Worried and looking for info - British Liver Trust

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Worried and looking for info

Worri profile image
16 Replies

Hi. I found this site recently and this is my first post. I should preface this with the fact that I have health anxiety and tend to move from panicking over one thing to another. But people with anxiety can get sick too.

I started feeling some mild nausea a week or so ago. It’s nothing major, I haven’t actually vomited or even thought that I was going to. It’s just very uncomfortable. Still eating normally, no weight loss. Because it was going on for a while, I googled it and one of the causes listed was liver disease.

I’m a 36 year old female. I do drink alcohol, and probably a bit too much. I never thought it was a major problem until recently, but I tend to exceed the 14 units a week limit. Maybe taking it up to 20 or so. Sometimes more sometimes less. I do try to have a few no drink days every week though.

Since reading about this I have become convinced that I’m really ill. It’s basically taken over my life. Every unoccupied moment is taken up researching and trying to reassure myself. I’ve cut back my alcohol intake; only 6 units this week and that’s just because my parents keep giving me drinks and being confused when I say no and I don’t want them to know that I’m worried or they’ll get angry.

After reading about symptoms I started experiencing a slight discomfort in my upper right abdomen. It feels like a pulled muscle and isn’t all the time. The nausea comes and goes and has returned today after two days of being gone.

I noticed while examining my eyes that the whites look slightly yellow in parts. Not all over, but only when I pull down the bottom of my eye and look at the part you can’t normally see. They are also a little bloodshot though and I’m not sure whether that could explain it. If blood has leaked out and created a bruise like thing. I’m not sure if that happens. Other parts of my eyes are white. Does jaundice always cover the whole of the eye or does it start in part and then spread? If it spreads how long does it take?

My urine appears a normal colour but first thing in the morning the yellow is much darker than the rest of the day. I can’t talk to anybody in real life because I know they won’t take me seriously.

I have a doctors appointment in three weeks and if this is still worrying me I’m going to bring it up then but I can’t get in any sooner and in the meantime I’m in panic mode all the time.

What do you guys think? Is my anxiety justified here or am I just making myself ill with worry?

Sorry for the long post.

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Worri profile image
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16 Replies

You must see your gp and tell them what youve just said. Good luck.

Worri profile image
Worri in reply to

Thank you but I’m going to see my gp. I can’t get in for three weeks. I’m wondering whether what I’ve described sounds like something I should be worrying about as much as I am, and whether jaundice appears in part of the eye or all.

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Worri

Sadly it sounds like your health anxiety is getting the best of you here, whilst you may have something going on the constant researching is making you go looking for and convincing yourself you have symptoms. It doesn't sound like you have jaundice in your eyes - if you have to go looking for jaundice you most likely don't have it as your eyes would be really yellow.

I think you are developing symptoms due to the stress you are putting yourself under.

I can't start to understand health anxiety but you do need to calm yourself down and await your doctors appointment to discuss your concerns.

If you want to be proactive with regards to your liver health in the interim have a look at the British Liver Trust page on "Looking after your liver" at:- britishlivertrust.org.uk/li...

It might be worth further reducing your alcohol intake and watching your diet going forward to give your liver the best chance of health.

All the best, Katie

Worri profile image
Worri in reply to AyrshireK

Thank you. I don’t understand health anxiety either, it’s something that’s come on me recently, developing after my brother passed away about three years ago. I’m definitely reducing my alcohol intake, and trying to eat healthily. I’ll take a look at the site, thank you for the link.

in reply to Worri

I think you need an urgent appointment so you can have any tests and set your mind at rest as soon as possible.

Porphyriamaniac profile image

Hi worri, all you can do is see your gp, we can only give you our opinions. A bit of nausea could be caused by anything or nothing, could even be down to anxiety? I've got liver disease and for reference my urine looks like steeped black tea on a good day, it's not just a bit more yellow of a morning(I could post a pic of my urine but that would be gross 😉). Also the link below is what a jaundiced eye looks like goo.gl/images/Luy8dt. I honestly think you are ok worri, I'm not a Dr though so do go see yours and put your mind at rest. All the best to you. Xxxx

Worri profile image
Worri in reply to Porphyriamaniac

Thanks. Yes anxiety can cause nausea, as well as many other symptoms. Thank you for the information. I’ll try to calm myself down and wait until I can speak to a doctor.

Hello Worri,

Welcome to the forum where you will be able to get advice and support from others with experience of liver disease. You have had some very helpful and supportive replies, however, this is not a medical forum and none of the members are qualified to diagnose or give specific medical advice. Below I have put a link to the Forum Guidelines.

To avoid misinterpretation and undue concerns, your symptoms can only properly be understood by a qualified medical practitioner with full knowledge of your unique medical history and circumstances.

Please don’t be discouraged from using the forum as there are members with a great deal of understanding and knowledge of living with liver disease as a patient or carer. They will be able to give you the benefit of that experience with understanding and empathy that can only come from those with first hand involvement.


