Hi All.
My apologies up front for a long message. I really need some help and advice.
For those who remember my story a while back about my teenage son and him shooting a laser in his eye last year. At the time he was legally blind in his left eye. I started drinking again in September. He was living with me full-time then. Long story short…he had a procedure done and he now has “driver license vision”. I quit drinking end of December.
I was sober for 6 - 7 weeks. Had complete FLT and all blood work and both my specialists could not believe how well my results were. Everything completely normal expect for GGT which was a level of 53. 50 and under is normal.
SO…in mid-February, my son takes a bath. I hear a loud bang. I ran upstairs and asked if he was ok. He didn’t make much sense but he replied. I thought maybe he was listening to music using his ear plugs.
I come downstairs and heard a very loud bang!! I ran upstairs yelling his name and he’s not responding! The door was locked and had to kick the door in.
There he was stiff as a board leaning against the toilet water tank with his eyes rolled in the back of his head. There was a large pool of blood to the right side of the toilet on the floor. If the toilet water tank didn’t stop him, he would have fallen through the glass shower door.
I started yelling and screaming. I grab him and he’s not responding!! I lay him down to give him CPR and he starts coming around.
I said, “What did you do? Where is the blood coming from?” He was completely out of it. I look at the back of his head and there’s 3 inch gash. When he passed out, he hit the back of his head on the corner of the window above the toilet.
He inhaled his deodorant!!! He wanted to see what would happen. WTH???
I race him to emergency. Called the ex to meet me there. 2 doctors and a nurse tells us and him he’s very lucky to be alive! Because the chemicals he inhaled makes your lungs slowly stick together.
Once he got him settled down and stitched up, not one person, ex or doctor asked if I was ok!
I was a freaking wreck!! I saw my son dying.
I started drinking again to get rid of that image, the pain and the horrible emotions.
I drank for 3 months straight…again. I finally stopped yesterday.
I now have liver pain and more importantly, which I never had before is spleen pain both on the left side of my rib cage as well as under my left shoulder blade. I get these shooting pains from time to time as well.
So my question is, will these pains settle down now that I’ve stopped drinking?
I’ve quit drinking for good. I now know what it feels like to seeing your child dying or close to it. So I’m strong enough to handle anything without alcohol.
However, I feel I may have really over done it this time and I’m worried.
I have a complete blood work being done in 3 weeks along with my first endoscopy, which now I’m very concerned about.
Any advice please?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story.