Constant yawning blurry Vision feeling... - British Liver Trust

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Constant yawning blurry Vision feeling like someone's choking liver fibrosis

Febeli57 profile image
15 Replies

Good evening guys i have a question maybe you guys can help me as you are my last hope for.i have fibrosis of the liver or already cirrosis I'm not sure what even the difference is and hope for A answer I'm fighting with Constant yawning blurry Vision or focusing the eyes feeling like someone's choking me especially bad in the morning which has become worse as the months go on it's really freaking me out. Since it happened my eyes are always kind of red and sometimes I have the feel of blood on my tongue also my veins in my mouth turned more reddish also a few times my feet turned blue I'm hoping there's somebody with similar problems who could give me a clue thx .doctors checked my heart eyes everything .say its nothing they can do .

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Febeli57 profile image
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15 Replies

hi Febeli,

Did you have a fibroscan or biopsy?I only asked that question because you seem not to be sure what the doctor said about your liver. If you have fibrosis maybe you can turn things around by moving what ever it is that's causing your liver problems. Hopefully, someone will come alone that is experiencing some of your same symptoms. I hope you feel better and please contact the doctor for answers if you don't have anyone to ask for you.

cazer profile image

have they checked oxygen sats... yawning can be lack of o2in system... also have they checked your iron level

sounds silly but it could be something more simple.... hope you get to bottom of it. xxxx best wishes cazer

Febeli57 profile image
Febeli57 in reply to cazer

Ok thanks sounds interesting I'll get that checked out

AyrshireK profile image

Hi again Febeli, I think you need to try and calm down and not stress too much. You are convincing yourself that every little niggle is liver related and that you are more poorly than indeed you are. You've already said that you've been told you are F0-F1 which is probably more healthy than the majority of the rest of the population. You've been talking about liver transplant assessment being imminent etc. At F0-F1 you are no where near transplant, unless you had something else going on. You'd need to have very advanced cirrhosis (F4) with life threatening symptoms to even be considered.

Do look after yourself, your condition is reversible if you look after yourself.


Febeli57 profile image
Febeli57 in reply to AyrshireK

I keep in doing everything possible so get better only eating vegetables doing sport lost 25 kg or 50 pounds?? But still my condition seems to worsen I mean my liver levels are down only my gamma gt is at 210 or something but there is something going on in my head this dizziness the feeling that my eyesight keeps on worsening this pressure in my arteries went to the eyedoctor who said it could be due to bloodthinning problems due to liver problems hope that's the right word.that is what currently freakin me out the most not only losing my liver maybe my eyesight too. I'm sorry for panicking it's just too much

LiamLucy profile image

I had an issues years back with constant yawning and it turned out it was a side effect from a medication I had been taking and that was not related to anything else I had going on. Hope you have a simple fix as well.

Febeli57 profile image
Febeli57 in reply to LiamLucy

Can I ask which medication. ? You might be the key to a happy life :-);-)

LiamLucy profile image

It was actually an antidepressant Paxil (paroxetine)- I am in the USA, so not sure if that is the name in the UK. Never thought the yawning could be related to a medication rather than a medical issue. Totally understand your stress as it was driving me crazy not to be able to stop the yawning! Once it was changed-relief!!!

When my liver became acutely inflamed around 7 months ago one of the symptoms I had was chronic yawning. Another was the feeling that my vision was a little off particularly sitting in front of my computer. I read that yawning can be a symptom of a liver problem & in my case this was true. There is a theory that the yawning is a mechanism that the body uses to try & squeeze more blood through the brain to rid the brain of toxins. The yawn squeezes the blood vessels in the neck supplying blood to the brain forcing more blood through the brain.

The theory was confirmed in my case after I bought a large punnet of strawberries & ate the lot in one sitting. I then began yawning repeatedly for around 25 minutes. Then the yawning stopped as suddenly as it began. I'm guessing that the strawberries had traces of pesticide on them which went to my brain & my body used the yawning to squeeze the blood vessels in my neck to try & push more blood through my brain to rid it of toxins with the source of the toxins being traces of pesticide on the strawberries I ate.

