IT'S STEP-tember Quest..... Finish Line in s... - Bridge to 10K

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IT'S STEP-tember Quest..... Finish Line in sight... How has it gone?

Oldfloss profile image
41 Replies

Hello Fellow Questers...

Here I am again, checking in before a new Quest begins on the 1st October!

Wow, this month has whizzed by hasn't it?

I am currently in Wales for a few days again and hoping to get a run or two in. I have had a relaxed, unwinding day in the sunshine, after a few days of aggravation and upset, due to the unpleasant actions of a neighbour. But, now the Police have taken charge, we are able to move away , and recover:)

Today should have been a run day and it was glorious here, but, as you know, my body and I are in close communication and a very wet drive here yesterday, coupled with two nights of broken sleep...uh oh. No thank you, but a walk in the sun with the sea air in my face? Yes:)

I am thrilled with the results of my Quest. I have run every week. I did run my RFL 5K, very successfully and raised money for the cause:) Have picked up with my Yoga, and my Plankathon, although posting my progress there, needs work :)

I am all set to join a new challenge too in October, set up by CBDB .

After last October, the task in front of me felt and looked like my photograph. To move forward in any way, not just running seemed like an impossible task; but with support from the family, and the amazing support from you on the forums, I am where I want to be at this time. It's going to be slow and steady as ever to 10K next, and I have just spied a wonderful new plan by a certain person, I just mentioned:)

So the message here... whatever you feel, however hard things seem... there is only one way... and that is upward and onwards!


I have been reading your posts and have been blown away by some folk reaching their targets a week before this week, and already tweaking and planning their next moves! I know too ,that a few have been suffering setbacks and have had injury, illness, wind and weather hurled at them, yet still, they have adjusted goals, accepted any limitations and by golly, they have succeeded in finishing with style!

So,,, come on people, find the time to share you amazing successes with us. tell us how the QUEST has been for you, and let us, please, celebrate your successes with you.

As ever, I am in awe of all of you. Inspirational, motivational and best of all, I am able to share your runs with you.

Thank you for running this Quest with me, and a HUGE well done, everyone!


Oldfloss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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41 Replies
LiisaM profile image

Dear OF,I have almost met my goals for running with you at the helm--one more week and that would do it. I've fallen by the wayside with my muscle exercises, but will try to rectify that now that I think I might see why I've slid backward a wee bit. (It has to do with marking what I have done each time and checking my marks at day's end, which I regret I have not been doing too well.) So: with the running--thank you for bringing me out of my pandemic slide! Your lead has meant a lot. Thank you!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Thank you too!It has been so good to watch your progress and see how your steady determination and will power ahs not only got you through the days, but you have been able to find time for yourself on the way.

You are going to get a handle on those bits you need to tweak and you will be keeping up with this excellent regime you have got going. ( accepting that, sometimes, life really does get in the way).

Well done you!

I am looking forward to running alongside you in the next Quest... we shall enjoy that x

Devon_straggler profile image

I didn't have much of a September quest, I wanted to reach 60 mins running (which I have, and have had 2 further runs of 8k, which is ~63 mins for me), but otherwise just enjoy it, which I have been.

But mostly I just wanted to say what a lovely, positive post this is. I know not everything is rosy (and I hope that it's sorted soon), but being able to appreciate the sun and sea, and keep things moving in the right direction is fantastic. And you've smashed your September quest as well.


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Devon_straggler

Thank you so much. As a friend of mine way back once said to me, " If there isn't a solution, there isn't a problem "! It will sort:)You have done so well... and for me the enjoyment you are getting is a wonderful target to have met.

You reached that 60 minute running and you have done two lovely relaxed 8K runs too ! This is a super result.

