I’ve noticed after the past 2 runs that both my hips have been sore. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis 10 years ago but have had no issues but wondered if there are some exercises I can do to reduce inflammation in this area. Any advice gratefully received. 🙃🙃
Advice please : I’ve noticed after the past... - Bridge to 10K
Advice please

Sorry to hear about your hip pain, something I've suffered from for years but run has sorted. Are you stretch after runs? I use these nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/h... also find that if I sit too much when they are bad they actually get worse. If you have to sit in your job place important frequently used things in places you have to get up and walk to. I was lucky enough to get a standing desk which helped. Take care and Happy running 🤗
Tried to get onto this page but no longer available 🤔🤔🤔
nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/h... this, I just typed nhs running exercises into google

Whilst I don’t have arthritis in my hip (as far as I know) or pain, I have a lot of problems with hip flexibility. In my case this is a result of having one leg shorter than the other, which didn’t cause me a problem until I hit the menopause. I now have a very stiff adductor on my right side and a tendency for problems to transfer into the various quad muscles on my right leg. The more I run and walk, the stiffer I get, and the greater the tendency to injure the quad. Of course I want and need to run and walk for my general cardiovascular health and my wellbeing.
Although my problem is a little different, the things I do to keep mobile might also help you.
First of all I find it’s important to warmup, then thoroughly stretch before I start running. People will say don’t do static stretches before you run, but I can’t run unless I have done static stretches particularly on my adductors and quads. Similarly after the run, I try to take time to properly warm down, and then thoroughly stretch. If I skimp on these (and I often do, through time pressure), I really notice the difference. I also find using a foam roller when I get home on anything that’s tight really helps.
Secondly, I try to get a balance in my weekly exercise load. I rarely run more than twice a week, but I make sure I have a couple of longish walks during the week. I do load bearing exercise twice a week too, working with weights, resistance bands etc. I find anything that takes weight load through the hips (weighted squats, deadlifts etc) is an at times uncomfortable but essential help. And for me, the greatest help comes from exercising in the water. I can’t get enough of swimming. Aqua and Waterworks classes. I have basically been locked in the gym since it reopened on Wednesday, working to try to restore the damage of 4 pool free weeks. It took me around 3 months to get back the range of movement I lost during the 4 month spring lockdown.