I no longer yawn much after 7 months of living clean of painkillers which caused my liver problems. The blurry vision I experienced at times may have been my brain having trouble processing signals from my eyes. My liver was so inflamed I had encephalopathy. At times it was so bad that when I looked for something that was right in front of me it didn't register that it was there & I kept looking. My brain function was so impaired that it didn't interpret visual signals properly.

Those were bad days. I was lucky however. My FibroScan score was 4.3 & an ultrasound showed a normal sized liver with no apparent abnormalities. I had drug-induced hepatitis. I still don't feel fully recovered which shows how bad it was.

I'm not saying that the symptoms described by Febeli57 of frequent yawning & blurry vision necessarily had the same cause as mine.

BSA-3 profile image
BSA-3 in reply to

Hi Edward1952. Re. your strawberry binge; if the yawning was indeed liver- related, perhaps it was caused by your liver having to cope with a sudden, large dose of fruit sugars? Just a thought. Take care.

Febeli57 profile image

Interesting theory it really makes sense since everytime before the yawning starts my head feels so heavy and cloudy my visions feels blurry and when I yawn it feels like somebody is opening the windows to the room to get fresh air in its u have a link where you read it maybe ?so you think the inflammation stopped when you stopped taking those painkillers ?

in reply to Febeli57

I found the theory about the possible reason for yawning somewhere on the internet when I did a Google search to try and find out why I was yawning so much & I learned that it can be a symptom of end stage liver disease! I was horrified. Then I found the theory about yawning being an attempt by the body to squeeze more blood through the brain to rid it of toxins. I wasn't able to find it again but it's somewhere on the internet.

Note here that I don't believe that my episode of repeated yawning after eating the strawberries would have happened if my liver had not been acutely inflamed. A healthy liver will remove toxins and stop them reaching the brain. My liver was struggling badly at the time that it couldn't remove the pesticide residue on the strawberries. I'd eaten strawberries many times before that and the yawning only happened that one time when my liver was acutely inflamed. I didn't buy anymore strawberries after that!

A single yawn by the way wouldn't make you feel clearer. After all of the yawning I did I didn't feel any noticeable benefit in terms of brain clarity because I was in a pretty bad state having encephalopathy. As my encephalopathy cleared up I stopped yawning repeatedly through the day and my vision may have improved a little because my brain clarity improved but it was a gradual thing.

As for my inflammation stopping when I stopped the painkillers there's been a gradual improvement in my liver function. I'd been taking painkillers for 35 years so suddenly stopping taking them didn't result in my liver regaining function quickly. It's been 7 months since I took my last painkiller & I still feel that my liver hasn't fully recovered.

My last blood test a month ago confirmed that my liver is still not back to normal with several values outside the normal range-ferritin continues to be raised, globulin and MCHC slightly out of the normal range and ALT slightly raised. ALT is the big one for me. It was never above 40 until I started having the symptoms of acute liver inflammation and it's still not below 40 however it's only slightly raised.

There's no doubt that painkillers caused my liver to become inflamed. I gave up alcohol 2 ½ years ago & I was never a heavy drinker. Painkillers was my poison of choice-tramadol and when I wasn’t taking tramadol paracetamol (Tylenol) combined with codeine. The continual intake of painkillers wore my liver down.

I have double vision and s heavy head. My Dr has advised me to go to opticians to see if it's to do with my sight. Take care xxxx

Febeli57 profile image
Febeli57 in reply to

You too keep me updated what the optician said I was there yesterday and she said my vision is good my eyedoctor had one theory she said it could be that if the liver isn't working properly there could be bloodthinning problems do u also have red eyes if I may ask

Porphyriamaniac profile image

I was prescribed Citalopram years ago an srri antidepressant. I had to stop after a week as the constant yawning and aching jaw from it were exhausting. That's the only time I've experienced yawning that wasn't related to fatigue. X

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