September Scampers...New Quest...Week 3... Y... - Bridge to 10K

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September Scampers...New Quest...Week 3... You can still join us ! πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

Oldfloss profile image
β€’54 Replies

Hello again running friends:) Here I am again!

Well, unbelievably, yet another week has gone by and you all seem to be doing amazingly with some, or all of your goals! The weather here, certainly in the UK, is weird... chilly one moment... torrential rain the next and then too hot to move! But we runners are resilient and we just welcome all these challenges don't we! Don't we:)

I am very pleased with my progress generally. I have upped my distance a tad and a Virtual Spitfire Run 10K on Saturday, resulted in a very pleasing time for me :)

I am however, intending to pull back a tad on my runs, and I am leaving a couple of days in between... life has got very busy of late, as we have had small runner in training, ( and Mama), a lot more, early too ! whilst building work takes place in her home! I am also upping my strength and stamina work, trying to put a bit of weight on too ! I think the runs and extra workouts, added to some stressful issues, with Mr OF over the lockdown have not helped. I need to build up a bit !!!

So my photograph indicates what I am feeling right now and it is something I feel many of us can equate too!

Circumstances change, often overnight, and often also, well out of our control and we runners do have a habit of beating ourselves up and getting annoyed and frustrated with our progress.

Well... it is perfectly acceptable to step back, take a break, adjust our goals and be kinder to ourselves. I am for the next few weeks, just going to listen to my body and I am determined to relax and go with the flow! It's okay!

So after me offloading all my issues... what about you all?

I watch for and read your posts and am constantly in awe of your; you are really on target for many of your goals and beyond. So please do post here and let everyone know how it is all going and how you are finding your runs at the moment.

By sharing our successes and our setbacks too, we can support and motivate each other. I know how much I value the input you all put onto the forum!

We want to hear from you all... so get posting your replies please:)

If you have not joined us.. there is still time to come on in and join the fun!

Happy safe running each and every one of you!

Floss & the rest of the Team x

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Oldfloss profile image
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54 Replies

Thank you Oldfloss for this lovely post and a great message to everyone to listen to our bodies so we can step back when we need to and to take care of ourselves. Great to hear your progress too.

I love your photo and it fits where I am right now, going with the flow, slowly. I’m still going with my slow running and loving it, even contemplating running every day 🀭 but not yet... I also wonder as I’m jogging along if I’ll ever want to speed up again πŸ˜πŸ€—

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply to

Just do what feels right for you.... our body is our best guide and it tells you exactly where and when to move forward. Learning to hear that voice that does not use words is a real skill

Huge well done you!

a_in_gsr profile image

I ran my first 10km! Which was my major September goal :) It took me 1h01, and that was the first time I ran for an hour, too. I'm proud of myself I must say. After that I have been doing some easy / recovery runs; and then I'll do another long run, but not quite as long - don't want to injure myself!

Due to my cravings to be in a plan all the time, I'm thinking of starting up a beginner's 10 mile / HF running plan. I have no current desire to be in a race, but I do crave goals, new challenges, and the consistency of a plan - so thats exciting! But first I want to make running longer distances easier.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toa_in_gsr

Huge well done on that run... and your goals for the next weeks sound doable too...for your longer runs, the more runs you do, the more it evolves.

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Floss and fellow Questers....gasp!

Phew, just back from a run session, 90 second run intervals this week and I'm feeling it! Eleven months on the IC is showing now, but...I know what's possible... I know all about the toxic onwards and upwards for me.

I need Laura I think to talk me through these rehab sessions, using a timer buzzer has me setting off too quickly I fear. So I shall sort that out for my next run session.

On a positive side, my foot and ankle are feeling ok with the increased impact.

Daily yoga and S and conditioning going on here too!

Congratulations on your Spitfire run, and going with the flow sounds perfect...

I will take this on board too.

Happy Questing everyone.


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toBluebirdrunner

All very positive news have made great progress and been so determined and patient!

Your strength work and the yoga have really helped and we can all learn from you! Laura is a reassuring calming companion I feel.... our runs seem more relaxed somehow!

Keep on doing are doing just fine... and thank you; it will be a while before I do another 10K I feel. but.. I too can be patient:)

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10β€’ in reply toOldfloss


Tbae profile image

Hi Floss and fellow Questers,

Great post Floss as always.

Did not βœ…my 25k for week 2,5k shy.Week 3, is off and running and loads of stuff adding to the challenge.

MrsTbae has suffered in silence for too long.Recovering from a set back and needs to push on now with a new hip.

My silly left leg is grumbling,alternating dull pain from hip to calf.Hope it just disappears.

Still plenty going on with the garden.

But the weather is good and still hope to finish the month with 100 km consolidation and a continuous 10k.

