My 10p worth.: If anyone asks me how I... - British Liver Trust

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My 10p worth.

Brett11 profile image
114 Replies

If anyone asks me how I got cirrhosis I always reply that it was from alcohol. I don’t really understand people’s stigma about it?

I’m one of the “lucky” 10 to 20% of people who got it.

Now if I just bought a lottery ticket instead 😂

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Brett11 profile image
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114 Replies

Too true Brett.. all I had to do was look around the pub - when I used to go - and think Guidelines what Guidelines! LMAO.

Milo Pilo

in reply to

I cant think of a single human I ever met who liked alcohol that drank within guidelines. St Patty's day would only be a 2 hour event 😅😅😅

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Hehe yes I agree phoenixpalazzo (good job I could copy from above because who knows how I might have spelt your name! There’s a few options 😁). But do they they admit it. I didn’t 👎🏻


jojokarak profile image

It's about education 😊

And a point I made the other day was everyone knows the risk of alcohol, cigarettes, fatty foods etc etc ...

But people in the general public don't know about the conditions which effect the huge proportion of us who end up with cirrhosis and I personally find people very judgemental especially when it comes to a cirrhosis diagnosis and I blame the so called hero of a lot of people in the UK bloody George best he did a lot of damage to people waiting for transplants because of his addiction, which he should of tackled first but money and power is all you need to beat the queue!!

I think you should be proud of beating your personal demons it's definitely one of the hardest things to overcome 😊

But I just want people to understand it's hard for people with Nash to have a stigma what is actually nothing to do with them

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply tojojokarak

That’s very true Jojo. It must be hard for them to have to virtually prove every time that they didn’t get cirrhosis thru addiction. My point is that stigma is someone else’s problem not mine. It’s just when I came screaming out of that closet 😂 I am me. Take it or leave it. Don’t put your stigma on to me as I have real things to worry about. You soon find out who your real friends are.

Gosh! I best check my ammonia levels! I’m never this serious 😂

in reply tojojokarak

Very true JoJo

Radnor profile image
Radnor in reply tojojokarak

I firmly believe that alcohol addiction is not blameworthy . I actually met George a few times in Manchester. I had a shock to be honest. He had stopped drinking at that time so I saw the real person. His mother was also an alcoholic. If anything fame and fortune contributed greatly to his addiction. He wasnt the flash harry you saw on TV. He was shy and introvert. So many people self medicate with alcohol and he certainly did. Dutch Courage . He loved his job but what went with it scared the hell out of him. We chatted about dieting lol. My Dad was miffed because I didnt invite him for tea lol. I have NASH, Methotrexate . I totally agree that cirrhosis should be publicised - all the other things that cause it. Obesity is becoming No 1 cause. You never see any mention of it in any public information ads? I have written some corrections to the letter sent to my GP. DENIES DRINKING ALCOHOL FOR 10/15 YEARS! Smacks of I dont believe her! My Gamma GT was 64 on 5/12. All other Liver bloods were normal. I have since researched and this level is indicative of abstainers. I never worry about what others think, However wo betide anyone who makes incorrect assumptions! They get both barrels! lol

Dawnejoy profile image
Dawnejoy in reply toRadnor

As soon as I say I’ve had cirrhosis, which necessitated a liver transplant, alcohol is always assumed as cirrhosis is in the majority of cases forever ‘linked’ to drinking. Mine was via NASH and A1ATD (basically faulty gene). Alcohol for me was special occasions, birthday, Christmas, night out with the girls. On occasion when going to A&E the dr, always asks how much I drink, when replying, I’ve got cirrhosis so I don’t drink, his reply was that all alcoholics lie! Recently post op, on visiting my GP, he was insisting that I must drink as my levels were off the charts!

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply toDawnejoy

I would change doctor if I were you. Doctors are there to care for out health and not to be judgemental. Regards Alf

Dawnejoy profile image
Dawnejoy in reply toalfredthegreat

Tried, but in our area, have to stay with local surgery and I see different drs most of the time, so no continuity, hence why I’ve opted to stay at Addenbrookes, for now anyway as feel more ‘secure’ in my care. 😘

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply toDawnejoy

I suppose in that case you will have to turn a deaf ear to their ignorance, that is so long as their misguided opinions don't compromise your care in any way. All the best. Alf.

