Back and forth to London Bridge Hospital this week and after recent MRI, CT & MRCP scans, we finally have a verdict and plan of action. Peeps’ portal vein is completely blocked by the thrombosis despite Rivaroxaban, Warfarin and Clexane injections and this in turn has caused varices in his bile ducts and ongoing inflammation, severe pain and gall stones in his gall bladder. An operation to put a stent in the bile duct comes later but he is now booked in for emergency open surgery tomorrow to remove his infected gall bladder complete with stones. It has been explained that there is considerable risk from internal bleeding and that the liver could just go into shock and give up. However, there is no choice, poor Peeps has to put his faith in his surgeon and we are both desperately praying he will come out the other side, Anne.
Portal vein thrombosis & gall bladder ... - British Liver Trust
Portal vein thrombosis & gall bladder removal

Dear Anne
Just read your latest update which I can understand is extremly worrying for you both! Please take care of yourself and Good luck for tomorrow!
Slaines x
Thoughts with you both, hope the surgery goes ok and your beloved hubby gets some addition quality of life from it.
Sorry to hear your hubby is going through all of this. I hope all goes well. Wishing the best for you both. Take care.
I’m so pleased you have a plan in place and your husband is having his gallbladder removed. It’s one organ we really don’t need. Hopefully they then can deal with the blocked bile dusts.
These surgeons perform miracles every day, and although you must be worried sick, it’s important we put our faith in them.
I’m really hopeful that this will be successful for you both. Keen to hear how you get on. Susan x
Hi Anne,
Wishing you and peeps the very best.