100 days dry!: Today marks 100 days... - British Liver Trust

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100 days dry!

farranccc profile image
41 Replies

Today marks 100 days without a drink for me and whilst this is not a major accomplishment for most people, it is for me!

I have spent most evenings since I was almost old enough to drink with a beer, wine or shot glass in my hand so am feeling quite proud of myself!

In parallel I have cleaned up my diet and stepped up the exercise regime - this week burning more than 7,000 calories in the gym.

As a result I feel physically and mentally better than I have for quite a few years.

Whilst it appears my liver might not have been the cause of my right upper quadrant pain I am 100% going to be looking after it from now on.

I won’t yet commit to total abstinence but I really will stick to minimal intake. Even tonight my wife suggested a glass of red with our first beef stew of the season and I declined as I really don’t fancy it anymore - it used to be my favourite combo!

Instead I will have a small portion of sticky toffee pudding as a little treat!! Yum!

Thanks to everyone who has put up with me and supported me over the last few months xx

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farranccc profile image
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41 Replies

Well done in doing this. It's a major achivement. The other thing I would try and do, is to look at your life style. You'll now find that the world is full of triggers. Adverts telling to to have a drink, watching TV, all of a sudden you'll become conscious of all those people drinking on the telly. "Rovers Return" the "Queen Vic" etc. And then there'll be your friends who will be telling you to have a drink, "After all, one's not going to kill you is it". Supermarkets can be terrible too. While it's pretty straight forward to avoid the drinks aisle, it's not so easy when it's there in front of you as soon as you walk in, and it'll be on special offer. Coupled with all this, there's normally a little monster who sits on your shoulder and tries to tempt you, "Go one, have a drink, you know you want to".

But 100 days is a bloody good start, soon it will be another 3-months that will have passed, and you would have gotten through Christmas.

On the 3rd December 2014 I had my last drink. So, I'll be having my own alcohol free celebration pretty soon.

Once again, well done.

farranccc profile image
farranccc in reply to

Richard, you have hit the nail on the head. Since I haven’t had a drink you realise how ingrained alcohol is to everything and every part of life.

Like you say; television, friends, supermarkets - it is everywhere and sucking you in unless you’re careful.

It is such an addictive poison but it is so widely accepted. Isn’t it weird how people laugh and joke about their hangovers and drunken antics and that of their young and old family members.

I know you do a lot of work with the BLT and I admire that - there must be so much more that can be done to warm people - I suppose, like everything else, it comes down to cash.

Wow - nearly 4 years for you! That is impressive. Does that little monster on your shoulder ever go away completely?

in reply to farranccc

Goood post fara

Ivve ddoone ((excusse typing ipad bug) neaarly 4 yeaas and my byuug id deead as a dodo 😀

Well done and yes you should be proud of yourself. Do please try to make it a lifetime commitment as it can be all too easy to slip back into the bad habit. So keep reminding yourself of how much better you look and feel and how well you are now looking after your body.... it deserves it.

Laura xx

farranccc profile image
farranccc in reply to

Thank you Laura xx

in reply to

Keep it goinng Laura,, great job.....

Miss_fab profile image

OMG well done you 👏👏👏👏 100 days is brilliant & a great accomplishment👍xx *pats you on the back* Don't underestimate what you've done and how strong you've become!!

I'm smiling as I'm writing this so happy for you 😁

Keep on going my friend you're doing amazing 👏

#newbeginings #hellofuture #thissoberlife 🍹😀🍹

G2018 profile image

100 days is great. Pleased to hear you’re feeling good for it. I’m at around 9 months now and feel fantastic.

Supermarkets are the worst. I can go for a meal or on a night out and know people will be drinking and that I really shouldn’t (my liver doesn’t need any extra work). However yesterday I go to Sainsbury’s and between the Halloween section and Christmas chocolate there’s an array of wine and spirits, all on special offer.

in reply to G2018

..... when you see those bottles just remind yourself they are full of liver rotting poison and the only person benefiting from you wasting your money on them is the chancellor of the exchequer. Save your money, save your liver, save your life !

in reply to

Save your money....


in reply to

Oops quel idiot I am Laura, you said that already. Now I'm word blind as well as having a foggy brain....


Well done to you all. My liver disease is caused by meds my Dr has given me over the years!!! Not drink related but have stopped any as it could cause more damage to an already enlarged liver

Love to you all Lynne xxxx

in reply to

Aw Lynne - that is truly awful. So what are they going to do? Are you going to have to have a t/p? Sorry my memory is such I can't remember - you haven't had a t/p already have you?



in reply to


I haven't had tips. Should I ask my consultant about it when I see him in November? I eat healthily, I do have the odd cake. I'm at a loss of what I can do to help my liver. I'm on slot of pain meds just to help me move about. Take care Lynne

in reply to

Tips = transplant? Lynne, to be honest I am the last person you should ask for "advice". I'm truly hopeless that's why it took 3 and a half years to get anything done! Aaagh.

I just meandered on burying my head in the sand and hoping everything would just go away and I'll be alright, honestly guv. But it doesn't work like that, well my body doesn't work like that! In retrospect I should have been MUCH more proactive - there, now is that advice? 😀

Taking into consideration your good diet have they said cause of pain? Isn't that what needs to be determined??? Go for it Lynne, nothing ventured nothing gained as they say.

Hope your pain goes away soon. I take prescribed codene 30mg. I'm allowed 1 tablet 4 times a day but get by on just 2 (my wife and daughter tell me off endlessly saying it's addictive and I musn't have them). I retaliate by saying you wait I hope you don't have a t/p. No I don't say that actually - but think it hahahaha 😀.