Thought I might have done better as the month progressed but this is exactly what wise Floss has illuminated in her post.

I have got to chill and listen to my body and enjoy what is possible.


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toTbae

You have had a heck of a time and yes, easing back, changing plans is maybe some thing we all need to get better at!

Supporting Mrs Tbae... that is a great goal! She needs hedge hero to become hip hero!

Take the weather while you can and take the runs too, but as they come. Do not overthink and enjoy every single run!

Keep us posted please xx

Tbae profile image
Tbaeβ€’ in reply toOldfloss

Thanks Floss.I will do.

Hope all good for you.

Must be a record, start a quest in Bloomin June and finish in September.πŸ€”πŸ˜


Beachcomber66 profile image

Thoughtful as ever Floss, running going in the right direction but pausing to take stock.

I have had another good week with my quest; hill run is back up to speed, I completed my second 10k of the month in third best time ever and now have only a pound and a half of my six pounds to lose; and it’s only the 16th !! What do I do now? Terrible project management!! I think the answer is to slow off a bit...can’t run everything at best pace or that will end in bother....go for a longer slow run tomorrow maybe; but I am in a much better place than I was April/ July. The quest magic works πŸ™‚

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toBeachcomber66

This is really sem to be running well, but also seeing an awareness of the possible disadvantages too.

Running and enjoying and looking forward. Keep us posted please x

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10β€’ in reply toOldfloss

Thanks Floss; long run day today, but a Molly walk first. I know my place!πŸ™‚

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toBeachcomber66


Elfe5 profile image
Elfe560minGraduateβ€’ in reply toBeachcomber66

Wow! You are on fire BC! Go you! πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸ»

I am particularly jealous that you have lost 3lb more than me - but I’m planning to match your 6lb by the end of the month. πŸ˜„

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10β€’ in reply toElfe5

Just been out for lunch!! Good job it is long run day!! πŸ™‚

nowster profile image

Something positive to report to you this week: the foot is on the mend. No limp at all now. Could do a cautious 2km walk today with only fleeting twinges which disappeared quickly. The physio visit on Friday was most helpful. Follow up is tomorrow evening.

Hoping to be able to run (gently) again by this time next week. 🀞

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10β€’ in reply tonowster

🀞rooting for you nowster.🌻x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply tonowster

All sounding very positive and you are doing exactly what you should do...very well done. Patience will get you there.

Keep us posted please x

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate10β€’ in reply toOldfloss

Of course. I've a series of posts in the C25K forum under the heading "Injury Couch Chronicles".

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10β€’ in reply tonowster

Good luck with the physio nowster, we know what it’s like in the IC.

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate10β€’ in reply toDexy5

TL;DR for physio tonight. Great improvement. Still a bit of healing to do. Walks OK now but no runs for a week.

Full report on C25K forum.

Love this Oldfloss. You are so right in what you say here 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply to

Often easier to say than do x

EThomas profile image

Hello Oldfloss,

I am continuing with my regular yoga and strength sessions.

LEJOG is progressing nicely. I did a 5k run on Tuesday followed by a 14km walk (I followed an interesting looking path through the woods at Clumber Park and well...... got a bit lost - I like the adventure of just going wherever the fancy takes me and I know I can always retrace my steps if necessary). The ice cream afterwards was needed, especially as it was a hot day.

I managed 2 runs in the last week. I am aiming to increase this to 3 this week but am struggling with work commitments. I am hoping to do a long run at the weekend but will not be too concerned if things don't go to plan.

Happy running everyone.

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate10β€’ in reply toEThomas

That's a fine place to get lost.

Oldfloss profile image

This is excellent news EThomas ..Clumber Park just beautiful too!

Letting your legs take you where they will and enjoying it all.

Keep doing what you are doing and please keep us posted !

PhoenixRise profile image

Hola Oldfloss and fellow Scampers/Questers!

Doesn’t time fly in these uncertain times? 🀭

Great post Oldfloss πŸ‘ I too have decided to ease off of the gas ⛽️ and to listen to my body much more! I ran 3 days in a row last week to complete a mix of personal and Strava challenges which had deadlines. I completed the challenges no bother but my shins were not at all happy with me! πŸ˜–

Thanks to years of training I can’t help but be competitive! Mainly with myself! So I’ve been naturally pushing for PB’s on all my runs. Until this week ....

I’ve just started Week 3 of Ju-Ju-β€˜s Magic 10K plan and I’ve ditched the C25K+ podcasts (for now). Opting to run with music I like as opposed to a certain BPM playlist - surprisingly, the stats don’t show much of a difference so far! And I get to sing along and vogue a bit 🀭

I’ve managed to keep up with my strength & conditioning exercises straight after my runs - leaving rest days for just that - resting!

