How are you all? I've got Nash, fibromyalgia and underactive thyroid. I eat healthily, try to exercise but I end up in so much pain cos of fibromyalgia. Thyroid is also stopping me. Xxxx
How can I lose weight?: How are you all... - British Liver Trust
How can I lose weight?
Hi Lynne , hope your not in too much pain . well my daughter has fibromyalgia and has no thyroid left as it has completely stopped working .she is on meds for it. her fybro is helped by physio and painkiller to a certain extent so I understand your situation as my daughter is the same .she can't diet but has cut down on sugar and carbs . have you thought of asking your consultant to see a nutritionist / dietician at all ? xxx
I have seen a dietician who said I'm doing everything right!! I'm in so much pain cos of liver and fibromyalgia!!! How are you and your family? Thank you so much for all your support and advice . Please take care. Lots of love Lynne xxxx

Hi Lynne , oh so you have already seen them .Well i have put on a stone in weight in 12 months and I don't doubt I will put more on now that I have mobility issues .I have late stage osteopenia in my hip , can't take strong painkillers other than paracetamol . so I am seeing my dr Wednesday regarding Injectiions as suggested by the hospital . my family are good thank you for asking and same back to you and your family . xx xx take care
Thank you. I'm on very strong pain killers but to no avail. Might ask about injections, sounds a good idea. I'm still working but only part time, my boss is fantastic luckily. I am in agony by the time I get home, I've got a very good support network and all of you in here are fantastic. I'm very lucky to have such good support. Please take care. Lots of love Lynne xxxx
Also, do you ever feel very sickly and clammy? Xxxx

What painkillers are you on Lynne? Might be those making you feel yuck xxx
Zomorph 100 mg, oramorph , nortriptyline and gabapentin . How are you today? Xxxx

Gosh a lot of meds of which a few could be causing those symptoms it might be worth chatting with your gp about side effects?? I'm ok ta, miserable old day today weather wise, ironed school things and generallly been a sloth.. you? Xxx
Not much as I have had so much pain today. I will have a chat with gp, the pain us unbearable at times, I don't think the fibromyalgia helps!! Xxxx

No indeed, I know when we visit my friend in Gloucester she has to sit and rest a lot if we go out, she has vasculitis too bless her, fibromyalgia isn't nice, a school mum has it too and she gets very tired too, I hope tomorrow brings you less pain xxxx
Thank you, I'm so glad I only do part time. Thank you for all your support. Please take care. Lots of love Lynne xxxx

I will do thank you xxxx

My friends on Tramadol, Diazepam, amitryptyline, arcoxia, ramipril, bisprolol, azathioprine and sertraline, she said gabapentin makes her legs swell to the point of not walking, I've just started sertraline too but that's a anti depressant xxxx
Amitriptyline didn't work for me, I'm on some sort of ani depressant which is a pain killer too. Sertraline made my eyes swell up!!! I'm on antibiotics sickness meds, thyroid meds and omeprazole. Thank you for all your advice. I've got s friend who has lupus, they are checking me for that too xxxx

Yes I think they checked my friend for that too, it's strange how different meds react to people. Omeprazole makes me very heady and weird and I recently found I'm allergic to Clarithromycin after 1 pill had me sick all day finally awakening to paramedics.. that's interesting about sertraline. It's meant to be one of the better ones for PTSD so I'm giving it a go! Take good care eh xxxx
Thank you. You too xxxx
Sorry meant to out anti sickness meds xxxx
You are very welcome xxxx
Hi Lynne
You have got a lot going on in your life please take care. I should be on neurological pain relief but found it didn't agree with me. I ended up doing a meds check with my g.p. and we worked together to see what was the best of a bad job for me.
I'm on amitriptyline, codeine, paracetamol, ibuprofen for pain and spasms. I have other meds for other issues. I found due to my spinal condition I'm better off with these painkillers as they reduce rather than stop the pain. The neurological ones meant I couldn't get my legs to work although the legs didn't hurt. I also had other muscles struggling with them.
Have you been to a pain management clinic? It wasn't relevant to me but I have colleagues at work who have fibromyalgia and they have been referred to the clinic.
The pain I have is tiring, but unless it is at a really bad level I try to limit painkillers to about 5 at night for the first ibuprofen 200mg, and then full dose about 8 of the others and then another ibuprofen 200mg. If I need any more during the night I take them if I really have to. I was on higher levels which reduced pain but gave me other concerns so I'm now only taking the barest minimum I can get away with. Daytime I rely very heavily on distraction therapy.
I have been able to alter my working hours to help as well.
Best of luck
The only thing that helped me to lose ant weight was checking portion control and making sure I got enough fruit and veg with some protein. I try to make sure I have carbs like porridge. I had to check what we're reasonable portions for the energy I burn each day and get myself used to cutting down. I am aware that cutting Dow n all the time means if you are not careful your body gets used to it and losing weight is harder. What I try to do is eat five or six smaller meals a day. I make sure I don't go bed hungry or over full. I also make sure a couple of times a week I eat a little more by having a little treat. This stops me getting too used to the same amount of food and I don't feel so racked off about missing out on things. I have lost about a stone in weight. This took ages and is worse because I can't do a lot of simple exercise like lots of walking. I then find it settles for a while and I then make a bit more effort and it looks like some might start shifting again.
I still have a long way to go but steady loss is better than losing weight too quickly. I have a better chance of keeping it off and the change is easier for my body to get used to.
Hope this helps.
Thank you so much. I will give anything a try xxxx
Hi I find swimming good for exercise, it is zero impact, plus the warm water is quite relaxing. Flat cycling is good canal tow paths and old railway lines have replaced going downhill quickly. I also use a fit bit, but in all honesty a normal target of 10, 000 steps wipes me out for the day and day after so set it low and mark the target achievable.
Good luck,
Thank you. I will try the swimming, find cycling hard cos I've got fibromyalgia . Thanks Lynne
I totally agree tim. It has to be achievable.
That's very true, thank you xxxx