Here I am again after a 10 day break from running. Life has got in the way, lately! My poor Dad, who’s 94, was just starting to recover from his broken hip. He was transferred to a different hospital to continue with his occupational therapy. He caught Covid in there. My blood ran cold when we were told. Thank God, he has been doing really well and all the signs are good that he is recovering, after being transferred to yet another hospital, onto a Covid ward. They have already restarted his physio and he’s been coping with it very well. The staff love him and he is now being well looked after. How he managed to catch Covid in a side ward, with his own toilet facilities is a matter for conjecture! He was only allowed 2 nominated visitors, my brother and sister, who both tested negative. Of course, he can’t have any visitors until he is transferred from the Covid ward, but we have been taking treats in for him.
So today I thought I would go for a run. This was just a ‘see what happens’ run, with no pressure. As I started, I thought I would keep my heart rate down and do a Zone 3 run. It was mild and overcast, air quality excellent. The slopes and inclines on my run were perfectly reflected in my heart rate, so I had to slow down on all of the upward slopes (which basically was the second and third kilometres in my run), whenever I encroached into Zone 4. I struggled in the third km, but persevered and my heart rate did come down without actually needing to walk or stop. There were a few people about, mainly dog walkers and I occasionally ran in the road to avoid them. Fortunately there wasn’t much traffic! I didn’t hear any Red Kites this morning, maybe they were having a lie-in. The village was strangely empty of runners apart from two young boys running and chatting.
As the 4th km rolled round on my watch, I decided that it would be my last km today (left at the T junction). I allowed myself to pick up the pace and go into Zone 4. It wasn’t the flat out sprint that I sometimes do, but a gradual increase, just enough to give me the satisfaction of finishing strong, yet still enough to give me a bit of a workout!
Run over, I head to the steps and sync my watch. Yes, pretty slow but I enjoyed it! No negative splits today, but speeding up for the last km always gives me a sense of achievement! Back home for coffee ☕️
8:52, 9:01, 9:38, 7:19