You are in Australia so you missed the Adrian Chiles documentary last night. Good for him for ‘coming out’, that was me, except of course the diagnosis 👎.

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

Who is he when he’s famous? Lol

I’ll have a google

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply toBrett11

He’s one of the lucky ones who has been told before it was too late. I hope he stops drinking.

in reply toBrett11

He has to stick to guidelines, I think that he will be on the spotlight.

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What was the programme called? I'll look it up on YouTube as I'm not allowed to watch live TV since cancelling my TV licence 😬

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BBC2 Drinkers like me - Adrian Chiles. Not sure about the ethics of you watching it though Klodian. 😂

in reply to

Oh yeah I've watched that one months ago. I like to get hammered every other day but I'm not an alcoholic 🙄

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I was in ICU when it was first broadcast.

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You got me there Mark?

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Another bad hair day Milo, originally broadcast August 27th and repeated last night. August 27th, was not long after my transplant, so still was in hospital. The TV thing in the ward , say no more.

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Aug 27 that’s my Tpday 👍

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God works in mysterious ways Milo.

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Carefully does it Mark, you might get deleted (and your post 😁) if you bring religion into this alternative world of ours 😁

(Only joking Admin 😁 - I love you really.... )


Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

I actually got death threats from a USA fb group for questioning all the praise the Lord posts.

I was just giving my point of view just like the others.

I didn’t get deadded though 😂

in reply toBrett11

I’ll pray for your redemption.

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I think it’s a bit late for that Mark 😁






Only joking Brett me ol mucker (oops I nearly made a freudian slip... )


in reply toBrett11


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😅 his son did turn his blood to wine for us to drink. Poor devil always getting the blame haha

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Ooh you’re too clever for me 😁

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I guess cirrhosis wasn't a thing back then or the wine was low alcohol. I'm sure they'll update the scripture at some point 😏

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to

Aug 26th my transplant day so I was in ICU too.

Santorini77 profile image
Santorini77 in reply to

I did watch it some time ago. He annoyed me a bit, to be honest. I thought he was a bit weak and indecisive. If you are serious then you don't need to be hanging around with friends that encourage you to 'go on, just have one drink...' To me, they are not true friends. In the end he didn't give up did he? I'm not really sure what he did!! But I wasn't overly impressed with him. You need to have the right mindset and be around the right people.

Mags72 profile image
Mags72 in reply to

I watched that, it was very brave of him. I wonder how he's doing, not sure when the documentary was made. But a very honest and emotional documentary I thought.

Pizamkazdw profile image

It's an unnecessary stigma that you have to deal with all the time. If we looked around it could happen to anyone. Especially with the drinking culture we are living in. But people seem to be very keen to judge when it is happening to someone else. If you are depressed and drink- even worse- another stigma-addiction and another mental health problem. You are screwed no matter what. You just have to ignore the ignorance I suppose however painful it is.

motleyalice profile image
motleyalice in reply toPizamkazdw

My husband has cirrhosis possibly through alcohol, but also possibly as a result of damage done to a pipe when he was 20 by the council. I can't remember the name of the exact mix of yuck that was released in gaseous form below his bedroom window, but he came close to dying from it. The hospital genuinely aren't sure about the cause.

He does still drunk, in small amounts, and his liver has actually improved over the last 5 years. He is puzzling the consultant. He has another set of full tests coming up beginning of Feb. If the improvement has held, he'll be discharged. I can't say I agree with that.

Anyone disses my husband around me, I'll happily park my wheelchair on their foot and cock a deaf 'un to their objections until they apologise.

in reply tomotleyalice

Why would you not agree with that alice? Wouldn’t that be good news? Or don’t you believe/trust them?


motleyalice profile image
motleyalice in reply to

The improvement is good news, but there is still a problem there that will no longer be monitored if they discharge him. That's the part I don't like.

