself (but i am not allowed to recommend it - forum rules OK 😀)
Anyway 2 - hope you get sorted soon ant some good attention.....
Best of luck

Hi Miles , thank you for your reply... my back pain is bad , it is hard to sleep 😴 going to ask for referral .
Thank goodness when you see the right people things move so quickly!
Hope your transplant went well and glad you are out of pain.
Apologies for my terrible grammar, spelling, and missing words. Brain fog strikes again.

Mine can be the same , 😂no apologies needed .
AyrshireK , I just read the page you recommend. It was so informative and I have decide to go back to my doctor and see if we can have more test done... as some of symptoms I have , as well as pain and swelling of the upper abdomen, dark urine , pale loose bowels and pain in my back !! So thank you so much for your advice xx
Hi Rachel - welcome . I’m not a doctor but I’m pretty sure that fatty liver doesn’t cause dark urine. As Katie and others say go back for more tests.
Thank you very much for your advice xx
you're very welcome-I've had fatty liver for a long time and some of the symptoms are similar like pale stools etc. you can also get pains in the shoulder in my case all diet/drink related which I've mitigated by periods of abstinence-can't say I've been too clever at managing it despite excellent advice on this forum. I would say don't panic though because you put yourself in a dark place-don't over think it. Get the tests done-proper advice from medical pros. and ask questions. Keep us posted-good luck
Dr's are sign posters to specialists . Insist on an appointment with a consultant asap. I have severe liver fibrosis caused by using methotrexate. I had a fibroscan, just fatty liver. One year later I was delighted it had reduced by 25% most likely to working hard and losing 1.5 stones. ! I felt so happy. This was not the full picture - The Gastroenterology who was asked to check me over by the Dermatology team said I had severe fibrosis, one step off cirrhosis! I had a short episode of swollen tum, and pain. I realised I was dehydrated and constipated, right as rain in a couple of days. I was given no advice, I didnt even see this guy again. I am now asking my GP to refer me to Liverpool Royal = get a true picture of whats happening. Not drank alcohol for 15 years went right of it after getting EBV. My bloods appear normal said my GP, I had no clue it was even a serious condition until I tried to get travel insurance.! 12 nights in Mallorca £315! Some said £900. Your case Brett has compounded my resolve - hope your doing ok Hazelx
Hazel, I am taking methotrexate too!! Sounds a long journey you have been on ... hope your doing better now? Xx
Now you've reported that you are also taking methotrexate I would definitely request more follow up. Some of your symptoms could tally with methotrexate usage & it can also impact on the liver. Your NAFLD might not be all it seems. I would be tempted to seek referral to a liver specialist. You obviously have another condition requiring the use of methotrexate so you need all your conditions looked at together.
My gp mentioned fatty liver to me a few years ago and just said half the population have it, don't worry about it. Then a few months ago when a haematologist referred me for another liver scan the operative said oh I've seen far worse than yours. When I got the report from that scan it said that I have cirrhosis and an enlarged spleen with varices. I've recently had a CT scan which also shows portal hypertension. Please take it seriously, I wish someone had told me straight and I wouldn't be in this mess. Take care. Deb
Thank you Deb, so sorry your not had the care and advice the drs should have given you! Much love and hugs xxx I will go back to drs and see what they say xx
I was told this a few years ago, now I’m having problems and have been referred to a consultant. If someone had only made me aware of the consequences I would have done something about it. Hope you start to improve soon!
Thank you owlie , so sorry people have let you down at the beginning... But glad you have now be referred , hope it is good news xxx
Yes, he is a bit ... not the normal doctor I would see!!! Going to make a appointment to see my normal doctor as she is so good! Thank you for your reply xx
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to reply .. your advice is very much appreciated xxx
They said that to me and then I had a fibroscan and had severe scarring/ cirrosis. Press for a fibroscan, otherwise it may be too late if it comes back fine you’ve lost nothing.
I can't add much to what the others have said, you need to see your doctor and you need to demand more tests with referal to specialist especially with the drugs you have to take.
I had dark liver, pain that went into my back etc as you describe and that was my gallbladder shouting at me. Having that removed stopped that but my liver was all ready too far gone.
There is a list of possibilities but we aren't qualified to help much and only your doctor has your medical history.
Of course there is always the chance that it is fatty liver that can be completely reversed with a few lifestyle changes.
Let us know how you get on
Rita xx