Volunteer Moderator


inwonderment profile image

What on earth? This just sounds like anxiety. So bizarre.

It's good that you've recognised that you have been drinking too much and have cut down. I think if you stop completely and not putting any more toxins in your body you will not only start to feel better but will also stop fretting over what might be wrong with you.

When your parents offer you drinks refuse them saying you've heard about the damage alcohol does to your liver and other major organs and therefore want to give up.

Yes do get checked out by your GP hopefully you are worried about nothing or any damage the alcohol may have caused is minimal and can be reversed by abstaining permenantly.

So calm down and just enjoy a happy healthy life 😃

Faithfull profile image

All I can say to u is you made the first step in fear coming on here I had given up and was in fear if I got a reply as in case I got told off as I addmitted everything I had done bad and I thought at one stage I was and still am going insane please listen to the people on here they will not get angry you are not alone I have no answers because I think that mine is all in me head and I'm a hypercondriac and I can't spell bless your heart look after.yourself .

kurtymac profile image

Many find themselves here because they read and find out they drank more than they should. All though not too much, it's still above the weekly limit and you're also female. Females metabolize alcohol at a slower rate, differences in physiology. Get some blood work, that's the best way to tell at this point in time. Chances are you dont have liver damage. Health anxiety and drinking dont mix. It's kind of a domino effect to be honest. Drink to forget about the anxiety, then you get more anxious, which causes you to drink more, then rinse and repeat. If you feel sick or you subconsciously feel that drinking is affecting your health. Then chances are it is, both mentally and physically. Get some blood work and also try to catch yourself when you feel like you need to take that drink to calm down. Say to yourself, "not this time, I know this game and all it's going to do is make things worse". Trust me, health anxiety can make you see symptoms that nobody else can. It can also cause us to pick up bad habits for as a clutch.

It is perfectly normal to have stronger yellow coloured urine in the morning and indeed in the summer months. The colour yellow is stonger due to the fact that your urine has become more concentrated overnight. It becomes a lighter colour during the day as you drink more and the urine gets more diluted. A sample given to your GP, if asked for one, will clear that up instantly. During the summer, when it is hotter, also results in darker coloured urine for many people since they don't drink enough fluids and the urine becomes more concentrated in colour.

Yellow in the eyes from jaundice is not something you need to look for, it doesn't occur like a gradual staining and it is easily visible to anyone looking at you (I have been jaundiced).

Bearing in mind you brother died 3 years ago and you say that this health anxiety started after that, it seems very likely that you have not come to terms with your brother's death and it is this issue that needs to be dealt with. Once your doctor has reasssured you that your physical health is fine (I am of course guessing here), it could be worth asking them to refer you to a counsellor to help deal with the anxiety. Bloodshot eyes suggests you are not getting enough sleep or useful rest. Rather than using Dr Google, use the time to do some yoga or read or whatever you find relaxing. It should calm your mind and make the wait for the GP appointment easier.

I realise this may seem very direct, especially since I don't actually know you, but I have your best interests at heart and wish you all the very best going forward. Try to be kind to yourself :)

Hey there, I know what its like to have crippling anxiety and panic. It does sound like your letting it convince you that ypu have symptoms you do not have. Anxiety as you know can be a crippling illness. Seeing your doctor will put your mind at ease and you need to get help to treat your underlying disorder which is anxiety. This is impotant because someday you may get sick and you will have a hard time coping if you cant get that part in some check trust me I speak from experience. Now as far as your drinking there are members on this site that are so against alcohol that they will try and tell you to be a teetotaler even if you were drinking 1 beer a month. Some have had horrible experiences with alcohol or have lost somrone to it. So I get it and I dont. Alcohol isnt the devil. It can be a quite pleasurable and enjoyable experience as long as it is not abused. If you are finding yourself treating your anxiety with alcohol than there is a problem. I treated my panic disorder with it for a long time and ended up in some trouble. So definately get the anxiety dealt with and keep the drinking in proper moderation and only in social happy settings. Never use it in dark sad places of the mind to cope. Doing that will surely give you qlchol dependance and big health issues down the road. Keep us posted and march on lil soldier 😊

Poobear69 profile image

I'm not going to speculate as to whether or not you have liver disease as that is a job for your GP.

I do, however, feel that you should go to your GP and be honest and open. Ensure they you get your liver function tested and take it from there.

I'm 7 weeks post transplant and didn't know I was so ill until I collapsed and rushed to hospital. I was diagnosed with end of life stage for liver disease. Your liver can and will recover if the damage is contained. Get to your FP asap.

I hope that all goes well for you in the future. Pleas do let us all know how you've fared.



tsnyder73 profile image


I also have health anxiety. I have been able to get it under much more control in recent months. This website, and the one I linked to, have been very helpful for me.

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