Hello all;
I'm glad I've found this forum, as I've been very confused and anxious about my symptoms for a while now. About a year ago, I was diagnosed with fatty liver disease. At the time, I had abdominal pain, bad fatigue, increased bilirubin, and mildly increase AST/ALT. Since then, I've quit drinking and sugar, lost weight and force fed myself huge amounts of spinach, and my enzymes have improved, but what I want to know about is my VEINS. Around the time that this all started, I noticed that the veins in the backs of my hands were hugely swollen, and I also noticed I could clearly see all my blue arm and chest veins that I don't recall being visible before. My friends and family all told me that my swollen veins are normal, or tried to convince me that it was because I had lost weight (I had lost 10-15 lbs at the time). Now that I think about it, I notice that some other people have prominent veins in their hands and arms, so I'm starting to think it might be normal, but I just don't remember ever seeing the veins in the back of my hands before my liver troubles started last year. I just want to know: Is this normally something that's associated with liver disease? Should I be concerned about it?