Hi folks.The district nurse called again today to change my dressings on wounds from transplant op ( I'm nearly 11 weeks post op now) and there was only one tiny, tiny, tiny bit of blood showing on the dressing. Oh wow!! at long last!! Another step forward. I'm sure that by the time she calls again next tues the scar line will be completely healed. I'm so looking forward to a loooooooooooooong shower. Just got to get my back sorted now and then I can go hang gliding. Thinking about it though, as I've never hang glided in my life, darts may be a safer option, warmer too! lol. Wishing good things to happen to all of you. Alf
at last!!!!!: Hi folks.The district... - British Liver Trust
at last!!!!!

I am so so happy for you, truly I am thrilled. I jumped out of a plane twice, but never again so stick to the darts, please! Stay well, stay happy. Sending loads of virtual hugs and good wishes your way. What a blessing it is for folk to read this positively wonderful post.

Thank you Jaycee. We're both on cloud 9 this weekend, so fantastic when good things happen and when you've been ill or are ill these things mean so much more........ You jumped out of a plane??? Not once but TWICE!!!!!! Now that's what I call brave!! I think someone would have to push me out or I would just block the doorway a dithering wreck, shall I, shan't I, shall I, shan't I ??? Think it would definitely end with a shan't!! lol. Have a mega weekend. Alf
No backing out - the game of darts is included in the transplant games !
Look forward to seeing you at the next games.
I'd better get some practice in. Can I have the board on the floor? lol. Alf
Do you think you’re a bomb aimer alf!

'ey up me ol' cobber ! Best to use gravity where you can! lol.
Woohooooo! Congrats, Alf! That's fantastic news! (I'm with you on sticking with darts, ha!)
Thanks Fuzzy. Hey yes, I know my limitations! lol
Can you remember ALL of them me old chukka?

Too many limitations to remember them all, or even half of them. lol
You are making us all feel excited for you. Sounds like you have hit the goal post this week, next week it will be the winning goal.
Uuuggghhh alf - no shower for 10+ weeks - yuk....
Oh yes - forgot (joke)

I know! fed up with a flannel and bowl of water. Smells nice with a touch of Johnsons baby bath though (see I'm just a youngster at heart!). Tried a shower while wrapped round the waist in cling film. It was rubbish! I wouldn't bother trying it. I ended up with a wet, plasticky mess and my dressings were soaked! Ugh!!
Hahaha the mind boggles!
Seriously tho alf good news. That marathon is getting closer, or maybe we have a who can stay up (in the air) longest!

I'd win that one!
I forget what I was talking about hmmmm brain fog..