hi had liver biopsy 6 weeks ago finally got my results it was good news no cirrhosis, it did show that i have a congested liver and they are just going to repeat fibro scan next year .i am still in lots of pain and cannot eat anything that is not healthy i am so confused about my symptoms as i have fatigue bouts of itching dry mouth lots of symptoms that come and go, is a congested liver anything to be concerned about , would this cause my symptoms the consultant didn't seem concerned about it he said that sometimes it can be down to heart failure and he thinks the pain is osteoporosis in spine so have to have bone scan. is there anyone on here with a congested liver so they could tell me if they suffer any symptoms from this cannot find out much about it .
liver biopsy results: hi had liver... - British Liver Trust
liver biopsy results

What other follow up is planned if they are suggesting you might have heart failure too? Seems strange to give you this diagnosis and not follow it up. From a very quick read about Congested Liver or Congestive Hepatopathy it certainly seems a condition that will give you symptoms of various types and require a degree of monitoring and treatment. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conge...
What type of consultant were you seeing? Might be worth asking for referral to a liver specialist or at least having a long discussion with your GP about where you go from here.
All the best, Katie
Thank you for your reply i am seeing a gastroenterologist/hepatologist i have seen a heart specialist in the past due to having chest pain, my gastro /liver dr says it would have been picked up then and basically that was it. i don't know if anything else other than heart failure could cause the liver to be congested but as you say i will have to speak to my gp about it as have not got another appointment until next year and that will be just for another fibro scan .thanks one again for your reply much appreciated .
Could you phone consultant's secretary and try and get your appointment brought forward, it might be worth a try . Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

thank you for your reply lynne i have seen my consultant this week i should have asked more questions but i get nervous and didn't say much i will go and have a chat with my gpto see if i can get more answers.
all the best .
Hi Lemo
I have never heard of that particular problem. I had a blocked portal vein in liver (where else can it be?) which caused all sorts of problems, maybe some similar to yours?
I agree wholeheartedly with Katie and Lynne - dont leave it. Get to Gp and tell him/her how you feel and all your worries. Take along a print of this posting as a reminder and show it to them if necessary.
All the best

hi twosmiles no i don't think there is a lot known about it i have not had a lot of replies so i don't think it can be a common thing, i don't even know if it is classed as a liver disease confused to say the least but thank you for your reply
all the best .