Very well done you . See you in October Quest...? I need to plan my goals x

GoogleMe profile image

I was thinking of you as I sat outside my son's art class this morning reading a piece by Jan Morris who you probably know lived close to where you are now and was writing about the place. I was also feeling contented because I had just completed my Slow Motion Running challenge for my dangly sloth medal (60 minutes continuous running... and a wee bit to get to 5K so definitely lived up to the title!) There has been no other running this month ( but it was a joy to get this done and in lovely Autumn sunshine but with nice soft wet underfoot. Especially as I went out to do it yesterday looking forward to the exhilaration of running in rain but listened to my body and came home to bed instead.

The yoga target will not quite be reached but I anticipate achieving the lower target I made for the last Quest.

Thank you so much for running two months of Quests on the run 😀It's really helped me feel like I am hanging on in there despite everything else that is going on (although it sounds as though it might be slightly less than is going on for you!)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

Morning and Thank you xYou have no idea how much I value your replies. The approach to your runs and your exercise has a positivity and realism that shines through, ( even in darker days). You support me with this approach.

I am looking forward to reading some Jan Morris whilst here.

You have had a good Quest. You have done what you were able to, you took time for you , and you listened to you, too. That is so pleasing and what great targets to achieve.

You finished that Sloth Challenge, ( I have this wonderful image of a tree sloth, slow motion tree running )! Lovely Autumn sunshine and soft wet ground. I can feel and smell the air as you met that goal.

I am looking forward to running with you in our next Quest... we will get where we want to be, and if we fall back a tad, the runs will still wait for us x

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

❤️I did in fact see a couple of actual sloths this month but they were asleep in boxes and baskets. Years ago I saw one which was positively lively!

ForbiddenPlanet profile image

Hello OF, congrats on your own quests this month and their successful resolution, running and otherwise. Sounds as though you have had quite a time of it.

This has been my 1st time as a Quester and it has made a big difference to me, so thank you for running it.

I achieved my 3 goals - I wanted to cover 500K steps, and I reached that target earlier today.

I also wanted to run 35K in the last week of the month and to do so with a heart rate > 90% in Zone 2. I have run just under 36K in the last week, and also met the Zone 2 target.

These running targets have been more successful than I imagined they could be. I expected it might take months for my body to adapt to running at a lower heart rate, but it seems to have done so in the space of a month, and at the same time my easy running pace has increased significantly. I am fairly astonished at how well it has gone, and being a Quester has played a big part in that as it helped me with the discipline required to run slow and stay within Zone 2.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to ForbiddenPlanet

Thank you... ! It has been an interesting month generally with real highs and a bit of a slump, but nothing to do with running!This is fantastic news; you have really met those targets in true style!

500K steps. tick.

36K . IK above your target. Tick.

Zone target. Tick.

We do have the potential to amaze ourselves sometime, and when it all comes together it is a fantastic feeling.

Really well done you and I am looking forward to running a Quest with you in October x

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate10 in reply to ForbiddenPlanet

I set personal plans/targets for myself for every month and only a few of those items get selected for the forum Quest. The most slumpy month I have had I think was the one where the admins were taking a well-earned break... speaks volumes I think. It is a great system.

CBDB profile image

An invincible summer, after the depth of winter 🥰🥰🥰 …. long may your invincible summers continue!

I’m quest-less, in-between, but in a happy liminal transition space, ready and excited for what my post 10k consolidation period will bring.

My last two questical items I managed in the last week were:

✅ finish the first 5 weeks of my plan (they might also be the last, depending how it feels to run it week by week)

✅ and I did my first live Zoom’d yoga session, which was pretty scary, I have to admit!

Thank you so much for cheering us on in our quests, and your quest has been an inspiration in itself!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to CBDB

Thank you! So good to have had you here with us, I do feel that the Quests do provide a place to share and care about each others successes and their setbacks.

You are doing really well I feel?

Plan... on track and yes, you will finish it :)

Zoom Yoga... eeek, that sounds scary indeed ! Where was that ?

