My one and only post was around 3 weeks ago. My husband went into hospital with alcohol related liver disease. He was relatively fit and healthy 61 years old. On 24th October, he passed away from multiple organ failure. The shock and suddenness of this has rocked our family.
He's gone!: My one and only post was... - British Liver Trust
He's gone!

Sorry to hear such tragic and it seems, unexpected news. I cant work out how this can happen so quick and must be such a shock for you and your family; But perhaps that is one of the very scary things about this disease....sending you warmth and blessings. xxx
Very quick & extremely sad.xx
So sorry to hear your sad news. We are all thinking of you xx
Im so so sorry for your loss .. This is scary stuff . So sudden too , makes me Worried now . Sending my condolences 🌹
I didn't mean to worry you. He also had Hep c, he was jaundiced and had liver cancer. We knew nothing of any of it until it was too late. X
Thsts ok , I was just taken aback a little because I was trying to see what reason could have caused this . That's so sad to hear . Sending you big (( hugs )) to you and the family X
So sorry to hear about your loss 🌹🌹 You have my empathy as I just lost my best friend who passed away 5 weeks after diagnosis of HCC. It's an immeasurable pain, you have all my love and prayers.God bless. Ian x
Hi Shelby.
Sorry to hear such sad news,You must be so devestated, sending you hugs..
Did he not show any signs (apart from being in the hospital ) of going down hill? Sounds like the organ failure happened quickly. Did your husband stop drinking at some point or was he still drinking?
The dr has told me that if hubby carries on drinking he will either have a heart attack or his organs will fail rapidly..
Hope you and your family are ok.

Thank you. Just one week before he was admitted, he was a bit tired, off his food and told me his urine was brown. His drinking had reduced greatly in the last few weeks as the doctor said he was drinking too much, around 4-5 pints an evening. The cancer in his liver was blocking the bile duct, hence the jaundice. from there on, everything the hospital tried failed. 4 weeks ago, he was tiling the kitchen, walking the dog and not showing any signs of illness. They said that, had he lived, the cancer alone would have given him a few months. We had absolutely no idea.! x
awe no wander you are all in shock, guess its because it affect people in different ways...Thinking of you all.x
Sorry to hear such tragic and it seems, unexpected news. I cant work out how this can happen so quick and must be such a shock for you and your family; But perhaps that is one of the very scary things about this disease....sending you warmth and blessings. xxx
So sorry for your loss x
So sorry to hear this my thoughts are with you xx
I am so deeply sorry to hear this tragic news and send my sincere condolences to you and your family at this devasting time.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very difficult time 🙏🏻
God Bless, Jacqui x
So sorry for your sad and sudden loss. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family xxx
Very sad news. God bless xx
So sudden and sad to hear,my thoughts are with you xx
So sorry to hear your shocking news. Thinking of you and sending love and strength at this difficult time. Xx
Best wishes to you at such a shocking time...the speed makes it much harder im sure.
Thats the prob with liver disease it doesnt always show how bad it is and can suddenly sorry for you.x
oh I'm so very sorry. I have no words. Sending you all love and comforting thoughts through this terrible time. God speed. May your husband rest in paradise until you meet again. It's never goodbye. ❤ and 🙏🏻 xxx
So sorryto hear this sad news. My thoughts are with you. Xx.
This is another reason why the health authority should get people born prior 1990 checked for Hep C and full blood tests done. It is such a silent disease which has usually done its damage before being found. Stay strong. Xxxx
So sorry that your husbands end happened so quickly. Sadly even in these days of more knowledge the dreaded cancer still rears its ugly head, and often without many symptoms.
My thoughts are with you in your grief.
Sorry to hear this had he not had any blood tests or scans before this all happened God bless bri
So sorry for your loss. Thinking of you at this time.
I am so sorry. That did go surprisingly quick. I can only now wish you a lot of strength to get over this shock. The only good thing I suppose is that he didn't suffer and it didn't go on for months or years even. Doesn't help the matter much. But you must carry on with your life now. All the very best of luck, good health and wishes.
Louise xxx
Just to say a big thank you for all these comments. I helps a lot. I am waiting for my bloods to come back for Hep C. They told me, that, if you have it these days, it is very easily treated. Again, thank you for the comforting words. x
I'm Hep C clear!!!!!!!!!
So pleased you got the all clear, you've suffered enough tragedy with the loss of your hubby. Good to not have contracted it yourself and not have to face liver ill health going forward.
Lots of love to you, stay strong.
Katie xx
Sorry to hear this- it's a bit of a horror story. Like a good friend of mine in a similar fashion back in Jan. The thing is if the liver is in poor condition as with cirrhosis or cancer then continued drinking can lead to liver failure quite abruptly. Must be a hell of a shock. You have my sympathies.
In a better place now
No illness,no pain,no suffering
A lesson for those of us with Hep C etc to go for regular checkups
And to those who drink to stop completely
May God bless you and your family and bring you peace and comfort
I am so sorry to hear this, my hubby passed away 4 weeks and day following becoming jaundice, so completely understand the shock you're all suffering.
We're 7 months on now, still sorting out paperwork etc.... But then I've no help as our children are still young.
Please Take your time getting back into the craziness we all call life, think about accessing some counselling and most of all cry when you need to and remember him well. Bless you all x
Sorry for your loss. I have no help either, I now live on my own and 70 miles away from my children. They are at the end of the phone/facetime which is lovely. I have asked the doctor about councelling and she has given me a leaflet to contact someone. Your right, so much paperwork, phone calls, photocopying, scanning, e.mailing. At least your children are a distraction for you as are my grandchildren when they visit. There are so many milestones to conquer. Im a tough cookie, Im sure I will find a way! Take care, love to your family, x x
so sorry to hear of your sad news. I lost my Mum 2 years ago to cancer that had spread to her liver, so know what you are going through. I am now going through problems and having a scan on my liver in a few weeks time, so am worried sick. But if you ever need to chat, please feel free to private message me anytime xxx
Deepest condolences from all at The British Liver Trust

