Madness/genius fine line: FINE LINE... - British Liver Trust

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Madness/genius fine line

Faithfull profile image
16 Replies








WHY IS IT ON THERE THEN LEARNING DISABILTY OR IM NOT LOOKING LIKE I NEED HELP! NO PROBABLY SOUND !LOOK !!TALK !!LIKE !!!!someone who is mentally phyicaly emoitionally drained in pain in prison in hell wanna leave wanna be outside! I want everyone to know the shocking truth how I'm being negected by the whole system I feel safe enough on here,but I don't in case u live next door then you would no .was ALCHOLIC was drug addic was a lunatic ,perhaps I still am is me liver causing this or my many mental health diagnosis ADHD born with it you don't have a mental health or you do I can't get help told I have meningomia in brain ment to be checked or even a follow up with right dr . Liver dr discharged me I am on so many tablets imconfused I'm ill I'm sorry for being so long but I'm holding me head above water I'm in and out of real unreal I don't see another person month in out the authorities are well aware of multiple needs but it to expensive to complex and who is there no one only the suffering are helping only the suffering are so scared as i am to public put this as I want to be able to let one person that call mental health crisis your not allowed unless it's planned moral of story someone somewhere must be able to get help as I am not so indispare I have to and have to years of neglect recluse worried if there's a world that after 3 yrs in a room I'm scared I'm worried what's the worste of the two places forced out of here but want to leave so like the beginning hand in hand mental physical the possibility a endless as liver confused .shoulder pain gall bladder .lack of sleep speech slurred looks drunk laughing must be ok !!!!!!

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Faithfull profile image
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16 Replies

Oh, faithful, I feel so sorry for you. I thought things would be better once you moved. You could even go to your mp to tell him how appalling your treatment has been, they might fit up and take notice then. With lots of hugs and love Lynne xxxx

Hello sorry to hear all this , you’ve given some good advice to others in the past , I don’t know if I can return the favour, do you have a liver diagnosis, cancer or hepatitis? Please let people know otherwise the answers might be just a phone call away , try Macmillan cancer , they helped me with a lot of the stress of illness.


Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to

Bless your heart ,I'm sorry ain't replied till now Thankyou I've had diagnosis small nodular in keeping with early cirrhosis that then micronodula cirrhosis I also have had ulcer and gastric reflux which then given short course of meds .

Liver dr different hospital says no scarring nothing she never read my notes I had Given by hand dishcharged back GP says I got it then liver dr sends letter one more test she spoke to hemptoligist fibro scan .two weeks she made me wait and on fine said nothing wrong your liver even has no fat but don't go getting sloshed . Back to GP still says I've got it ended up in mental hospital they dishcharged me saying there's no funds your complex PTSD and there's not reasoning with me it will pass . No care plan the system sent me off me head . Went to hospital out of area yes I have liver desease and now I have fluid in abdomen as of my ADHD I'm fight for me life and getting mixed up but it's neglect upon neglect .

You been a help to me sorry it's long and confusing going to move soon near the hospital thanks again x

kyia profile image

You are such a strong voice for those people who are suffering and being neglected by the system. I wish all those doctors and social workers could read your post. Stay brave and strong - sending hugs xx

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to kyia

Thank. You I'm making it pubic I'm making it known the neglect of me and in depth I've hung off bridge over railway to get the police called I'm not moving till papers come it was winter I slipped trainer fell police saved me it was to get my daughter out of foster care.Never got in papers for the injustice of social services ,the family mine is a case study , I've read the how to be a diplomatic social worker and how they use there wrong doings as practice cases It's life's there playing with they destroyed mine and me other kids where older .i have to fight again I was nicked this time I was protesting same injustice was still going on I had break down by then . Went where everyone new me with me crow bar and hammer the little ones fits in hand bag walked in road tryed stop bus but realized all older people must gone bingo so I let it go the youths who I asked get the papers in all the pubs heard me it was just before Jimmy stavile thing I ended u£1500 crimal damage and they took the tools

Ended up 4 months tag as judge said u do it again and I said yes . I was lucky they want put me away as I ment the children protest which went on to disabled ect . Not the criminal damage . Still had nothing in papers about why I done it

Done few more but next one I'm getting papers in to ill to do them things .xxx


kyia profile image
kyia in reply to Faithfull

It's a sad state of the world when the only way to raise awareness of how people have been treated by the system is to go to those extremes. Maybe, if your new doctors can get you sorted, you won't have a "next time".

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to kyia

Thank you I gone to extreme before but when your ill it's to much but at least input this big white roomx

Beauport profile image

Faithfull, I'm so sorry once again for all the pain you're going through. Wish there was something positive I could do/suggest that might help you. But I can send you all my best wishes and positive thoughts and the fervent hope that you get the help you so desperately need. There is a complaints system in place for people who, like you, feel they have been failed by the NHS and if you choose to go down the official complaints route they HAVE to listen to you. I have a friend who can give me advice to pass on to you about this if that would help. Let me know.

Love Carole x

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Beauport

Bless your heart Thankyou I'm waiting on out come of a lot of life changing hell but I explain next week xxx I don't no how the neighbours ain't called anyone me having brakdown but at least I kept me cloths on I went out once no top on off me head with grief . There used to amount times this place been a nightmare

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Beauport

Thankyou for that I gotta do some thing I'm moving tomorrow and I been up two nights ,I would really appreciate that thanks how you doing xx sending you the power of kindness warmth and peace of mind .xx

mncold profile image

Hi Faithfull,

I thought things were looking up for you and that you had found a new doctor in the place you will be moving to. Did that change?

Maybe this is just fear and concern over going to a new place and your other issues?

Regardless of the reasons, many of us are here for you and doing our best to send you great wishes for good outcomes for you and your daughter.

Best wishes,


Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to mncold

Thank you I've been having terrible fear ,fear of everything it's getting the move load s .how u doing x

mncold profile image
mncold in reply to Faithfull

Hi Faithfull

My hubby had another of his 6 month rechecks for his liver and the doctor was really pleased with him and pleased that hubby is still making some improvements even 2 1/2 years after liver failure and only drinks non-alcoholic beer these days. Thank you for asking.

Would it help you when you are having bad days to think of us here as asking you to take deep breaths until you feel more calm? Or maybe, if you can, get up and make yourself a cup of tea or coffee? Being far away from you, I want to try to give you something else to think of instead of your fears.

Best wishes,


Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to mncold

I'm so happy that hubby getting sorted how you feeling I feel like crying when you put the reply it means a lot to me that your all there and I hate it when I have to much grief then I feel bad as you all worry and I do as well worry but the power of the support helps me thanks Monday I should be better moving day ,tell hubby keep up good work and I hope he's ok

And you make sure you are alright I'm happy that you can relax a bit you deserve a rest my love to you both thank u xx

mncold profile image
mncold in reply to Faithfull

Thank you for your good wishes Faithfull.

I will be sending wishes your way for an easy move.


Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to mncold

Thank you I do really belive in the power of people that we could walk past each other and I'd have no clue I'm wondering if anyone where I'm moving to ,I'm gonna start up helping homeless when I'm bit well lot better as I think I need the mental health to step

In as its worry now getting right diet xx

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