Up with the lark this morning. No faffing, out of the door at 5.30!
This morning was going to be a 60 minute run in Zone 3 and I was looking forward to it.
Iβve been have real problems lately keeping my heart rate down - the consequence being putting too much effort into what is meant to be a run with little effort. My aim is to get back to my former fitness and to be able to run longer distances again with relative ease. I did it before, so am determined to do it again!
It was much easier today. I started very slowly and kept in Zone two for as long as as I could, probably about 1.5 kms. I kept running at a slow pace for the whole of the run, slowing down further (on the inclines) if I started to encroach into Zone 4. On previous runs, Iβve had to slow to a walk on some of the inclines to recover, but not today π
It was harder to ignore the split times than it was to run, but I refused to be distracted from my goal. I didnβt even allow myself to speed up for the last km - and certainly could have, but chose not to.
The result was a run mostly in zones 2/3 and a slight encroachment into zone 4. Very pleased with this result! I had plenty in the tank to carry on at the end, which is exactly where I wanted to be.
Today was also the first time in many weeks that Iβve been out for a third run. I hope I can keep it up!
Next week I plan to Jeff the first run with a ratio of 45:30 for 30 minutes or so. Second run will be a slightly faster 3K and next weekend another slow run for 75 minutes.
It was good to be out there in the relative cool of the early morning. I didnβt see any other runners and there was no traffic, just the Red Kites soaring and whistling high above.
Take care in the heat! ππ