Hi, I have fatty liver with minimal scarring. For last 6 years both my big toes have been numb from neuropathy. Recently I have started getting numbness in my thumbs and thighs. Has anyone else had such problems and what to do about it? My Dr prescribed 300mg gabapentin 2 times a day but doesn't really work, maybe a slight improvement but hardly noticeable. I started taking 1000mcg vitamin b12 and alpha lipoic acid, anyone else have any success with improving neuropathy. My ALT is still out of range at around 90, but AST in control at 40.
Neuropathy fatty liver: Hi, I have fatty... - British Liver Trust
Neuropathy fatty liver

Have you been checked for diabetes? Neuropathy is often a symptom of undiagnosed diabetes.
Hi, gabapentin not great and addictive. Just keep moving them twinkle them..eating well do things you enjoy ..then have herbal tea ..improve your blood cells..when ye get blood tests check what yer lacking..then find out the right food for it. Make sure it doesn't counteract with meds. I'm not a doc but they are pretty clueless on it..
I think your wrong there - gabapentin isn't addictive. I have terribly painful neuropathy in my hands and feet and wouldn't be able to function without it.
My recent blood tests showed AST at 25 and ALT at 23. The ratio is 1.08 for me. Is that OK?
I'm on pregabalin a similar medication, 300mg twice a day, I've had neuropathy for over 12 years, and I doubt it will ever go away, I'm also suffering with B12 deficiency problems, I receive 3 monthly injections for this complaint, it gives similar symptoms that mask neuropathy anyone who's had long term stomach problems are liable to B12 problems or even taking omeprazole are known to cause problems, my feet constantly burn, and having pins and needles thrown in for good measure, drinking caused the damage to my nerve endings, obviously don't drink or smoke, sometimes people try the B12 tablets but they don't get absorbed properly by many people, B12 deficiency causes muscles to twitch, eyelids flicker and in severe cases it makes you breathless when doing short walks, it's a fine balance with B12 and its best going to the pernicious anemia page for more advice as there's people who have a better knowledge of the medical jargon, best of luck 😀