Hi there hoping someone can help or at least give me some ideas here ... so it started in January I was having a constant dull ache in my kidney areas it got worse at times but never went away . I went to the dr who said it sounded like a water infection although my urine test was clear apart from ketones ...anyway the dr gave me a cause of antibiotics what did nothing ... fast forward 4 months and the pain persists I developed what all I can compare them to are terrys nails ? On all ten fingers and toes and my calf’s are constantly twitching so I go to the dr again who this time orders me to have a cbc that came back I was low vitamin d everything else is apparently fine but I still have the dull ache constantly so I do the 8 week vitamin d and go back complaining about the pains and twitches and the dr referred me for a ultrasound I went back for the results and he just said all clear .. there is nothing really more we can do ? It’s now December Iv lost nearly 20 pounds since the start of this and I still have no clue what’s wrong with me at all ...
Any info would help ..terrys nails pos... - British Liver Trust
Any info would help ..terrys nails possibly

I'd seen pictures of Terry's, but nothing prepared me for the first time I noticed them on an actual person. I was paying for a sandwich and the cashier was a gal in her mid 50s. As I handed her my money, I noticed her nails.
There was a snowy white "frost" that appeared to be creeping unevenly around a third of the way across her nails from the cuticle. It was very distinctive and impossible to miss.
I saw this a second time on a homeless person downtown. Very striking and noticeable from several feet away.
I'm not a doc, but those (your photo) ain't Terry's! Hope whatever is causing your malaise passes soon!

Thankyou very much for the reply ... just so worried now
You don’t think so ?
Could be a vitamin B12 deficiency or other deficiency for that matter.
I have idiopathic progressive peripheral and autonomic neuropathy. My nails look like yours and i have numbness and tingling sensations. episodes of nearly fainting, nausea and fatigue. Took 16 years for me to eventually get a diagnosis from a neuromuscular neuropathist. All other dr's did not have a clue, i did find out that i also have and had much worse fatty liver and some fibrosis on a fibroscqn but all bloods normal. i believe the liver inflamation causes some autoimmune issues that cquse pre diabetes and nerve damage. Who knows but thats what i think after all these years.
Iv never heard of either ...will do some research. How have your been treating these conditions
There are no real treatments unless its definately autoimmune which benefits from steroids and immune suppressants. if its from glucose intolerance or full blown diabetes then good glucose control from diet and meds will stop or reduce progression. pre diabetes is something the medical community dont really do a good job with warning patients, a1c between 5.7 and 6.5 for a prolonged time is indicating glucose metabolism issues and the many problems it can bring.
Hello Khalid
Hope this find you well, I have had the same EXACT nails and symptoms that you mentioned and it driving me crazy since my blood work is all good except for vit D and some liver enzymes slightly elevated, would you please let me know if you figured it out?
Please save my life replying to my email
Dear Khalid1,
I'm NOT, so worried about your Nails, as the Pain you are in. This, coupled with your Weight Loss, 'sounds' like it needs further investigation. As a Kidney Patient, I had a Transplant in July 2013, can I ask you some questions please?
Firstly have you had a Kidney Scan, Secondly have you had a Kidney Biopsy- as small piece removed, for further examination? If the answer, to either of those questions, is No then ask for them to be done. By all means explain, your fears/ worries, and- if you think it might help- mention the Advice, that you have received, on here. Did you have any Medication changes at, or around, the time this pain started? You would be surprised, this IS often 'overlooked'.
I think that an idea, might well be, to keep a 'Diary' (or Note Pad) and record any, and all, symptoms. Note the Symptom, the Duration, the Severity, the Frequency and any 'Lasting' effects. Keep an Eye on any further 'unexplained' weight loss, or gain or any 'other' change in your Normal routine(s). For example, you 'Normally' get hungry at 1pm and now your 'ravenous' at ten thirty. You Normally 'poo' after Breakfast, now it's mid morning. You Normally have a coffee at ten, now it's eight fifteen. You 'suddenly' need a window Open, or a Heater put on. If these 'things' are Normal, for you, then don't worry but if they are Different- especially if there 'changing'- then keep a note.
When you see your Doctor/ Consultant(s) you can 'Present' this Document/ list, in a Polite way, to Back Up, your Concerns. I'm sure that, given your 'Evidence' (s)he will make a Referral, for further Tests. So long as you do NOT appear, to be, a 'Nuisance' then, I'm sure, Your Doctor(s) will listen, to your concerns Khalid1.
Will you let us know, how you Get On please? Sending you my
Warmest Wishes