Hi everyone I am new here and I would like to share some of my feelings with you here in this form. Any of your thoughts are appreciated . My partner's latest Fibroscan score ( 6.6 kPa) was higher than he had the year before ( 4.8 kPa ) . His recent liver enzyme test was normal, but he is worrying that this might progress into fibrosis as anything above 6 kPa is considered abnormal. Two years ago his ultrasound showed a mild fatty change in his liver ,his ALT was above the normal range . His diagnosis was NAFLD/NASH., but after excercising and dieting he was happy that his liver enzymes were back to normal and second Ultrasound showed no fat. He has never been overweight , he just carried some excess weight around the abdomen. In one month he dropped in size from 75 kg to 65kg which he thinks that this rapid weight loss has made his condition worse. Importance of loosing weight gradually and slowly is well documented in medical reports and NHS website. Naturally he is upset and angry with his doctor not telling him about this. He is extremely anxious and depressed , he is refusing to take any antidepressants as this could make his liver worse. He has done everything necessary by changing his lifestyle and was hoping to get a good result with the Fibroscan which is regarded the latest reliable tool of measuring the liver stiffness. Unfortunately the result was 2 score up from his last reading under almost a year. Now he believes he has no hopes left and his condition will progress further. I am trying to keep his spirit up but he is chronically depressed and I don't know how or what else I could do.
Higher Fibroscan Result Less than a year - British Liver Trust
Higher Fibroscan Result Less than a year

I can understand his frustration with the situation of it all. I had a fibroscan just before Christmas and it was 8.2, then had another fibroscan about a month ago and it was 12.2. I'm not sure what this means for me long term as I'm only 36. I had a liver biopsy 6 weeks ago and started on a clinical trial 3 weeks ago for NASH. I've been told i have stage 3 fibrosis and non infectious hepatitis. So hope I'm not taking the placebo as I don't know how quick my liver disease will progress. My liver was fine as far as I know until i had a hysterectomy last April 😥

Thanks for replying. I prey that you will get the most necessary help and support during these hard times for you. Could you please tell me why in the first place they performed a Fibroscan test . What were you diognised with ? Were your liver enzymes high? I am reading about some promising trial drugs that they are not yet available as they are still in progress but hopefully soon an aprooved drug will be available for NASH.
It was by chance after hysterectomy as i had to have repeat blood tests because i was anaemic before my hysterectomy and had iron transfusion when I had the op. That showed my liver enzymes as being high i had a few abnormal blood tests and was referred for an ultrasound of my liver which showed scarring - so the rest followed that xx

Dear Clairew, I wanted to ask you something. How was your liver enzymes when you had a Fibroscan score of 8.2? Thanks
Hi, according to British Liver Trust's repot , drinking moderate amount of coffee can lower or slow the progression of liver disease in some patients. At least 2 cups a day is recommended . I am not sure if you like drinking coffee but it might worth trying.
Hi although the fibroscan result is higher than before I understand it's not so accurate at the median levels. I don't think many doctors would be unduly concerned at that level. Rapid weight loss can cause increases in liver enzymes ggt but don't think it affects fibro scores. Obviously I'm not a doctor but doesn't sound like a major issue. Are there other factors? Medication etc?
Hi, thanks for your reply. I came across while reading an article on the internet about the interpretation of the Fibroscan results and the possible overestimated higher scores, but unfortunately I am finding it difficult to comfort my partner about his increased levels as he sees it not a good outcome. He is not taking any medications , in fact he is avoiding any anti depressant drugs in case it makes his liver worse. He has been taking Milk Thisle tablets on and off for about a year. What is your view on that? Do you think they work? Maybe it's silly to ask but if he is under a great stress could this be also contributing factor?..I know that stress can cause a great deal of changes in the body with the release of cortisol hormone. Some studies suggest that high cortisol levels creates inflammation in our bodies . Of course, I am not sure how much of this we can relate to his condition directly.
I took milk thistle for a while-no real benefit to the liver but it had a placebo effect. I really wouldn't worry over much at this stage. Stress doesn't help but it wont effect the liver