I have lots of meetings today so my lunchbreak run was a bit later than I’d have liked. I’m doing a repeat of last Thursday’s 4k route as I don’t have time for anything more. It’s 13 degrees, sunny, but with a brisk cooling breeze so I opt for shorts and a long-sleeved top. In hindsight I should have gone with a T-shirt.
There are quite a lot of people out walking – I guess they’re enjoying the sunshine. 🌞 Without fail everyone moves out of my way. I smile and say “thank you” each time. I get a smile in return approximately 50% of the time.
Then, ahead of me I see a couple walking side by side, occupying the entire width of the pavement. Behind them is a small child on a bicycle. As I approach I notice they both seem oblivious to what I assume is their offspring, wobbling around behind them. There’s a wodge of traffic approaching so I can’t move into the road to get past them.
All of a sudden the couple move slightly closer together and I move out to take my chance to pass them. At the same time the kid on the bike moves outwards too and we almost collide. I come to a halt and the kid takes off like a rocket, and disappears down the road. Clearly they weren’t together after all.
Why is such a young child unaccompanied and riding a bicycle along the main road?
I’m warming up and my sleeves are pushed up to my elbows. I navigate the wooden gate at the entrance to the green space where I got wet feet on Thursday. I hope it has dried out a bit. Nope – still as bad! I try to avoid the puddle by running on the grass. Mistake! This is really claggy! I slow down to try and stay upright. Muddy feet again! Gah! 😡
Through the gate again and I’m definitely slowing on the uphill third 3km. I’m glad when the route flattens out a bit for the final km when I try to increase my pace a bit, but I’m not going flat out. 4k done! My legs felt a lot better than on my last couple of runs, and the niggly glute seems much better. 😁
Garmin gives me splits of 7:23,7:35,7:50,7:19. As on Thursday, it’s not quite a sub-30 minute 4k. Maybe if I hadn’t had to navigate the 2 gates, the muddy pool and the pavement-hogging couple it would have been. On the other hand, Strava has clearly worked it’s magic “move time” correction with a move time of 29.56. and splits of 7:22,7:22,7:52,7:13 Oh well! 🤷♀️
The photo is of some crocus in the sun in our back garden at the weekend. Dare we hope that Spring is here?