Finally have my liver biopsy results. No fibrossis, No NASH just very mild fatty liver and mild inflammation. Dr believes that i do not have an enlarged liver and spleen as suggested by ultrasound. Ct showed normal size. He said the size ranges of a liver, used as a guidline, are based on an average of 100 females and that I am not your average female due to being 181 cms tall, so it would be normal to have a slightly larger liver than other women. My fibroscan (result of 9.6 which was suggestive of fibrossis ) has overestimated my liver stiffness. Dr said that if you are in early stages of liver disease, fibroscan does not give accurate readings.
Biopsy showed mild focal cronic inflammation and mild steatosis with random distribution approximately 5% , grade 1.
No ballooning degeneration (means no Nash), no large or small cell change and no perisinusoidal fibrosis.
Activity grade A1 ( mild IH grade 1, lobular grade 0 )
Fibrossis stage F0 ( No portal fibrossis)
Portal activity 2
Lobular activity 1
Fibrossis 0
Activity score 2
(steotosis 1, lobular inflammation 1, ballooning 0 )
Fibrosis staging 0
Diagnosis was Mild portal and lobular inflammation and bile duct inflammation due to very mild steatosis.
Dr said upto 5% fat on your liver is ok to have and that most people do have some fat on their liver.
No further appointments are necessary and i do not need to take vitamin E as advised by the dr before i had the biopsy, because i do not have Nash.
Glucose tolerance tests showed no diabeties, and no insullin resistance.