Shake me by the shoulders and tell me ... - British Liver Trust

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Shake me by the shoulders and tell me to calm down ...

Lobby67 profile image
22 Replies

Hi team,

I am an overweight heavy drinker but in September had excruciating pain upper right etc, hospital ER stated suspect gallstones decreased liver function. Go home speak to GP.

Ceased all alcohol, started Slimming World diet. A number of further attacks up till Christmas, second set of bloods, scan shows gallstones, but no obstruction of the duct. Blood levels going down.

Between Christmas and new year, a few absolutely horrendous attacks left me hospitalised for 5 days. By this time bloods all elevated bright yellow skin and eyes and exhaustion from not eating for 5 days. A course of antibiotics and sent home to wait for gallbladder to calm down as it was now inflamed. Appointment with surgeon in April. I’ve not really had another bad attack since but not eating much either.

26th Jan I started getting continuous pain rather than waves and started throwing up anything I did eat. Went to Dr on 28th who took some blood and sent me home with anti sickness and strong painkillers, I told him I thought the jaundice was coming back and he said it was ‘ power of suggestion’ and I’m not jaundiced.

I’m now sat here at work with a water bottle on my side, yellow eyes and skin (not in my imagination) and horribly pail stools.

I can’t go back to GP because he said I wasn’t jaundiced a couple of days ago. My blood and urine tests will more than likely be in on Monday which will hopefully tell me what’s going on.

Suppose I’m just asking for reassurance that I’m not going to pop my clogs if I wait until then? ....... ?

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Lobby67 profile image
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22 Replies
CocoChannel profile image

Try and keep calm until Monday and at least you’ll have an idea of what’s going on. You can always call 111 and ask for advice plus you can go back to your GP.

I was an overweight heavy drinker, but like you I had a few health issues and stopped drinking altogether - all turned out well. Give yourself credit for stopping the alcohol and see what these results mean what happens next. Good luck and try not to worry 👍

Dazakella2010 profile image

I would stay calm but also I would not leave it.... if you feel that your not getting the medical care you need and feel that they are not taking you seriously then I would go to A&E..... this is your life and you do not deserve to be left like this! Something is obviously not right and it needs sorting out.

Laura009 profile image

Be interesting to see if your jaundice is noticed at Monday's appointment. If you are jaundiced, it is unmistakeable and should not be ignored, it shows your liver is struggling to function as it should. Hopefully you will get some answers on Monday and be treated accordingly.

Best of luck


Dazakella2010 profile image
Dazakella2010 in reply to Laura009

It could also mean that the gallstones have become infected or lodged!

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to Dazakella2010

Very true

Lobby67 profile image
Lobby67 in reply to Dazakella2010

But if I’ve only just finished a course of antibiotics (2.5 weeks ago) can I get an infection so quickly?

Dazakella2010 profile image
Dazakella2010 in reply to Lobby67

Anything is possible..... if you know that something isn’t right with tour body be persistent.... good luck

LHR007 profile image

Hi I think the other replies are good advice, Im quite new to the forum however in my albeit short experience of Liver issues (approx 6 weeks) if you don't feel right pursue it! Ive come across various contradictions in advice from GP to hospital. Hope you get some peace and answers soon

Lobby67 profile image

Thanks guys. You have all been great. I am on a late shift tomorrow that should keep me busy, if Dr calls me on Monday I will do my best Marge Simpson impersonation for him !! 😄

Wass71 profile image

I'm sorry to hear you are not feeling well. From my own experience 19 years ago I would say firstly;- Avoid all fats, strictly. Everytime you eat fat your gallbladder is activated to put bile into the small intestines to break down the fats. If you have small or sludgy gallstones they are more likely to move and get stuck in the common bile duct, causing infection and a back flow of bile to the liver and amylase to the pancreas.

That is what happened to me, I went to A&E 3 times before they finally did bloods and realised I had gallstone pancreatitis. It was so painful, and I felt really unwell. They just thought I had gastritis, and recommended a milky diet. The exact opposite of what you should do!!

The bloods would have been available to the gp within 24 hours, I'm sure if it showed anything really worrying they would have called already. But if you feel you are jaundiced go to A&E just to be sure. At least they can check your bloods to see what's going on.

Best wishes.