This week has me running my longest run to date - a 7K on Sunday. I’m hoping to keep a sub 6 minute per K but I’m not going to actively push for it.

On a side note, Rona has caused many knock on problems to my life - no work and no support. Running really has been the only structured constant for me and this forum has been a lifeline - thanks all! πŸ™πŸ»

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toPhoenixRise

You know where you're going...and you are taking stock too...knowing ourselves, listening to our is not as easy as it sounds.

You are doing well. Take that run...but let it evolve...and see what happens! Keep us posted please x

Blackberrypie profile image

Still not 100% recovered from my stomach bug last week, so while I have been persisting with the magic plan and lejog, I've been taking it a bit easily - so your message to go with the flow seems very timely! I'm hoping to get back to the 30 day challenge when I have a bit more energy to spare on top of running.

I have done my 1st run of week 3 on the magic plan, though again I ran it as an easy short run rather than trying to do intervals. I'm wondering about making this week's long run a 6.5k rather than a 7k to build up a bit more gradually.

I'm up to 38 miles on Lejog, and am hoping to get my 50 mile postcard by the end of the third week. It does seem a good way to keep motivated, which will hopefully stand me in good stead through the dark winter months!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toBlackberrypie

Taking it easy seems to have been the right thing to do, Adapting our plans and our runs is something we should all try to do when we need to, well done you for taking stock and easing back!

Well done too on LEJOG,,, any runs that you do will add to the mileage and will be something to reflect on too as we head into Winter. Keep us posted please and do make sure that you feel 100% before heading out. We need to feel properly on form ! x

(Since I posted this on Tuesday, I have realised I need to take some more time to get my strength back :))

Blackberrypie profile image
BlackberrypieGraduate10β€’ in reply toOldfloss

Happy to report I managed my 7k run today - realised that I only had one week of 7k on the magic plan so it would be good to go for it if I could. Still not quite 100% I confess, but definitely on the mend now, hoping to be fully recovered and in good form for next week's 8k (though I think I can take an intermediate 7.5 if I need to).

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toBlackberrypie

Brilliant... good news!

GoogleMe profile image

Doing OK... average step count looking good (helped by a long walk at Wentworth Castle Garden and another fruitless attempt to see the Bearded Vulture)... the 'new places' is easing off a bit as evenings get shorter but one particularly nice walk I have mysteriously never been on despite it being very close to home.

Yoga ticking over, '15 minutes' is a bit slack, runs helped by the new up and out early to drop off at the station regime.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toGoogleMe

Sounds good. Bearded Vulture clearly being elusive!

New running fine. It does sound positive...πŸ˜‰

Elfe5 profile image

Hello Floss! Your 10k sounds a great achievement amongst all the busyness & challenges of life - I think of you & Mr OF often. Have a lovely time with your daughter & SRIT. πŸ˜„

Listen to your body and go with the flow is such good advice thanks. It’s exactly what I have been doing over the last week-I had a few days off running with a minor bug, but managed to keep up some gentle cycling, mostly on the back of our tandem with Mr E in the Peak District, exploring new places.

I am back to running now (suitability slow & steady after being off colour) and have just managed my first ever 7K - I am so chuffed. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

PS I love the photo - so tranquil & beautiful.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toElfe5

So good to know that I am thought about...thank you x

Slow and steady is just fine. And a 7K...wonderful distance !

Peak district is on my doorstep.. I go there when fed up of housework!! Sounds perfect!

This sounds to me as if you are on track and enjoying. Wonderful!

Dexy5 profile image

Well done on your Spitfire 10k Oldfloss. We had the privilege of seeing the spitfire fly past our house yesterday too.

I agree totally with going with the flow with our running. There are so many other things going on in our lives at the moment that we need to use running as an escape, not another thing to add on the pressure.

My niece gave birth to a baby boy this week so it’s lovely to hear some happy news.

My quest is going well, having just completed W4 R2 of juju’s magic plan. So that’s 8k done and dusted.

My weight has reduced since I’ve been running again so at last I have got rid of lock down surplus. Still a few kg to lose to get to healthy BMI though.

Darker evenings seem to have arrived to soon for my liking but we are enjoying some lovely sunny days.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toDexy5

I do know exactly what you mean, running for escape, enjoyment etc .

Doing really well with Magic Plan...losing weight...and.. a new small human!!!Just wonderful!!!

Darker nights, but wonderful Autumn days too xx

Keep us posted please xx

Birdlady64 profile image

Nice post! A very timely reminder to us all to be less hard on ourselves.

