Hi all, I’ve got Stage 4 liver cirrhosis and I have a fibroscan and ultrasound appointment next Wednesday, could anyone please let me know what this entails as I also have heart disease and I’m on very strong blood thinners. Thanks
Fibroscan: Hi all, I’ve got Stage... - British Liver Trust

Ultrasound scan is basically what you see pregnant women getting to check on health of baby - quick and painless. A bit of gel is applied to your tummy (or the probe) which is rubbed around your abdomen and kidney area - images appear on a screen which the radiographer/sonographer watches and takes stills from.
Fibroscan is similar - a probe is pressed around your liver area and various readings are taken which gives a score relating to density of the liver.
Neither are anything to worry about.
All the best,
on what basis do u know that it is stage 4 liver cirrhosis
July 2016 I threw up two pints of blood where I was rushed into hospital I had an endoscopy where I had 6 varices banded and glued, after numerous tests and nearly losing my life I had 4 gastroenterologists and other specialists come round to my hospital bed and told me I had stage 4 liver cirrhosis, I was in hospital for 12 days, I had to keep going back every 3 months but I missed one appointment and had to get re referred so I haven’t been for a long time, I’ve been sober 15 months
Hiya Rodjackwill
Firstly, well done not drinking for 15 months, I take it they said alcohol was the culprit?
As Katie said, neither of those procedures are invasive, I found the fibroscan less so but even an abdominal ultrasound doesn't hurt. Neither will interrupt or be detrimental from a heart or blood thinners point of view, I assume they are just seeing how your liver is fairing.
Best of luck,
Michelle x
I’ve had both and the is nothing to worry about with either, what I do find a little strange is why they have waited so long to do them? What hospital is dealing with your care?
Fiberoscan is like an ultrasound. Non evasive. Fasting for 12 hours no prep to drink. They use a wand much like when your having an ultrasound. Has a little of a small impact as they take photos. Does not hurt and no side affects.
Hey RodJack. Curious how they told you that you have cirrhosis without a fibroscan . Did you have a biopsy?

Yes plus I’ve got oesophageal varices (6 band and glued) nearly died in July 2016, I’m two years sober today but still struggle on a daily basis.