To be honest some of the hospitals in the area don't have a great reputation. For example in the 5 weeks my MIL has been back on the cancer ward at New Cross - cancer wards allegedly being very clean - she's picked up infections twice. Both times hitting her hard enough that visiting restrictions have been completely lifted and we've been to go any time. The doctors didn't expect her to regain consciousness either time. The fact that she has is testament to her constitution rather than anything they've done.

I can't say Russell's Hall has a good rep either (they once sent him him when his Hb was 45 instead of the desired 150, with no treatment at all).

Nope, I don't trust them much at all.

in reply tomotleyalice

Oh crikey motley that’s a bummer 👎🏻. I see now, as they say, where you’re coming from. Aagggh.

Well I hope you can resolve these horribly “unfortunate” issues alice.


Garyvh profile image

I agree entirely Brett, the stigma is their problem.

Personally I'm very open about it, it's not like everyone I knew was blind to the fact that I drank too much anyway.

I seem to get admiration from people if anything. I guess it would be different if I'd have carried on drinking.


Since diagnosed my so called friends don't get in touch,kinda made me feel like a leper,but i can honestly say i feel better and stronger for it as i have found joy in life without a drink and my ex drinking buddies.

Pizamkazdw profile image
Pizamkazdw in reply to

You don't need these so called 'friends'. You have us :)

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For me it's been the opposite. They were still trying to keep in touch but there was always a sense of being pressured into drinking even though they wouldn't specifically do so. I think I've made it clear by now that's an environment I no longer wish to be in. I must add none of my drinking "mates" bothered to come visit at the hospital which was to be expected anyway.

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You’re deffo well shot of them klodian (sorry for spelling)

Cheers matey brings a smile to my face some real nice people on here.

alfredthegreat profile image

I think that it's because generally people presume that if anybody has a liver problem then it's down to drinking alcohol when quite a lot of people with cirrhosis don't drink. You can get heart, kidney,bladder,bowel problems and more from drinking alcohol but if you were to say to someone I have bladder problems or kidney problems they wouldn't straight away jump to the conclusion that it's caused through alcohol. Alf

in reply toalfredthegreat

Yea it's like people think the only single ailment that the liver can get is alcoholic cirrhosis

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I sometimes find myself guilty of saying I have liver fibrosis BUT I don’t drink! Perhaps I should then add, BUT I’m overweight due to being addicted to sugar and fatty things .😈. I don’t know anyone who is not addicted to something 🤔 There but for the grace of God go they 😇

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Everyone has their vice it's true. As intelligent sentient beings we just seem to succumb to bordem really easily and we psychologically look for things to stimulate us. Some good some bad. Oddly the bad ones always are the "good ones" lol. Dont get me wrong. If alcohol didnt cause me liver disease and wasnt bad for the health. I'd be picking up a nice bottle of red for tonight to drink while watching a good movie and honestly why the hell not? I'll never not like alcohol. I just recognize that alcohol is something my body cant take anymore of right now so I dont. I feel no shame in admitting the truth of that.

in reply toalfredthegreat

Too true atg

I think the stigma comes from the other 80 to 90 percent who think because they didnt get cirrhosis they must have drank less than you. That's the part that makes me want to drown them in it. I drank the least out of my heavy drinking friends and I'm the only who caught the bullet. But like you said it's just the lottery of it.

Garyvh profile image
Garyvh in reply to

Very very true!

