Fibroscan: Hello everyone. Hope you are... - British Liver Trust

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26 Replies

Hello everyone.

Hope you are all as well as can be expected. Had fibroscan yesterday. Said definitely fatty liver with some fibrosis but she said I shouldn't be in this much pain. Speaking to consultant today as she wants me to have all tests done before I see him on the 17th. Could tell I was in pain when she examined me, I was very distressed. My husband asked could it be Crohn's and she said it could very well be Crohn's. I'm really fed up! Xxxx

26 Replies
navigatinglife profile image

Hi Lynne

I bet you are! and I empathise with you. Hopefully you will get a more detailed diagnosis and your pain and suffering can be alleviated, hang on in there til 17th. Living nightmare sometimes

thinking of you


in reply to navigatinglife

Thank you so much. This nurse had done more for me since I first saw her in July than any consultant has! How are you ? Xxxx

navigatinglife profile image
navigatinglife in reply to

Hi honey bee lynne

Similar here. 5 Dr's ignored me. If it weren't for a nurse I know I still wouldn't have a diagnosis. in bed as per usual, stabbing pains all day, think it's the virus attacking. Hopefully week Fri I am closer to getting treatment, tough on my head & heart some days. The fighting is draining isn't it?

My aunt has had crohns for yrs & manages brilliantly. takes so long to get assistance yet for others not.

It's a lottery methinks, and I ve never been lucky 😂


in reply to navigatinglife

Yes, it's very draining. Our youngest son has Crohn's and copes so well. Please take care. Lots of love Lynne xxxx

Miche49uk profile image

Hiya Lynne,

I'm so sorry you are in such pain I truly hope they sort it all out soon for you, you have certainly been through it.

Big hugs,

Michelle xxx

in reply to Miche49uk

Thank you so much. How are you today? Xxxx

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to

Yes I'm ok, thank you for asking xxx

in reply to Miche49uk

You are very welcome xxxx

Millie09 profile image

Hi Lynne , aww I'm sorry to hear your still in pain and no further forward .I can sympathise with you where daily pain takes over you . I went to my GP today regarding the x Ray on my hip and pelvis . no fractures thank God but apart from my stage T-2.5 osteopenia I have an increase in scoliosis and something else I can't even pronounce .the dr said that was good news🤔.. the bad news was there's not much they can do .so it's now waiting to see about the Injections as can't take strong painkillers due to the liver . I'm.sure half the time the Drs don't believe you ! so annoying .

keep positive hun .hope you get some better news ..lots of love .. LINDA xxx l

Also, my pain does seem similar to our youngest son who has Crohn's. He copes so well with it , he said once you are on the right meds you can forget you've got it!! Thank you once again for all your support. Please take care. Lots of love Lynne xxxx

19581979 profile image

Hi Lynne

Sorry to hear you are in so much pain. You have a lot going on with your body at the moment it is necessary t surprising you are in pain. Hopefully they will find out what is wrong soon.

As bad as Crohn's is at least you have someone who can help you with it if that is what it turns out to be. That sounds hard but I don't mean it that way. Your son sounds like a very sensible man and having someone who understands the problem really helps. Not knowing and worrying about it and not being sure what to do and where to turn is a nightmare. If it is Crohn's he can help you.

In the meantime what are you going to do about you? Is there anything that can help your pain and tiredness?

When you try and rest at night is there anything you can do to try and relax? I read trashy romance stories on my kindle. I take some painkillers to take the edge off and then when I feel sleepy I turn on my side pillow between my legs to stop my knees and ankles touching and cuddle another pillow to my tummy. That helps to gently warm my tummy and ease some of the internal pains. Due to my injury I can't use a hot water bottle or similar. When I'm settled as best I can I try to think of something relaxing, like a guided meditation. I usually imagine walking along a quiet beach.

What do you do to help you relax?

I really hope they can get your health a bit better sorted for you soon.


in reply to 19581979

Thank you so much. Hot water helps, I'm already on liquid and tablet morphine as well as gabapentin and nortriptyline, if I didn't take these I would be doubled up! I've tried doing without at weekend but I end up having to take them. I do read alot but nothing helps. Thank you for all your support. Please take care. Lots of love Lynne xxxx

19581979 profile image
19581979 in reply to

Hi Lynne

It really is difficult for you isn't it. Take care


in reply to 19581979

Yes and thank you. Spoke to my nurse today, she said there's definitely high inflammatory markers in my bloods, she spoke to my consultant and laid it on the line to him and he would like me to have a hida scan asap , she thinks it's either lesions from when I had my gall bladder out 32 years ago or sphincter of Oddi. Just have to wait and see. Please take care

Lots of love Lynne xxxx

19581979 profile image
19581979 in reply to

Sounds quite complex. I really hope they find out what is causing you so much pain and are able to sort things out for you.

Take care and keep us posted.

We're you at work today? I was and had a busy day. Felt exhausted. Thank goodness for slow cookers.


in reply to 19581979

Yes, I struggled but got through, everyone is a tremendous support. Take care xxxx

19581979 profile image
19581979 in reply to

Hope you're managing to get some rest tonight. I got over tired, set some minor spasms tiny leg and had a bit of tummy problem. Result wide awake middle of the night. Bet I struggle in the morning.

Have a good night.


in reply to 19581979

Thank you

Didn't get any last night cos of pain. Been in touch with liver nurse, she said bloods showed up quite high inflammatory markers and she now thinks it could be lesions from when I had my gall bladder out 32 years ago or sphincter of Oddi, got to have a hida scan. Please take care. Lots of love Lynne xxxx

19581979 profile image
19581979 in reply to

Please take care. I hope the pain relief helps more soon. Lack of sleep at night and pain are a real killjoy when you try and do things the next day.


in reply to 19581979

Thank you, that's very true!!! Xxxx

briccolone profile image

sorry to hear of the pain Lynne -not my area of expertise I'm afraid ( not sure I have one )-hope things improve soonest....K

in reply to briccolone

Thank you so much for all your support. Lots of love Lynne xxxx

briccolone profile image
briccolone in reply to

you are most welcome K

in reply to briccolone

Thank you xxxx

Chelle_ profile image

Oh I bet you are....Just remember with the Crohn's it can be treated with medication. I understand taking medication shouldn't be the result for all our aliments but if it gives you some relief hopefully you can be happier.

I think they suggest avoiding fatty foods and that of citrus foods too, its a small step until you get it confirmed but it might stop you hurting so much.

Lots of luck!! xx

in reply to Chelle_

Thank you. My youngest son has Crohn's so we have a learnt a lot xxxx

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