Having had a liver transplant myself last December at the Royal free and remembering the panic of not knowing whether I might get a donor in time, I was interested to see the successful trial of a new liver dialysis machine at the Royal free as reported in the Sunday times today. This is wonderful news for all patients with liver disease.
Liver dialysis: Having had a liver... - British Liver Trust
Liver dialysis

Read it myself today.
Brilliant to know where we had our transplant is at the forefront of care for those affected by liver disease.
The professor is a lovely man, he was my hepatologist from the beginning and gave me confidence from the start.
The machine will probably be good news for those who have a transplant and reject immediately and don't even leave intensive care until another liver becomes available. The man in the bed opposite me had two transplants 5 days apart.
Hope you're doing as well as I am.
Take care.
Happy to hear you are doing well. It's amazing that you can recover from the liver disease so quickly with a donor liver. Still seeing the hep team on Tuesday afternoon.
It's amazing about the liver dialysis and offers hope to many patients who as you say reject their first liver. It's a marvellous hospital and wish them success in this trial.
Take care
Me too. 3.45 with Dr Potts or Dr John Ryan. Must remember not to take adaport until bloods!