I have all the symptoms of NAFLD and have had so since I was quite young. Before I was a teenager. My father was the same.
At around 30 years old I started to accumulate fat on my chest like my father had. He is now long passed. I think I have the same problem and believe it has to do with the liver. We never found what was wrong with him, he just died of heart disease.
I want to understand what kind of liver problems can I inherit. My liver function tests come back normal but I have all the symptoms of fatty liver ( to the T) and it was not doubt inherited. Can you be born with a deficiency in liver enzymes or something like that which causes fat to accumulate in my liver.
I have noticed tiny meals are the only way I can lose weight. No doubt it prevents overloading my liver. I do not drink or smoke. I have eaten healthy my whole life with the exception of eating bread as I grew up. Not even soft drinks.
What kind of liver problems could I have inherited?