Just got the call from the transplant coordinator. On our way to Birmingham QE. Staying positive and calm. 💅😷💉😵
Got the call... On our way... - British Liver Trust
Got the call... On our way...
You Lucky Lucky Man! Bless the gift - hope all goes to plan - All the Very best ~
Good luck. I will be thinking of you. Keep in touch!
Hope all goes well.
Good luck
Good luck and hope everything goes well for you.
Good luck
Good Luck
Good luck.
The very best of luck to you. Been there done that now nearly three years on with my new liver its truely miraculous what they can do. Xxx
Good luck.
Drive carefully and good luck. Keep us updated when u can x
Good luck and best wishes
Thinking of you
X x
Hoorah 😅😅😅 hope all goes well ❤️
Wish you all the very best--speak when you well
Good Luck hope it all works out well.
Just reminds me of the day my husband got the call. All emotions go mad!
Keep us posted when you can
Good luck and a speedy recovery. you will feel much better after the OP.
Wishing you the very best of luck ,xx
Good luck 🍀 x
Good Luck all our thoughts are with you
Good luck hope its first time lucky for you , your in very safe hands , soon be on the road to recovery it's such a great feeling when I hear that someone is getting such a gift all the luck to you n all my love to the diners family one very special person xx
Wishing you well. Positive thoughts x
Good luck! Wishing you all the best
Fantastic news. Fingers crossed that it's a match and all goes smoothly. Keep positive, strong and smiling x
good luck
Good luck x
Thinking of you, hope all goes well. Thoughts with the donor & their family xx
Thinking of you.
Thanks for all your support guys, been here on the ward since 3am (nil by mouth). But now have a theatre slot for 6pm. Getting scared now, keep thinking of the donors family.
Mike x

Rooting for you Red, hope the surgery goes ahead and you have a smooth recovery post op.
Katie x
You will be fine red I hope dr parera gives you your new life he gave me mine in July just good luck friend

I remember Dr Perera. My surgeon was professor Muiesan. Every one of the specialists are amazing!
Yes brilliant sergeon , I had thormadermic regional perfusion , must say not had any problems since transplant touch wood! I'm only 5 months in recovery , long way to go yet !!

Do you remember the nurses? They were so amazing. My favourites were Carlos, Derm and I really liked the sister Nurse Laura. I loved all of them but you end up seeing some of them more often than others!
Were they on nights when you was in ? When they took me from intensive care to the ward one nurse dropped the oxygen bottle on my tummy Jesus Christ the pain !!!!!

Derm is on during day or nights. He is loud and funny. Carlos does nights.
Oh my sounds so painful. How did they manage that? I can't imagine how horrible that must have been.
One time I had an agency nurse who was meant to slowly put my bed down once I got in. I couldn't lay down properly for a long time and move my legs due to swelling. Anyway I remember just trying to rest but suddenly I landed flat on the bed because she forgot to leave it reclined. The pain!
How long were you in there? I was in the hospital for nearly 2 months!
They brought me from ICU to the ward whilst getting the bed right they disconnected the oxygen bottle and passed it over the bed not around and dropped it on my wound , it was like being electrocuted pain was unbearable,
I can't think what it would have been without being drugged up!!!!!
I was in for 6 days .
You don't live far from me. 7 miles!

It is scary but you are so lucky to be where you are. Fingers crossed all goes well and you will feel so much better really quickly post surgery.
The donor family are very brave to allow this to happen. My heart goes out to them. It will be a consolation that some good has come out of a tragedy. Xxx
Good luck, I hope all goes well and head for speedy recovery ....
I would be thinking the same re donor family. You have been blessed. Take care. Let us know how you get on when you can. Our thoughts are with you
X x
Go get um Red good luck
Best of luck.x
By my estimations he'll be in ICU right now. All going well probably will be woken later today, and perhaps back on the ward before if not over the weekend.
It is crazy when I read how people came round on the same day and were shifted to the ward! I came round on the second day and was so restless that they had to sedate me for two more days. I came around 4 days later properly and then after a week I was transferred to the ward.
I wonder how he is doing! Hopefully he is in great shape.
I'm excited to read about his experience and how he is doing!
Dear Red,
I hope all is going well?
A long road ahead - stay positive...
Lots and lots of love,
Thinking of you. Good luck 😄
Hi, red1954 wife here. Mike is doing really good. Op went well only took 5hrs. Now out of critical care and on ward. Thanks for all your support.

Brilliant news, glad it all went to plan on first call. Fingers crossed and best wishes for a speedy and straightforward recovery. Always good to hear the updates.
Looks after yourself Mrs Red as well, tough time for us loved ones.
All the very best, Katie xx
Great news keep strong for him , the next few weeks are crucial , I will pray for him 🙏
Amazing. Already on the ward.... double amazing. Thanks for letting us know Mrs Red and send him our good wishes.
Like Bolly said, thanks for letting us know - came back here to check and delighted he's all safe and back in a ward ~
Thank you for letting us know. Wow he has done well! Hope he keeps improving and recovering well!
I'm very nervous about my call and its brilliant to hear about such a short time in ICU and already back on the ward. Sounds like textbook surgery. Certainly puts my mind at ease hoping mine will go so well. Wishing you a rapid total recovery and home soon. (this is Jim - not Lucy)
Fingers crossed for a great recovery
Hope your recovery is going well and best wishes to your family
X cazer