I had a route planned out in my head last night , now usually so far in I will bail that route be a miserable one and do a short run BUT the Sky is Blue and the Sun ☀️ is out it was rude not to waste a beautiful morning .
It’s been a while since I did this route and I won’t lie it chuffing killed me , I am still pondering quitting running as my pace is getting slower and slower qnd it’s feeling a million times harder to do it .
I will say tho that WOW I love being on the trails in glorious weather . I’m glad I wore just a T-shirt and shorts . Was perfect .
Lots of mud slippery paths eroded paths full of mini rivers . Walkers cyclists , dog walkers and everyone wrapped up and lil ole sweaty me plodding by saying hello to every one .
Happy Tuesday You lot . Mega chuffed I managed another 10K .