Fibroscan result : Hi I’m new to the... - British Liver Trust

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Fibroscan result

Tommo10 profile image
13 Replies

Hi I’m new to the group had Fibroscan this week result was 5.6 kph doctor said all good are these tests accurate as been heavy drinker over the years?

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Tommo10 profile image
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13 Replies
tinkabell3 profile image

My understanding is that 5.6 is within the normal range.

Found from a quick google search x

The fibrosis result is measured in kilopascals (kPa) It’s normally between 2 and 6 kPa. The highest possible result is 75 kPa. Many people with liver disease(s) have a result that’s higher than the normal range.

Hi Tommo, although these tests results do look promising, I would like to err on the side of caution here. Some years ago when I had my drink problem, my then GP ordered up a LFT test. The results came back pretty bad. I stopped drinking for 6-months and had the LFT test run again. The way the GP explained the latest set of results was so wrong, she just said, "Oh, your liver is looking a lot better". I took this to mean that I could go back to drinking again. People who do have a serious drink problem and manage to quit, don't need much of an excuse to restart again. So it's so easy to slip back into old habits by someone giving us a false positive.

Going back to what tinkabell has explained, your results are just 0.5 kph off being the wrong side of good. So I think this is your wake-up call my friend. It seems like alcohol has been a major part of your life for some time now. You may need to see about getting some help and support in quitting. I'd seriously think about doing this as I can definitely assure you that alcohol-related liver disease is a terrible road to have to go down.

Good Luck

farranccc profile image
farranccc in reply to

That is interesting as the ‘normal’ range for a fibroscan is 4kpa to 7kpa as I understood it. The median is 5.3 in healthy adults so your comment about 0.5kpa doesn’t seem right, Richard?

In Tommo’s case, 0.5kpa would take him to 6.1 which is pretty normal by all accounts but could then indicate F0 to F1 at worst. Currently it is pretty bang on I would say!

I understand that all tests (blood, scans, biopsies, etc) have a range based on population testing so some people will always have to be at the higher end of the range. It doesn’t necessarily mean there is something wrong - just that their score / result is higher than the average population.

We need to be mindful on this forum of how things are positioned. People come here for facts and reassurance and sometimes a pessimistic response can cause a huge amount of worry and anxiety.

Cheers for now

in reply to farranccc

I feel this is where things become dangerous. I am not qualified to interpret fibroscan readings nor I suspect are any other people who frequent this site. Dr Google can be a good sauce of information, but care needs to be taken as scores and reading results may differ from country to country, and I suspect different scorse also have a baring on what type of virus or liver disease is suspected.

What should also be remembered is that a fibroscan will just show up any inflammation or stiffness in the liver. You will also find that a fully trained operator, (can be a grade four nurse) isn't qualified to interpret the findings. The ELF blood test with markers is becoming a far more realiable method of identification, but as yet not all hospitals have this facility.

This is one of the reasons why this site doesent approve of peoples readings being shared on here.

farranccc profile image
farranccc in reply to

I agree to a point but again you seem to be pretty pessimistic to Tommo’s result and question the integrity of the fibroscan.

The purpose of this site is not to diagnose but it is to give people a safe place to share their concerns and fears and allow them to get some support and reassurance.

The test results can only be interpreted by your dr or consultant who see the whole picture and I know for sure we don’t have the skills or permissions required to challenge the effectiveness of tests that help our doctors build that picture.

GrandmaDylan profile image
GrandmaDylan in reply to farranccc

Tommo, I am not medical but have cirrhosis not due to drinking but we don't know the cause as yet. All I can say is if someone said that I could have reduced my chance of developing cirrhosis by stopping whatever was likely to cause liver problems I would have done it in a heartbeat. Please try to cut down on your alcohol. Maybe drink to the recommended units and have days where you don't drink. I don't want to sound preachy but you're obviously concerned about your results, look on it as a reprieve, I wish I could.

in reply to farranccc

Thank you for pointing out to me what the purpose of the site here is about. I had no idea. I thought it was about offering advice and sharing information. When you've been here for a while and have read other peoples experiences, you'll realise that medical science is never an exact science. There are always differences to be considered as no two cases are the same. The human error factor is always an element that has to be factored in too.

Going back to my original comments about Tommo’s condition. I am merely pointing out that results aren’t always black and white. I happen to have a lot of faith in the Fibroscan device and this is why you’ll find me next week at the “Love your Liver” roadshow in Derby on Monday, Stoke-on-Trent on Tuesday, and Wolverhampton on Wednesday. I also intend to be in Wrexham in November. I have been trying to campaign for a mobile Firbroscan for my local area and wish to raise the £85,000 (£70,000 for the scanner and £15,000 for the XL probe). But so far no one is interested. (Local hospital, local council, local MP’s none of these are interested and the local death rate due to liver disease in my area continues to rise year on year).

What I am trying to point out is that the fibroscan is a wonderful first line starting point in identifying possible liver damage. However, it is limited in what it can do. Further tests and advice should always be give, especially if someone has a specific medical history such as high alcohol intake, obesity, or potential Hep C, etc.

If I was Tommo I’d use this as a wake-up call and take a long hard look at my life style.

farranccc profile image
farranccc in reply to

Richard, you are missing my point.

Tommo’s result at 5.6 is pretty good I thought given the average for normal healthy people is 5.3.

Of course he should think about the impact of ‘heavy drinking’ on his life and liver but currently the fibroscan result is not showing any issue. Maybe bloods or ultrasound are indicating something different but we do not know.

Your initial ‘wrong side of good’ comment was negative and would cause worry when in my mind his result is ok.

See you in Wolves on Wednesday.

in reply to farranccc

Thank you once again for pointing out my failings.

farranccc profile image
farranccc in reply to

You’re being childish now!

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to farranccc

Ladies, ladies, ladies. Put your broomsticks down and both of you sit in the corner. Neither of you can come out until you apologise to each other.

farranccc profile image
farranccc in reply to Brett11

I’m sorry and I will not be mean again

I’m sorry and I will not be mean again

I’m sorry and I will not be mean again

I’m sorry and I will not be mean again

Happy Sunday everyone!

Hi Tommo

A FibroScan test is only one of a range of different tests to determine the health of your liver. It is really only your own doctors who have the full knowledge of your overall health who can advise you.

Best wishes

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