I look forward to seeing you on the October Quest... and looking forward to taking part in your plans for us too x

nowster profile image

My quest was more an aspiration to finally reach the HM distance this month, and I achieved it in the second week (on Sunday 12th).

Since then, I've been piling on the miles with 10km runs (six in the last 10 days) and parkruns.

I'm really pleased with how things are at the moment. I may do another HM distance next month. There's always the "metric marathon" (26.22km) as something to aim for in the future. I think of it as a HM with a parkrun added on to it.

I'm in no hurry.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to nowster

Love that!!! " I'm in no hurry ".I wish I had used that as a Quest post!

You have done brilliantly... reaching that HM distance and getting the longer steady paced runs in too.

Some new targets for next month and everything to look forward to.

See you in the Quest next month and really well done!

Jogger22 profile image

Hello OF, hope you're well and enjoying the sea air! Sorry to hear that you are having problems with your neighbours.I am pleased to say I almost managed to complete all of my september quests:1) run x 3 times a week (yes - apart from last week where only able to run twice due to illness)

2) run 3 different parkruns and volunteer for one - yes completed

3)increase time run each week as per Ju Ju's magic plan - yes & have now completed week 6 of magic plan - 7.41km in 55 minutes as my longest run to date.

4) cross train at least twice a week (yes managed apart from one week where only cross trained once)

5) I haven't managed to get 7+hours sleep a night though so will incorporate that again into my October quest! Sounds like you've been having sleep issues too. I'm going to log off now and try 1 hour before bed without screen time. Wish me luck!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Jogger22

I think you have done really well, and thank you. I need my sleep !You have met nearly all of your targets and that is a great result.

You have still got a bot of a sleep issue, but you are realistic and you will find a routine that becomes as much of a good habit as your running which is really on track!

Look forward to seeing you in October ! x


Hope you slept!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Floss,It's lovely to see how you and fellow Questers have met their targets and personal acheivements this month.

Time for ME has been squeezed this month. I have been getting onto the mat for YWA but this has sometimes been late in the evening, and more in order to keep stretched rather than for leisure and enjoyment. Our P E sessions with Joe Wicks have become less often, and although I have purchased new running shoes, I have used them only once.

My time has been swallowed up by my first duty, being mum and now a Nanny.

My chance to run this afternoon while Mr Bbr played golf disappeared, instead being there for my daughter, an extra pair of hands and company on one of those days with a little one.... (We all know what that is like.)

My position is a happy one though, I really enjoy being there for my daughter and am appreciated I know. Maybe that quest is enough for now.

The runs will wait again...

Take care everyone🍁xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Morning my friend. I feel your month has been so successful and probably achieved one of my main targets from last month's Quest... " doing what we are able and, taking time to run ( or exercise), and to enjoy"!

You seem to have got the tabs on all of those and the enjoyment and happiness is the greatest target to have achieved.

The exercise regime you have been keeping up, is keeping you going, for those wonderfully important roles you are playing now.

Well done to you... the runs do indeed wait and many of your friends here will be taking you with them, as they run ! xx

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you. xxx

SueAppleRun profile image

Hi Floss, good to know you are where you want to be and out there running, inspiring us all! September quest, I’m quite pleased with this month, I know myself well and tend to think what a good idea to join in then fizzle out…. work, life, laziness.

We restarted c25k with a newly running friend at the beginning of the month and I’m pleased to say we’ve kept up fairly well with a few setbacks, we finished week 3 and first run of week 4 went surprisingly well, I’m finding i can keep up with younger friend most the time and although have felt a few aches it’s nothing like when we first started and it felt like everything hurt.

Her conversational pace is still just my conversational pace although at the top end, much faster and chatter would stop.

Thank you fir leading the quest this month it’s been good to join in

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

Doing what I am able, thank you :)

We are halfway there when you realize what our own shortfalls are:) I have been reading your posts and have been so pleased that you were running with a friend and now, the wonderful benefit is that by running to bring them on, your own running has evolved too!