All the best and keep us informed, please. I find this forum has been so enlghtening especially as I am not allowed to drive and there is nowhere within walking distance to shop, etc etc and my wife works full time. I'm a "kept" man, i don't know why - I wouldn't bother 😀.

Bye Lynne



And in addition to other good posts don' t forget the money you save = holidays holidays holidays when you get better. And also holidays you will be able to remember Yippee!


My consultant said pain was caused by very enlarged liver causing the capsule around it to stretch, this is where the pain is as liver doesn't have nerves but capsule definitely does,,!! Take care. Lynne xxxc

in reply to

Hmm didn't even know i had a capsule- thought that was something you swalled as part of tests.... but then fundamentally its a liver issue? So do they have a plan of attack? Here's hoping!



in reply to

Hope so!!! Got my list of questions for consultant!!! Going to see diabetic nurse this morning to discuss my levels!!! Love and hugs to you and your family xxxx

in reply to

Aww you're so kind! Thank you. Im afraid I don't know your family status unless brain fog has set in again 😠 nevertheless the same to you 😀😁

Give em hell (not really but you know what I mean) diabetic nurses are usually really nice! Oops I don't mean nurses with diabetes but......



in reply to

I'm married and have two grown sons.

Definitely got type 2 diabetes!! Discussing with Dr what meds to go on. A bit fed up but I will keep smiling😁 take care

Echo67 profile image

Congrats, it's a big thing to do, 👍

Beture47 profile image

Well done

Sticky toffee pudding far superior

missunites profile image

Be proud of yourself, each and every day without the booze is an achievement

Garyvh profile image

Well done! You should be deservedly proud of yourself 👍

10 months has just passed for me and it didn't even register on the day!

The thing to watch out for moving forward, is complacency.

I'd stopped for nearly three years previously as I was just sick of the lifestyle and what I'd become.

Stupidly I got to that point of 'a little drink won't harm now'. I thought I'd nailed it and could take it or leave it by then.

But, ooh no! Two years later it had all snowballed again and I ended up in hospital with severe alcoholic hepatitis, and a diagnosis of cirrhosis.

Needless to say I haven't touched a drop since, and never will.

I like the sober me ☺

Well done on declining the red wine too.

Previously I'd have whacked half a bottle of Merlot in the stew then drank the rest 😂

farranccc profile image
farranccc in reply to Garyvh

That is great advice, thanks Garyvh

And completely with you on the Merlot and stew!! 😂

Will3 profile image

Well done farranccc 100 days is great going. I came to this forum ultimately through alcohol misuse and i’m Just so humbled that the people here without alcohol problems accept me.

Roy1955 profile image

If you dont have that first one you will never have to go through having another last one!

100 days is fantastic.

Beauport profile image

Yes, Garyvh has hit it on the head when he talks about the danger of complacency. I gave up alcohol at one time and was totally abstinent for 4 years. BUT complacency set in, I allowed myself the occasional glass of wine and fairly soon I was back on the booze big time, gradually increasing my intake until the point where I was carted off unconscious to A&E and diagnosed with cirrhosis. And no, that black dog on your shoulder whispering to you that one drink won't hurt NEVER totally leaves you. So we'll done on those 100 days but be for ever on your guard. 🤗🤗

Will3 profile image
Will3 in reply to Beauport

I did that a few times, it just creeps up on you again, doesn’t take long.

A wise old man in AA used to say to me “play the tape forward, see how it ends”

farranccc profile image
farranccc in reply to Will3

Love that quote. So very true...

in reply to Beauport

Beau, maybe I'm unusual but i never think that one more wont hurt me for 4 years now. I guess it was all the heartache in the years prior to that that makes me like this. And im GLAD 😀



Beauport profile image
Beauport in reply to

Twosmiles you are, I think, much as I am. It's 21 months now since that dreadful day when I nearly ended up in that eternal pub in the sky. That memory serves me well. ☺

Wass71 profile image

So glad for you farrancc!! Well done, every day without alcohol is worth patting yourself on the back. I wish with all my heart I could have helped my sister to make that brave change. She was unaware how ill she was, and found out too late and died within weeks of being diagnosed with alcohol related liver failure. She was 41! Its always worth reminding yourself the reasons you've stopped, and how life changing it is.

You should be super proud of yourself!! Please stick with it, and you have a positive future to look forward too!!

Stay well,


in reply to Wass71

Oh my how sad. It's almost impossible to persuade someone they're going to hurt themselves isn't it? I remember my mother endlessly telling me off in my 50s! But I'd just smile and have another. Oh me miserim.



Sillymo profile image

Fanbloodytastic you star I so admire your bravery. 🤘🤘🤘❤

Congrats my friend

farranccc profile image
farranccc in reply to

Thank you ALL so much for the multitude of messages!

I am totally overwhelmed!

In comparison to what many of you guys and gals are going through my achievement is minimal but all of the support encourages me to continue to abstain and the warnings about having ‘the odd one or two’ are warmly received.

Thank you again, C xx

Poobear69 profile image

That’s brilliant news! Many congratulations! After a lifetime of alcohol abuse I am 13 months sober and three months post transplant 👌. You have taken a HUGE step and should be very proud. Keeping going mate!

Yokoohno profile image

Youre awesome! I understand completely! Forward march and Gods blessings

Beauport profile image

You're a shining example of how it's done! You are amazing. Keep on keeping on my friend! 🤗🤗

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