Brett11 profile image

I originally started this post because I asked my mother if she has told any of the family about my disease. She said no because it’s an alcoholic disease and she is ashamed of it. I haven’t seen her side of the family for about 30 years. We are close 😂

I made her join a couple of forums and she realised its not just an alcy disease but she still won’t tell the family as they won’t understand.

in reply toBrett11

That's a real shame Brett, as they could/should be a good source of support? But if that's the way it is, then good on you for doing so well! 👍

GrandmaDylan profile image

I've never really been much of a drinker and my cirrhosis is due to autoimmune hepatitis. But I think there's too much pressure to drink. Every birthday card or plaque or even drinking glasses mentions prosecco or gin. I even saw a clock the other day saying "it's prosecco time" Gin is being pushed as trendy, there's every flavour of gin, rhubarb,violet, raspberry etc. I used to make damson gin as gifts for my family as damsons grew wild at the bottom of my garden. Funnily enough I never drank it just never crossed my mind 😵 anyway, sermon over. Deb

in reply toGrandmaDylan

So so right Debs


alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply toGrandmaDylan

Very true. My wife told me that when she went to buy birthday cards for me (she usually gets 2, one funny and one nicer, more personal type) that most of the funny ones had pints, or shots or wine on them and were to do with being plastered and the few without booze on them weren't really that funny.

in reply toalfredthegreat

So true!

Brett11 profile image

They even have mango wine over here.

in reply toBrett11

Opens the sluice gates at both ends?

in reply toBrett11

I love mango, well used to, for some reason it’s another of the forbidden fruits for me. Especially hard being brung up on the Rock 😠



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Miles, I know with grapefruits it prevents medications from being absorbed properly in the small intestine. My dad is diabetic and isnt allowed to eat them for that exact reason as it doeant let his meds get absorbed in. I wonder if the ban they gave you on mangos is for a similar reason?

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I’ve got quite a list of not allowed yes, grapefruit is a nono, it even says that on one of my tabs, coconut, mango, banana (I think). I need to find the bits of paper with these written down. My trouble is I only take notice when they are one of my favourites omg coconut water!!!


GrandmaDylan profile image
GrandmaDylan in reply toBrett11

Mango is my favorite fruit. I bought 4 last week!

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply toGrandmaDylan

Every second tree is a mango tree over here.

GrandmaDylan profile image
GrandmaDylan in reply toBrett11

I lived in Melbourne until I was six so maybe that's why I'm addicted to them. We lived in Cyprus for a while and you could just pick lemons, satsumas, oranges and figs from the branches overhanging the pavement...wonderful🍋🍊

in reply toBrett11

Oh how I love mangos. I have read the maganese in them is a no no for the compromised liver but i dont know how true that is to be honest. But I love them

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

How did the original post morph suddenly into mangos ? 🤷‍♀️ 😆

in reply toBrett11

I was just about to say that this is probably one of the longest post Ive seen so far. Its needs a map upon entry. Like a "Welcome to Brett's 10p Land" map of the theme park. "Walk this way to get to the mighty Athiest rollercoaster". "That way to get to Jesus ville for the kiddies." "This way to the mango appreciation centre and taste challenge" Oh and " dont forget to visit our liver shaped gift shop on your way out"


Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

The longest post in history was mine when I asked everyone how they came about their usernames. But this one is getting there.

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Lmao! or mango!

Nifty work Sherlock

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Well the amount of times you commented on my post. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out

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I believe in both freedom of expression and your right to have your beliefs. Remember though that this is a health forum and there are many of us here who are going through serious health issues. I have a right to say that I personally don’t believe that your Jesus made the medical advances that allowed me to survive my illness. I also note that you avoided the question about antibiotic resistance, why?

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Hmm hidden must be Jesus in disguise?

What do I know..

Don’t all shout at once. I know I know noothhing

Brett - more Fawlty Towers 😁


in reply to

Careful Milo, I have just purchased a second hand lighting conductor off eBay. No prizes for guessing which building. 🙏

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You got me again Mark, what are you talking about 😁 I just can’t keep up with your (obviously very clever) riddles 😁


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Have a word at QE, they might know a decent barber.

Think upwards, as in Spire.


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Strike me down Miles, perhaps it’s the meds and not the hair.

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Someone help me please!! ATG?

