Hi all,
Around a year ago my mum was admitted to A and E with decompensated liver due to alcohol. It was very hard to get her admitted despite numerous phone calls to the doctors and the ambulance because she had capacity. She had ascites, encephalopathy, oedema and was yellow all over her skin and eyes. She had a stint in intensive care and on a ward where we were told she had a decompensated liver. She was very lucky to recover from intensive care. Mum is very secretive with any engagement with services since she was discharged. Recently I have found out that my mum is drinking again. Last week when I seen her she had a very very dark tan from a trip in the UK. However, last time she seemed to tan very easily before the situation reached crisis point. As a family we are trying to address it but it's hard. My question is has anyone experienced this before with a loved one? How long until crisis point again? ( I understand everyone is different but I feel like I need to know) Does anyone know if the darkening of her skin (it isn't yellow and my dad is no where near as tanned and we haven't exactly had a hot summer) is a sign things are escalating?
Thank you to anyone that can answer any of these questions