Like many others who suffer from liver disease I suffer from itching and needless to say I am aware of and have tried many of the anti itch topical creams and gels with some being more effective than others . However being a fairly active individual I also suffer from frequent scratches,bruises and abrasions on my skin but they also often appear suddenly and without any apparent preceding factor. Unfortunately cirrhosis and long term steroid and immunosuppressant medication has made my skin cigarette paper thin.
When abrasions appear or the skin is broken because of scratching to try and relieve itching, it usually take a long time to fully heal. I currently have one broken skin abrasion on a leg and it has been hanging around for circa three months during which time it became septic. When I attended my local surgery a few days ago to have the dressing changed the Nurse observed the many other smaller bruises/abrasions on my legs and arms and recommended I try wearing DermaSilk or similar, theraputic socks and arm tubes which she said should be very beneficial and also prevent the breaking of the skin if scratching because of itching etc.
I understand these theraputic silk products are most frequently used by people that suffer from one or other of the various types of eczema and other itch generating health problems . However they are extremely expensive so I do not want to purchase before further inquiry regarding the effectiveness if any, in liver related skin disorders.
Has anyone else with similar symptoms to mine used these silk products ? If there is I shall be very pleased to know if they provided any relief ?
Thank you.