Morning lovely Questers! The end is nigh for this month’s Sunny Quest and I’m both happy and sad at the same time. Glad to have finished with lots to celebrate and sad that it’s over. How did it go for you?
For me, there’s a big feeling of relief at getting to the end! This month was super tough with the heatwave. I was aiming for consistency and to keep my running at four or five runs a week. That’s a big tick. There have also been some bonuses with fastest times for 1k, 1 mile, 5k and 10k (the advantage of being a newish runner!) and a longest run of 11km. There was also a quest that popped up half way through of increasing strength and flex. That’s been much less successful and I think now I’m running most days without thinking about it too much, next months quest will be based around that instead. Hopefully the Yoga With Adrienne challenge starting soon (link below) will help!
It’s been really fun chatting with you all and so inspiring to hear all your wins. Sharing things we’ve found hard or not quite achieved yet has been really positive too. So much lovely support here. Thanks for all your contributions!