Lobby67 profile image
Lobby67 in reply to Wass71

I have been on SW diet since September so all fat has been cut out of my daily food. Everything seemed to set an attack off with me, an apple, porridge and one day it was a cup of tea. I don’t think I’m doing myself any favours by not eating as I am doing at the moment but I get scared of eating anything in case it sets off again. I went to GP on Thursday so it may be the weekend has held back results a bit. The last set I had took 72 hours to come through. Also my GP is part time so i don’t know if they send the results directly to the GP who requested them. Any hoo, the guys on here have reassured me I can wait until tomorrow 😊

in reply to Lobby67

Think gp surgeries can be diffirent. I know from my experience they have contacted me in less than 24hours when bloods were sky high. At our surgery they would be highlighted straight away and not necessarily from the gp that requested

It's good you have an appointment tomorrow as jaundice is very noticeable and would take time to go away,. Your gp should be able to see it and the bilirubin blood test would confirm.

I hope you get sorted and feel better soon, take care

Sydney04 profile image

Hi there,

Why are you at work when you are jaundiced and obviously in pain? You should be at home resting as work is surely going to make things worse?

The advice that you've had so far is sound - this is your health your talking about and you may want to think about seriously putting your foot down. I wish you the very best of luck x

Lobby67 profile image
Lobby67 in reply to Sydney04

Thank you Sydney, stressing about not working will probably do me more harm than sitting at my desk. It’s not a manual job and my boss is understanding. If I feel it’s too much I just go home 😊

LHR007 profile image

How are you doing?

Lobby67 profile image
Lobby67 in reply to LHR007

Bless you L, I’m ok. I had my blood results back and was only told they are all elevated, not a clue what that means. Dr wants to see me. Next appointment I can get is a couple of weeks but the receptionist didn’t call me with a stricken voice and a siren in the background so I’m taking that as I’m not going to slip off this mortal coil just yet. Still have brown wee regardless of how much I drink but touch wood the nausea has mostly stopped and for the last 2 days I have eaten more than 2 bowls of porridge. Roll on April when I am due to see my consultant. Thank you for asking pet x

P13jne profile image
P13jne in reply to Lobby67

Hi Lobby I’ve been reading your thread, I’m glad you got an update from the drs but in my experience the receptionists don’t always understand the readings of the results. If you’re happy to wait weeks to see your dr that’s fine, but if you’re feeling unwell again ask for an emergency appointment. These are usually available first thing in the morning each day.

Take care my lovely, wishing you well. Jane xx

Lobby67 profile image
Lobby67 in reply to P13jne

Thank you Jane, I’m always reluctant to push when I am sure others would. My partner told me to at least call the practice and ask for a Dr phone call but I don’t want to annoy him! I know it’s silly before anyone says so, but I’m 53 and can’t change the habit of a lifetime :) I will go back if I get worse and if I get symptoms like temperature or the like I will go to ER. Thanks again x

P13jne profile image
P13jne in reply to Lobby67

I understand, you know your body best. Please listen to it and if you need help, scream loudly so the medical professionals sit up and take notice my lovely xxx

LHR007 profile image
LHR007 in reply to Lobby67

Im glad to hear your feeling a bit better, Jane has a very valid point about calling the GP first thing though in the morning to get an appointment sometimes its so hard to get an appointment, Ive asked to see just one GP to stop repeating myself to 5 different ones and they agreed, he said just drop him a note to the receptionist and he will call me (how nice is that). You take care now x

Lobby67 profile image
Lobby67 in reply to LHR007

You are right L, I hadn’t been to the GP in 25 years until this problem reared it’s head and now think I need a permanent bed there! The most surprising thing is the different DR’s you see. I will definitely try your approach. Thank you x

Hi Lobby

I've just read all the threads in reply to your note and have been in the same situation as yourself but with almost overflowing gallstoneswhich could have caused major problems with my liver if I hadn't had an emergency operation! I,'m not saying this is going to happen to you but I do recommend not hanging around if your doctor wants to see you!

Like most GP practices you are normally able to get a same day appointment if you go to your surgery at around 8 to 8.30. I know you can call like most people do but as we all know the best appointments have normally gone by the time you speak with the receptionist.

Like others have said avoid all fats now and definately after your operation unless you want further issues years later.

Well its time for me to wish you well and hope you get sorted soon!


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