Greetings and welcome, fellow runners. This is the second week of the May Quest.
Ne’er cast a clout ’til May be out.
Hopefully things are going to plan. If you’d like a reminder, here’s last week’s post:
You can no longer reply to last week’s post.
Latecomers are welcome. If you’re just joining us, here’s what it’s all about.
What is the Quest ?
The aim of the Quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.
The Quest takes one calendar month. You can join at any point during that time.
Some popular goals are:
★ To run three times a week
★ To slowly increase distance
★ To train for a specific race
★ To add Stretch and Strength exercises to your weekly routine
This is a personal challenge, so it’s completely up to you! If you want to join, all you have to do is COMMENT BELOW with something like:
“I would like to join the Quest…” or, “Count me in! I want to…”
Every week I will put up a new post and we can all chat about how we are doing.
On Monday I got that Metric Marathon (26.22km) solo run done. I had sore muscles afterwards but that soon passed. I rested on Tuesday, then a 5km run on Wednesday. No running at all on Thursday as I was in a polling station from 6.30am until 10.20pm. A short two mile run on Friday afternoon and the beach parkrun on Saturday morning. I'm just about to go out for a short run this morning as the weather is so nice.
How’s it been going for you? Are you sticking to your plans or have things happened which have forced you to change them?
Tell us all in a reply to this post.
Happy running!
nowster and the Bridge to 10K Team