My ALT is 78, is this overly high? I don"t even know what stage of Nash I am at! Also I see A gasto Dr, should I see a hepotogist?
High ALT? : My ALT is 78, is this overly... - British Liver Trust
High ALT?

It's a bit over but if it was anything to worry about gastro would of sent you to see a heptalogist the gastro will just monitor it. I have had a transplant and my alt is 348 and my doctor not worried because all other blood's are stable x
I have just had my bloods back & ALT has gone up to 91! & INR is raised a bit more, My iron has gone up, thanks to infustion still a bit low, but better. Thanks you have resurred me
When did you have your Transplant?
Things will settle 😉 I had it in October so nearly a year.
Firstly, it seems that it is quite common to see a gastro rather than a hepatologist for the simple reason there just aren't that many hepatologists about. I see a gastro and I now see a hepatologist at the QE, who has not changed anything from what my gastro was doing.
Secondly, I had a recent bout (in fact 2 bouts) of food poisoning and I had to go into hospital. My ALT was ~350 and it has taken 6 weeks to come back down to 150 because my steroids were lowered too quickly. I have felt pretty lousy for most of the time whilst my ALT has been raised (me and my sofa are well acquainted), so as always, these levels can be very individual in the way that you react. If you are concerned, then maybe a call to the consultant's secretary could put your mind at rest and whilst you are asking about the raised levels, try to get them to say what level of ALT would be an issue for them, since each hospital will have it's own limits.
Since I don't have NASH, I can't honestly say that the ALT that is acceptable for me would the same as for you. I have previously established an acceptable ALT number with my consultant so that I can pass this onto my GP and then he can communicate with the consultant if it goes over that number. This was also handy when I went into hospital since I was able to say that number is well over what my consultant at the QE is happy with, and you will need to contact them. I believe in being very proactive about my health!!! Hope this helps

Yes it does thanks
My ALT is 70, my GP told me it can fluctuate now and it's nothing to worry about but requested me to do another blood test to see if it drops but it remained the same so I was referred to have an ultrasound which shown that I had patches on my liver and my GP diagnosed me with NAFLD. All my other blood levels were fine, my bad cholesterol is slightly higher than recommended but my overall cholesterol is fine.
Yesterday I was told by a doctor at the Urgent Care Centre that my ALT of 70 is fine and that my GP is wrong for diagnosing me with NAFLD.
My ALT is now risen to 91
Mine has probably risen slightly as well but I'll have to wait until I have the blood test, I'm not sure what medical professionals class as too high since some hospitals class ALT levels of 5-56 as normal where others say 0-45 is normal.