Thank you! And here's me thinking you love Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwiches!! DOH!! x
Hi. I've been on this site for around 9 months but not posted, just read. I want to say how sorry I am. It sounds trite, but my heart goes out to you. I feel I have cheated death and your post has made me feel guilty as it makes me fully aware of how lucky I am to be reading it. Your husband was not so lucky. I was admitted to hospital 11 months ago with alcohol related liver problems, kidney malfunction, sever malnutrition, weighed 6st 12lbs. I was told I would not be here this time this year. And I am here, reading your post and replying when you must be in such an awful place. I am so sorry.
So sorry for your loss x
I too lost my dad very suddenly 9 days ago to this disease and am struggling with the loss.
My sister and I noticed a decline in his health so had him admitted to hospital under much protest. There we learned on the spot that he had alcoholic liver disease which had caused ascities which in turn was causing his abdominal pain.
We both new he loved a drink ( rarely saw him drunk ) but had no idea this was the cause as he had just been tested for colitis so we were in shock.
The next day Wednesday 26th they started treating him for Sbp after paracentisis showed the infection. We had to find out everything over the internet as it seemed that no one was willing to give us any information on how sick my father actually was.
By Friday he seemed the same still chatting away so we seemed in higher spirits. He got transferred in the night to gastro ward so that's where we visited on Saturday 29th and were shocked at how he looked and seemed. He no longer was chatting away and seemed very distant and a little jaundice.
We were hoping for an improvement by Sunday visiting but immediately asked for a nurse on arrival as dad was struggling to breathe ( resps of 40 we counted 5 times ) and he was very agitated. Nurse did his observations and said his sat's were ok but gave him oxygen anyway. We asked for a doctor but were told by another nurse not on a weekend only for critical patients but because he had been put on oxygen a junior doctor did come.
We thought finally something will be done but she just turned his oxygen down and said he was struggling to breathe because of the acities and that he should stop panicking. She reassured us everything was fine.
Our wonderful soft sweet caring gentle father was found by a nurse unresponsive in his bed at 2am Monday 31st October.
He had already passed away and we were later told it was due to " sepsis "
We are distraught
Looking back over the year and after all the research on line I now know my dad showed all the symptoms of the disease. He just chose not to tell us!!!!
Thankyou for reading..
Dearest Hun,
I am so sorry for your loss.
I pray that you and your family are given the strength to face this difficult time.
Lots and lots of love,