Garmin is having issues today. It’s been a busy week and I’ve been struggling to get out for a run. I’m still building back after a break so I haven’t done anything long or exciting lately. Mainly just fairly unlovable plods accompanied by feeling like an elephant with a 40 a day smoking habit. I know this is a necessary evil-it will pass and it will only pass by keeping at it! Today I decide to try a 30 minute run over a hill. It’s a favourite route.
I did a brisk walk to the start, feeling a little out of breath up the steep lane. That wasn’t a great sign but hey ho-one step in front of the other. When I started the run on my garmin, the blue triangle of death appeared. This has never happened before. Quick google and tried turning off and on-no joy. I had a right grump and almost gave up on the whole idea of the run. How could it possible count if it wasn’t going to be recorded anywhere? I wasn’t in the mood for Nike Run Club.
Anyway, I decided that it was ridiculous to bin my run for such a stupid reason. I set a 30 minute timer on my phone and off I went. It was so weird not looking at my heart rate, how long I had left, how far I’d covered etc. Today, it was actually really nice. I’ve been feeling really unfit and not being confronted with how bad my numbers are compared with normal and knowing I wouldn’t be told how unproductive I was at the end of the run was really freeing. The run itself was good. I’ve mainly been doing short ones and to go for a bit longer actually felt much better! More of the run was outside the toxic ten which is always a good thing. In the end, I’ve no idea how long my run was. I paused the timer to chat to a dog walker and forgot to restart it. I reached the village and that seemed like a good time to end….eapecially as there’s great coffee available in the little shop! A very satisfying run.
When I got home, I found that the garmin issue is affecting many people and not just me (see image-screenshot from the garmin website )
Hopefully it will be fixed soon but maybe I will do a few more without my watch! I just need to charge up my Fitbit now so I have a functional time piece!!!
Anyone else having garmin issues today?