I have been on the site a few times either asking a few questions about my mother in law, or reading posts to see how everyone else is doing.
The sad news is that my mother in law passed away on the 16th june.
She had been admitted to hospital with cellulitus in her leg. whilst she was in she had another drain, but complications where a vein was caught, she needed 3 pints of blood, but did improve.
The problem was because her kidneys started to struggle and her platelets were very low, the options for treatment were limited.
The doctors spoke to my mother in law and she asked to be let home on palliative c are.
She spent a week at home with family and passed peacefully in her sleep.
The illness did not get her down and she was always positive,.
Thank you again for support given when I needed it.
Gina x
This is a pic of my mother in law, me and hubby. she was always smiling x