Fatty liver
Fatty liver: Fatty liver - British Liver Trust
Fatty liver

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I do wish they would define "excessive" drinking. What is a huge amount to one person can cause as much damage as a small amount to another hey ho it's poison whichever way you look at it

True laura, also women are more affected by it than men as we have less of an enzyme which breaks it down and metabolizes it. academics.lmu.edu/headsup/f...
Correct x

So basically they r sayin if u dont drink any alcohol at all for atleast 6 weeks then ur liver should return to normal but if u dont stop drinkin for atleast 6 weeks and continue to drink heavily then cirrhosis may develop. Excessive meaning large amounts they define excess as more than 5 glasses of wine and 8 cans of beer and half a litre of spirit. I once read that, not sure if its right nhs r like my arse lol

Hi jojo23, I'm just wondering who exactly it is that you are trying to convince. We all know about fatty liver and it's reversibility but unfortunately most of us on here are beyond that. Knowing what I know now, and what my family and I went through, and continue to go through, I wouldn't even walk past a pub, which I can't because alcohol has robbed me of my legs. Fatty liver is reversible but there is residual damage. By your own admission you are a binge-drinker which could be worse than a little and often, I think, because you've got your poorly liver nearly better and then you dump a load of it's worst enemy on it, what do you think is going to happen? Cirrhosis can take years to develop. You have a choice and a chance that most of us and our families don't. It's up to you. Take care.
Gone very quiet ! π


My net has been down i am here and have a lot to say lol but cant always responde when i have 3 children to look after lol and no i havent been drinkin lol x
Nice Post BSA, it also damages the Pancreas which leads to type II diabetes. Alcohol can cause chronic pancreatitis.
Cheers kurtymac.
Thanks BSA-3, here's a great article to if read fully. telegraph.co.uk/news/health...
Hi kurtymac, thanks for the link. It was quite informative but unfortunately yielded nothing new to me having reached the end of the line, so to speak. I've been too ill to transplant ( at that time I had /have multiple life-threatening conditions and would not have survived the op, ) and now I'm deemed too well liver-wise but not fit enough because of my lungs. I'm compensated but feel atrocious and everything else combines to make my miserable, bloody existence quite an ordeal.
Are you in the UK? If I'd to guess I'd say the US because of your use of 'Tylenol' and 'linebacker' in your replies to the misguided girl above. Anyway, thanks again, I thought I'd give you a little background info and take care.
Hey BSA, sorry to hear about everything going on with you. Many don't realize how badly an ailing liver can affect somebody. Portal pressure can cause blood to back up as the sinusoids at zone III are cut off bringing blood from the center venual to portal vein. Which causes congestive heart failure and lung damage. Which, I know you know. I just don't want new people reading this and getting the wrong impression that they can avoid this by not drinking for a couple of weeks..... I'm happy to hear that you're at least deemed too well liver wise, I can't imagine what you're going through. I had liver issues from Tylenol and it caused my portal pressure to back up for a while, it even caused a hernia, but I healed thank god. A sick liver had to be the worse feeling ever. Yeah, I'm from the states, I jump around from here and MDJUNCTION on the liver forms.
Thanks for replying, kurtymac. People like the girl above drive me to utter despair. Why don't they read and digest what others say, especially on here, instead of reading and cherry-picking the bits they want to hear? I don't have the time to waste on people who refuse to listen and learn and I certainly don't have the energy. Anyway, thanks again, mate, keep in touch and take care.
Gees what a read .... terrifying!! π²
It's articles like that which should be turned into short public information films and aired on peak time TV in the ad breaks don't you think ?

Hi, I couldn't agree with you more. Alas, it will never happen because of tax-take and vested interests, as usual. I have an idea we've discussed this before so please excuse me if I'm repeating myself. I can go to the supermarket, fill a trolley with as much booze as it will hold, pay for it and go my on my way - no questions asked. In the same shop I cannot buy more than two boxes of paracetamol at a time, nor can I buy tobacco without it having a black packet with some scene of tobacco-related carnage on it. ( The purpose of which I have yet to ascertain. ) My point is; where's the sense in all that? Seen to be done. Meaningless. I can and do get quite angry about it but I cannot alter it. Why aren't schoolchildren educated about the dangers of it? I think that it has a lot to do with stigma as well. Cirrhosis is a 'wino's' or a 'old alky's' disease. I've seen people recoil when asked if I've any medical conditions as if I were contagious. It doesn't bother me in the slightest, in fact it's laughable were it not so serious. Anyway, so endeth today's lesson. Rant over. I hope you're ok. Take care.
Yes I've posted that too about how rediculous it is to be able to buy any amount of alcohol I'd wish to but not enough paracetamol to cure the hangover !
Yes you are echoing all my thoughts and opinions on the matter. While the government's making more money from sales of alcohol than its costing to treat the millions with alcohol related diseases I'm affraid nothing will change .... it's scandalous.
My pancreas is fine lol x
For now, alcohol does damage islets of the pancreas, scientifically proven.
For now lol. Im not even remotely arsed about my pancreas am concentratin on my liver seen as the liver is the organ that is most affected by alcohol so am concentrating on limiting my alcohol consumption to moderation and doc tomoz for referral to see if the fat has increased decreased and opt for fibroscan
Not tryin to convince anyone im just showin u the diff info from diff sites which is ridiculous as they are all diff lol
I wouldn't take what is written on sites as gospel. Experiences from real people on this site who are living with the affects and illnesses of varying amounts of alcohol consumption gives a far truer answer.

I agree. But they usually say that the information on sites are also based on patients histories too.
Thanks for that reply. Im not sure if u have got my poorly liver nearly better tho as iv not had a recent scan on wether its got worse or better im at doc tomorrow so will go from there. What iv done is stop for a few weeka and then drank 15units in 1 sittin not sure if its bad i no its not as bad as 30 units in one sittin like i use to haha
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