Could you maybe tell me or give me a clue this is one of maybe about 9 red spots I have gotten. all over my body in the last year are those spider veins or whatever they are called I also have liver fibrosis 0-1 please give me a clue thx
Hello guys : Could you maybe tell me or... - British Liver Trust
Hello guys
From what i can see look like small red moles. I have loads and so did my mother who lived to 92 with no ill health issues. spider veins have small noticeable red lines running away from the centre all round. If not sure get gp to check.
Yes, I have started to get these. From what I have googled, they are angiomas (sp) and common as one is getting older. Don't look like spiders. My Mum had them and she passed at 84 with no liver problems ever.
Did your mom have spiders or regular angioma? I ask because I have 7 confirmed spider nevu, only one is on my chest, the rest are on my arms and I dont have cirrhosis.. I have an enlarged and fatty liver but as far as I know neither of those would cause all my skin symptoms. Its very strange as I have seen many drs in the past year and all of them have suspected liver disease as I seem to have ALL the skin symptoms of liver disease.
Anyways, I agree with you. The spot in the photo looks like a cherry angioma. I have a couple of these as well. Its deff not a spider.
No not spiders, just cherries - like myself. I remember when I had an endoscopy a few years ago and whilst chatting to the surgeon beforehand, he said, how long have you had that spot on your chest, to this day I cannot see it - my camera showed nothing at all, so he put the frights up me for nothing. I have since learned that spider venu look like a spider, hence the name. Cherry angiomas don't have legs.
I had an endoscopy as well and it was normal. I dont know why I'm getting spiders but from what the drs can tell its not caused by liver disease. I got the 1st one about 3 years ago but I had no idea what it was and so I didn't think much about it. It wasnt until more started popping up and other things like palmer erythema in both of my palms that I finally went to the dermatologist.
I am glad your endoscopy was normal.
Hi Febeli57, I have plenty red spots mainly around my chest area as well. Just opposite my back pain. I total understand your frustration about the cause. I asked my doc few times, they seems no interest to take into account as a symptom. It’s been there for 3-4yrs, starting from 1-2 spots beneath the skin on my arm,then on the chest, leg this year. Ive done some research and it’s broken blood vessel to cause the spot. I’m not sure it’s a side effect of the med I’m taking, or a sign of liver infection.
Hi, they are NOT spider veins, the lesion on the photo certainly does not look liver realated at all. Looks pretty normal and very common.
Sunnysmile is correct, they are cherry moles and according to the dermo, they are normal and benign. I would get yourself checked out by a dermatologist (professional) to have piece of mind. It looks like several of what I have and that's what my dermo told me.
Hi Febeli57. I too have the same red spots. My GP referred me to a skin specialist who told me they was age related. He told me the name of them but I can't remember. I felt so silly not knowing about them. I thought they were caused through liver disease.