It has been good to run together here and I shall be watching for you, when I join next month's Quest x

RunBrianRun profile image

My quest this month was to make it to the end of the Brighton Marathon 10k which I did thankfully. It’s been pretty much a down hill month as confirmed by my Strava progress chart. This is because I’ve been carrying a posterior tibial tendon injury for the whole month basically and I’m in recovery mode. Likely to be a good few weeks yet but I’ll get there. 👍 Thanks OF for hosting this quest 🙏

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to RunBrianRun

You achieved that BM10K. A real well done to you on that. So, time now to recover fully, before setting any targets. I hope it all goes well, with lots of core stamina and S and F work to keep things going. I shall watch for your progress :)

Yesletsgo profile image

Thanks for this OF. This month has been way better than I anticipated for running. As you say, onwards and upwards!Here's to October 😁

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Yesletsgo

Just great!! When it turns out to be a more successful month than you imagined, that has got to be a result!Well done you and see you in October!

Thommo23 profile image

Well done Old FLoss, it sounds like you had a mega month!

I am very happy with mine, without doubt the busiest (and most successful) quest month I have ever had - 4 of them! None easy but all very satisfying.

Not sure what I will do for October in all honesty - I will have to think about it.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Thommo23

I have done okay! Thank you!Huge well done you on this Quest and I am so glad it has been so successful for you.

Lots to ponder on and lots to think about for the next month. A few of us are getting thinking caps on...there are a lot of tempting challenges on the forums, I shall watch out for you in October. x

UpTheStanley profile image

Hello OF, I've not pushed myself too hard this month as I've been trying to focus on the Great South Run in a couple of weeks. Dexy5 has been pushing her distance up, so I've run 12k and 13k with her, then carried on to 16.1k/10 miles at my race pace, or something like it. I've had a couple of half-hearted attempts at something a bit quicker, which have come to naught, plus a useful 5k up and down and round and round a 500m circuit with a sharp little ramp in one corner. And yesterday 10k at race pace, all well and good but beginning to flag a bit towards the end, which was disappointing, felt I should have had more in the tank. Whatever, that was my last longish hard run before The Day.

Perhaps more importantly I carried off my first parkrun as Run Director without mishap last weekend, which I think was the main Quest I set myself this month. October's Quest will be very simple - complete the GSR and be happy with the result!

Thanks for your hours at the keyboard this month (and last). And well done on your own Questing. Time to relax a bit now, surely?

Onwards and upwards!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to UpTheStanley

Heading towards that run and... sensibly!

You have done amazingly this Quest as has Dexy5 .Your goal as Run Director, a real success too... that is perfect!

I shall be in that Quest with you in October ( not running any distance like yours though).

I feel you have had a really good time over the last two months... and speed?

Well, as Mahatma Gandhi said...

" There is more to life than increasing its speed ".

He did so many great things, but maybe not a GSR :)

Well done you x


I am on a different tack next month... trying out a new C25K chat room again... got to bring our new friends there up to speed again... they have no experience of this old snail...


Frizzbomb67 profile image

Hi OF and fellow Questers 👋 I have just finished the month with a fabulous 7 mile run. I got absolutely soaked through every layer 👙 😂 and absolutely loved it. I can only run twice a week so I go and run whatever the weather because I know there won’t be another chance. It reminded me that I must get a long sleeved running top as my ordinary long sleeved cotton t shirt got so soggy and weighed down. I finished my quest last week with 50k for the month but I’ve continued to log my runs and have completed the month with 69.9k 🤦🏻‍♀️So close to 70k! I’m happy with that 😊

I’m going to have to have a long think about my quest for next month 🤔

Thanks for hosting OF 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Frizzbomb67

This is fabulous news, wow... you have done so well!7 miles soaked and absolutely loving it... that is a real goal met and how!

I think we need to call that 69/9K 70K, don't you?

