A Comeback 6K! : Work has turned into another... - Bridge to 10K

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A Comeback 6K!

Fionamags profile image
25 Replies

Work has turned into another dreadful daily grind of stress and drama so this was a funny old week on the comeback trail. I went for a short run on Tuesday, coaxing myself out of the door with the promise that it only had to be a wee 20 minutes to get the legs turning over. So off I set having dealt with numerous staffing and student issues before I got out of the door - hair standing on end, eyes on stalks and generally not a pretty picture. Anyway, the moral of the tale is, although it was an ugly one, according to Garmin I ran my fastest ever mile! It must have been the stress :)

Things continued to progress in a bit of a downward spiral so I didn't get another run in until today, which I decided would be my long run of the week. So the aim was to run for 50 minutes - just slow and steady to clock up the time on my feet. I got to 5k in 42:20, which was fine by me, and then it was just a matter of digging in and finishing. With a couple of minutes left to go I checked my watch and I was at around 5.8K so, inspired by dijep and the post of hers that i read this morning, I decided to go all out to hit the 6! So puffing and gasping, I duly clocked up my first 6K in quite a long while. At 50:58 I was a tad over my 50 minute plan - but who could let that juicy 6 pass them by when they were so close?

Very pleased with that - without the final slog I would have had a fair bit more in the tank so that's a result for me!!! Happy running folks.

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Fionamags profile image
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25 Replies
Allbarron profile image

Absolutely awesome Fiona!!! Hopefully the running will help destress after your testing week. You are doing really well. Good on you for digging deep. Great time too! 👏👏👏

Fionamags profile image
FionamagsGraduate10 in reply to Allbarron

Thanks. Looks like stress is good for speed and the long run is good to destress - so you've got to take the positives.... ha ha ha ha.

How you getting on? I've not seen you post for a bit.

Allbarron profile image
Allbarron60minGraduate in reply to Fionamags

Still not running. I think my knee issues are a combination of things and trying to get sorted is a nightmare. Some days too painful to walk much. Plus Ive got some issues with the forum. Don't always get notifications and some days can't get on for inspiration. Now schools re opening. I hope I'm going to find some time to start walk/run😳

Fionamags profile image
FionamagsGraduate10 in reply to Allbarron

Oh no - those knees sound awful - poor you.

I had a problem with notifications as well for a bit. It seems to have sorted itself, although I can't be sure as I'm not on here as much these days.

I hope you can get those knees looked at.

Allbarron profile image
Allbarron60minGraduate in reply to Fionamags

It's just the right. I had the cartilage trimmed a good few years ago now but just don't know what is irritating it. I do remember your notification issue. I'll just have to keep checking in periodically☺️

CaptFrey profile image

Result. That’s a brilliant come back result. I only aspire to run that fast. Great to read your mojo is lurking and leaping out again.

Fionamags profile image
FionamagsGraduate10 in reply to CaptFrey

Yes ye olde Mojo is a fickle beast. My husband has a lot to do with it. I've taken to calling him Coach as he keeps badgering me to get out for a run -possibly because it makes me easier to live with afterwards????? He texts me from work to check whether i've been out or not. It's helping with LeJog as well as I'm out most days for a walk now, which is breaking the pattern of slothdom a bit.

CaptFrey profile image
CaptFrey60minGraduate in reply to Fionamags

That’s good he is supporting you 🤗

AlMorr profile image

Happy running to you Fionamags, well done on that comeback 6K, you should be very pleased with your run today, 50.58 is a respectedable time, that 42.20 time for the 5K split was around the same time as my not parkrun last Saturday. 😊 🏃🏾

Fionamags profile image
FionamagsGraduate10 in reply to AlMorr

Thanks Al. I'm in good company if I'm managing the same time as you for a 5k. Mind you, I see that you have clocked up way faster times in the past. But I think we are all just thankful to be able to run and get outdoors at the moment, aren't we? I'm very pleased to be increasing my running time again as there is something a bit special about those longer runs.

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to Fionamags

👍 🏃🏾

dijep profile image

Yay 🎉🎊🎈 that's great well done 👍😊

It's so good to see that 6 isn't it? Definitely worth the slog I'm so pleased for you.

Sorry though that you are having such a rubbish time with work. Fingers crossed 🤞 that next week will be better.

We will get back there 😉👍🤞🙏

Fionamags profile image
FionamagsGraduate10 in reply to dijep

I just need to slog through this semester then it will get easier. All the craziness just finally made me wake up and smell ..... retirement! So I'm going to go part time after the summer and then it will just be two years before I pack it in.

Yes it will be great to get back to 10K - I only did the distance once so it would be good to consolidate at that for a bit. I'm hot on your heeels!!!


dijep profile image
dijepGraduate10 in reply to Fionamags

I think going part time is the best way to work your way into retirement so that's sounds a great plan and you'll have so much more time to run 😊👍😂🏃‍♀️

I'm hoping to get to 10k for Easter and do as you've said consolidate that distance before moving on. I'm still slightly fixated being able to run 10 miles one day though 😂🏃‍♀️

Fionamags profile image
FionamagsGraduate10 in reply to dijep

Ha ha ha ha I knew it! I am exactly the same. I really fancy a crack at 10 miles as well. Who knows - maybe we'll manage it during the summer? I haven't worked out a plan for that yet though as I think getting to 10 k first then consolidating for a bit would be a good plan.

dijep profile image
dijepGraduate10 in reply to Fionamags


Peter44 profile image

Sorry to hear about all the work issues, and stress, bit ironic, as i've only just gone back to work 🤣 i'm sure you were ready for that run, i feel the same, about the longer runs, certainly helps to de-stress. Interesting to here you talk about retirement, been of so much this last year, feels like i've already started!

Guessing your work involves school/college/university maybe.

Fionamags profile image
FionamagsGraduate10 in reply to Peter44

Yes university. It's actually a job I love - but there's just way too much of it.

BaddieThePirate profile image

Super, well done 👏

Vonb profile image

Great going! I’ve actually ran today as well, after my 5k was in lot of pain with the foot, stupidly had just done too much at once but today the hubster ran with me! he’s on a health kick and I’ve eventually persuaded him to give it a go. Anyway we did a slow 1.8k before he said he’d had enough which seems perfect for the foot at least! We’ll build up the distance and time together hopefully x

Fionamags profile image
FionamagsGraduate10 in reply to Vonb

Awwww that's lovely you got him out to run with you! Slow and steady the Comeback kids 😆😆😆

Couchphoenix profile image

Hair standing on end and eyes on stalks....that’s some stressful job you’ve got ! 😂

Well done for sticking with it today and hitting that 6k, far too tempting not too when you’re that close 👍

Gwenllian1 profile image

That’s very impressive! Great to get back to 6k. I’ve had my come back this week rather derailed by a few days of illness so it’s back to it next week I hope.

Fionamags profile image
FionamagsGraduate10 in reply to Gwenllian1

That is so frustrating! But just keep your eyes on the prize - you'll get there :)

Gwenllian1 profile image
Gwenllian1Graduate10 in reply to Fionamags

Thank you! That's the answer, you are right. Just keep on keeping on doing it!!

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