Hi everyone, I had LFT done at GP surgery last week and the result was "satisfactory". I have a had a good few LFTs over the years and I've always had positive results. However, I have a very fatty liver with fibrosis so, I'm wondering what is the point of the LFT?
Liver Function tests: Hi everyone, I had... - British Liver Trust
Liver Function tests

I'd be tempted to go into doctors and either see on screen or get a print out of the actual results. This satisfactory is usually what GP tells receptionist to report back but it can just mean 'satisfactory' in light of your known condition whereas in a person with no known liver illness they might be elevated and of concern but because they know you have a liver condition already even if not 100% good they are satisfactory. It's a good question about the value of LFT tests as it's only the working bit of the liver that provides these results - my hubby with known cirrhosis often has LFT results which come back all within range.
I'd go and see the actual figures and see what if anything are raised, low etc.
My consultant comments LFT's in range with a dry 'your liver is currently not inflamed.'
Thanks Katie, I suppose my consultant will be aware of the latest LFT results. She's great and very approachable. I might e-mail her 're this. Thanks again.
The only thing you can do at this point is to stop drinking, totally, if you need some help to stop..see, someone. Please do what Katie told you and get copies, maybe seeing what you are actually doing to your liver will let you know how serious things are. When doctors tell us things are satisfactory, we really don't know how bad things really are.