I was diagnosed with fatty liver and hepatomegaly (enlarged liver) early November. I am continued to drink on and off. I make it a week and relapse but this is the last time I'm going through this. I can't believe I drank again and feel stupid and very scared about symptoms. I need help and am reaching out to anyone going through now or previously gone through anything similar. The power of addiction is scary but i now realize I cannot put my self in any type of temptation. It seems this has happened to my stomach before but only with lots of hard liquor not only beer like I drank last night. I have to surrender to higher power and am going to AA Monday.
Liver pain and stomach cramping - British Liver Trust
Liver pain and stomach cramping

I’m sorry your going through. Hard time but I am Please you have decided you need help. You have made steps in the right direction! Unfortunately I am unable to give you advice regarding your addiction but there are people on here that can. They will let you know who they are and how they fought/are fighting the demon on their shoulder!
Please talk to someone/GP/support group/friends/family. I know there is only one way your going to survive all of this and they may with the support of people around you!
Good luck! Really the best of luck!!
I massively recommend 'Smart Recovery' online help with drink and drugs and also there are Smart meetings all over the country. It is secular (non religious) and was the only thing that has stopped me drinking after 18 years and rebuild my life. I havent had a drink or wanted to for 4 years now. I have cirrhosis but it doesnt cause me any problems or pain. Smart recovery is brilliant for family and friends too.
Hi. I'm the widow of an alcoholic. However he was dry for the last 3 months of his life thanks to the help of the Mathews project in Norwich. He had 1 to 1 councelling at home which I cannot fault.
He was referred by his GP.
Keep yourself busy. Find new interests. Get plenty of fresh air and exercise. Drink water. Keep away from pubs and the alcohol shelves in supermarkets!!
Best of luck
Okay, the temptation of alcohol. One drink won't cut it. Anymore than one is going to cause damage. So don't have a drink. It sounds too simplistic but it worked for me. I won't be drinking anytime with my cirrhosis. Owe it to the caring nhs not to do it. Good luck golfpro.
It's not the power of addiction. It's the power of a long-ingrained habit that is keeping you drinking. Habits are hard to break.
Break the habit.
Yep.... been there my friend as my liver was getting worse always had pain when I drank a lot. I have 2 yrs sobriety with cirrhosis I never thought I could stop ending up going to rehab and a lot of aa meeting...you can do it. Just remember one day at a time. I hope all the best for you never give up.
Thanks for encouragement! I have been sober six days and am on my way to celebrate recovery as I type this. The pain is gone but I can still feel that's inflammed but getting better. I'm praying I have not done major damage. I had MRI in early November with no cirrhosis and slightly elevated enzymes. I've been drunk on beer only approximately 6 times a month for 3 months but never drank more than 2 times in any 7 days and never two days in a row. Taking it one day at a time. I don't know what caused stomach cramps and diarrhea. Maybe gastritis? It's gone and I'm so thankful cause it's wasn't fun. I was really sick for 3 days but no vomiting which was good. I had that once before and hope to never have it again. I've also lost over 20 lbs thru exercise and diet. Also been taking supplements that are supposed to help considerably.