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Milo, engage brain or you will be struck down by lightning ⛈

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to

For lightning to strike somewhere.

in reply toalfredthegreat

Well I thought lightning was involved - but still don’t get it. Ah well, it’s obviously totally lost on me and I resign myself to not getting it 😁


in reply to

Miles I will need to spell it out, say the wrong things and you will be stuck down by lightning. My conductor has just been delivered, so I am more comfortable giving clarification. The reason for being cryptic was the shocking grasp of grammar from the individual who told me what I was dealing with. Strike me down Gov’, I finally got it off my chest.

in reply to

Aha thx - well u gotta mit waz a bit obtuse



in reply to

Obscure, check your ammonia levels?

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Lol I thought about saying that to you 🙂

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I sure you did not mean obtuse Milo, well I mean I hope not. I had to wait until the conductor was fitted, yup rubber shoes, before clarification. The man/woman/sheep/ass works in mysterious ways and I am in his cross hairs. 😇😇

in reply to

There are mysterious things out there.

Brett11 profile image

Yep. Don’t mention religion, politics or the war.

I mentioned the war once but I think I got away with it 😂

Faulty Towers

Please be my guest, freedom of expression.

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

Someone’s left the forum 😂

Roy1955 profile image

I was a heavy drinker but my last visit to a top consultant resulted in me being told that I have severe NAFLD and my cirrhosis might not be alcohol related. (or a combination of both).

Everyone just assumes it was alcohol and the stigma of what many see as a self inflicted injury never goes.

As I just told you in PM, I do not have his number, maybe you could share it on the forum. We all have certain questions to ask him/her/them/it?

He certainly is not helping with your grammar.

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

Yet again religion starts another war 😂

Can someone tell me a joke PLEASE??

in reply toBrett11

I went out dressed like a chicken last night and met a girl who was dressed like an egg. One thing led to another and the lifelong question was answered: it was the chicken.

Shashwoo profile image
Shashwoo in reply to


Grank profile image
Grank in reply to

Thank you for that lol 😂 on my way to see QEH liver consultant to find out what can be done about my 3cm HCC. Cheered us up no end!

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Omg it took me a minute to get it - blurry brainfog - well that’s my excuse, others - like my wife - oh and jojo 😁 - would just say I AM slow...

Good one klodian, never saw that one coming round the mountain.


in reply toBrett11

I was waiting for more of your gems Brett 😁


Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

Hey Miles,

What if your parents were metric? Would you have been named kilometres? Haha

in reply toBrett11

Blurry ell brett never heard that one.

But I know you knew that with your good SOH 😁

Darsmum100 profile image

It's the hypocrisy of heavy drinkers that drives me INSANE! There they are in the pub, or in their own living room, drink in hand, and they condescend with the likes of "I'm so proud of you", "You've done so well", etc, etc, until you want to shove their glass of booze where the sun don't shine! I don't need the likes of them to be proud of me, I'M proud of me and I'm sober when I say it!

in reply toDarsmum100

Go for it dars, but I don’t think you needed to beat about the bush so much...

Garyvh profile image
Garyvh in reply toDarsmum100

Brilliant! 👍

in reply toDarsmum100

Fucking amazing anaology

I am very blessed to have 4th stg for 7 years. Hope everything is ok with you!

X19Dave profile image

peoples stigma about it is due to themsaying it is self induced which is true but they are the people who do not have a life sit with there thumb up there ar** as they will not go out in case thet get run over

My wife got cirrhosis and she only drank about a 1/4 of a bottle of vodka a day and only for about a year whilst i was throwing 60 pints a week down my neck and I have no problems

Some people just need educating that there is more than the four walls they sit in


Mags72 profile image

I was diagnosed over a year ago and was ashamed to tell my brother's n sisters but after telling them and getting their support I don't give a dam who knows and what they think of me. My liver is probably better than those who judge me but continue to binge drinking.😁

Good on yer jm 😁👍

GrandmaDylan profile image

My daughters are 28 and 32 and my son is 30. They all drink but not on a daily basis. One of my daughters and my son are doing dry January and veganjanuary. My daughter said she's tried Gordon's and tonic which apparently alcohol free. It's 50p a can and she said it's made her realise how much they were spending on trendy gins.

PS Brett that’s worth more than 10p...


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