I seem to have missed a week on the September Scampers but my main my main challenge was to rediscover the joy of running after feeling more than a little bit Meh! about it all. 😞

That’s been rather a mixed bag – I managed to better my 5k PB by 51 seconds on a glorious Saturday afternoon run in a wonderful location and with perfect weather😁, which was then followed by a couple of truly dreadful runs last week, compounded by fatigue due to lack of sleep.

I also started the September Magic Plan – I’ve completed the first 2 weeks and am still hoping there won’t be a major derailment during my weeks holiday to North Wales next week. I’m also hoping the break will cure my bout of insomnia and send those Meh! gremlins packing!

I’ve been managing to fit in at least a couple of lunchtime swims each week as well, which I’m happy about.πŸŠβ€β™€οΈπŸŠβ€β™€οΈ

On the other hand, the planking and James Dunne Challenge have well and truly hit the buffers, without ever really leaving the station

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toBirdlady64

Wow! A mixed review here...but plenty of good bits!

PB on your 5K..fabulous!

It all does seem to be shaping up though and North Wales will enhance the motivation!!! I love it!

You will sleep like a baby and the gremlins will fade into the Welsh mist!!.

Keep us posted!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10β€’ in reply toBirdlady64

Planks are a pain. I’ve just returned to Pilates classes after 6 months out and I’m hopeless at holding them. I’ll keep trying though.

LiisaM profile image

Dear OF! I have more or less dutifully run with the dog on our driveway but the distance is miniscule; I'm no longer gasping after this effort, as I did the first time I tried it absent running these past few MONTHS(!) The leash is expandable and I run till he stops and I get a small jerk on the leash. By law, we have to use leashes here with the penalty of a $1000 fine if we do not. My weightlifting continues unabated and has upped gradually--so good there. We are finally getting daily food from our new garden--this late in the year! What a pleasure fresh food is! Life is pretty good!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toLiisaM

That is fabulous...I am so pleased for you. All seems to be on!.

Stay doing what you are doing and do keep us posted! Please!

RunBrianRun profile image

A lovely post Oldfloss and a timely reminder to me to stop chasing PBs all the time and take life a little easier after my hitting the wall 2 days ago. I’m giving myself at least 2 days between each run now and I’ve also bought one of those massage gun things to hit those tight spots.

Well done on your 10k and spitfire runs. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toRunBrianRun

Thank you..and a huge well done to you...take the runs as they come sometimes?

Keep us posted please x

Roxdog profile image

So good to listen to our bodies and not give ourselves a hard time!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toRoxdog

Harder enough times as it is...being kind to ourselves is essential!

Mummycav profile image

I’f like to join in Oldfloss long run, intervals and a run just because I can is on my plan this month xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toMummycav

Just because you can... that is absolutely perfect, Well done you and welcome!

Cmoi profile image

What a gorgeous photo, thanks!

Well, in my last post I said this: "I've found a potential new route today for a long, slow run involving rather a lot of hills, so plan to give that a go on a day when I've got time and am in the right frame of mind."

Apparently I was in the right frame of mind last Saturday, because my planned Magic Plan 9k turned into 10k, then 11k, and I ended up running 12.1k! Also did 4k a couple of days earlier.

While this week started with a 5k run I've not had chance to get out since, due to a combination of work, shorter days and ridiculously high temperatures - it's been over 30Β° most afternoons.

Unfortunately storms and high winds are forecast for the next days, when I'll have more free time. Will just have to see what happens, I guess.

Happy running, all!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toCmoi

Terrific... everything coming together and a wonderful result! Some runs work out so much better than we can ever dream of and then some weeks prevent our runs. But you have your head round things... and I love that... " see what happens..." letting it evolve :)

Do keep us posted please x

Sandraj39 profile image

Hi Oldfloss and lovely runners!

Bit of a late post, so I will pop back and read through everyone's weeks tomorrow but a quick check in from me...

A busy week at work and just feeling a little overwhelmed at times this week!πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ So, after an 8 miler last weekend, I have to confess I missed my midweek run = no hills this week! πŸ˜±πŸ˜‰

However, I took my "Hooray, I made it to Friday" feeling out on a run after work today and had a lovely, 'easy' paced run around the village - 6.3k and feeling much better for it! πŸ™‚

After a couple of weeks of slightly longer long runs(10 and 8 miles respectively), I am planning a 10k on the trails πŸ’•πŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈon Sunday.

Have a great week of running everyone!πŸ™‚

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10β€’ in reply toSandraj39

You got those runs in eventually! Huge well done you... !

Life is so hectic at times and how we fit things in is amazing! Your run round the village sounds just the thing and a decent distance too.

How you work and run is beyond me...I have little free time despite retirement :) It is good that you have the energy ! I and we shall look forward to your post on your trail runs...!

Keep strong and stay safe lovely friend xx

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