Well done all around and I like you, am thinking , what next..? See you on the October Quest ! x

Mum22boys profile image

Oldfloss, thank you for letting me join the quest this month, I feel like a slight intruder as I'm back on c25k at the moment. My quest was simply to do 1 yoga session.... well I'm delighted to say today I completed my 10th. I'm so happy I'm back on my yoga journey.

You enjoy your time by the sea, I genuinely believe there is nothing better for the soul... other than maybe a run by the sea 😉

My biggest boy turns 5 tomorrow so already looking forward to October 😁

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Mum22boys

So many of us have repeated Couch and I was here earlier this Year!

You have done so, so well and you should be really proud of yourself! I am feeling a lot more rested thank you!

Have a lovely day with your BIG boy tomorrow.... and I will see you on the October Quest, we will with the others, Quest together:)

Dexy5 profile image

Hello Oldfloss, so sorry to hear of the problems at home, and I’m glad you are able to get away from it all for a while.

After taking a short break from

running while in Devon at the beginning of the month, I seem to have achieved my quest. I have run my 3 runs a week, increased distance to 14k and stayed injury free. I managed to get into my fist Pilates class for months, and had my first ever sports massage this week. It’s really freed up my calves and hamstrings, but I felt like I’d run a marathon the next day!

I’ve also run and/or volunteered at parkrun each week. It’s so good to have it back again.

Very well done to you too, and see you again next month. 🏃‍♀️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Dexy5

Thank's all in hand hopefully. Life does hurl things at us!

Your Quest has been great and it is good to see you back on track. I bet that massage felt good too;)

Well done on the PR too. I know you really enjoy them.

I shall be there in October...not quite sure on my goals, but running with will be fun, whatever I decide x

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

The massage was quite painful, especially on the calves, but it seems to have done the trick.

October already. Where has this year gone?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Dexy5

Well, I do remember a calf massage after my injury a few years ago... really hurt but as you say...they do the trick! The year has whizzed, but at least it is going over these last laps in true running style. x

dijep profile image

Hi Oldfloss and fellow questers 😊I couldn't agree more about the amazing support and advice from everyone on here it's definitely what's kept me going👍

I've really enjoyed my October quests and have remembered (eventually) to reply to all your posts, so that's my first quest target met 😉✅

My second was to keep to my twice weekly running plan but be prepared to alter of necessary. Well apart from one week I have run twice a week, I did adjust my targets as my sciatic nerve niggles were making them selves felt, keeping to flatter routes and dividing my weekly distance targets more equally between the two runs. This so far seems to be working,🤞✅

Finally I said I'd do a core session per week plus 3 physio sessions, generally I've been okay with the physio but the core had been hit and miss so I adjusted it to doing at least 5 x 10 minutes a week which again seems to be working .

So overall listening to my body and being realistic work goals had been the key for me this month.

Thanks Oldfloss for hosting and all your encouraging responses.

Roll on October questing.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to dijep

Sorry for this late reply! You have had a great Quest and although you, (like many of us:) have some areas that need tweaking, you have met those targets.Well done you... see you in October Quest! x

Thanks so much for hosting us again for September Oldfloss. It has been great to have your support and encouragement. My daughter completing her C25k was the icing on the cake for my quest last week, but I am pleased to say both of us have kept up with our running since she started uni. She has a fantastic park to run in (it also hosts a Parkrun) and I have continued running my woodland trails.

Yoga is work in progress, so it continues into October; it's the first day today and I successfully got onto my mat this morning.

October will hopefully see me reclaim my 5k and turn my thoughts towards 10k again, slowly and patiently though.

Happy running and enjoy that sea air 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to

Sorry for this late reply! Huge well done to you. You have really kept things going and so good that targets have been met and you are thinking of the next few weeks!

Lovely news too about Delly and so good that she is keeping it up and some great locations too! ( Hope she, and you:) have settled down ? x

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