Consecutive day runs which I don’t normally do. I stuck to 2 lots of 4k which I knew I could do, both in the very wet rain, which I normally don’t like at all. It was wonderful ............ no people just how it usually used to be ....... just me and the rain. I may be seeking out rain whilst we are in our new normal. Stay safe everyone.
Some Normality: Consecutive day runs which I... - Bridge to 10K
Some Normality

Good for you. I love running in the rain, it keeps everyone else away doesn’t it?

Great effort, rain can have its plus sides, but only if theres not a howling gale at the same time 1 or 🤣 happy running 🤗

Running in the rain is fine A lovely thing to experience is to be running on a hot day and getting overheated when along comes a refreshing rain shower. It’s bliss 😃
I usually scrunch up a thin jacket about my person for the walk back home as we can soon chill once we stop running Cold and wet is a no-no

Yes, I've done rare consecutive days and in the rain (can't say it was quieter though!)
Mind you mine was because I seem to have lost an earbud in its box towards the end of a session and wanted to try to find it. Alas not, and it was white which should stand out well at the moment.

Perfect, I love running in the rain, and its been great this week. Today I had rain, sun, wind and a rainbow which was fabulous. Well done

Lovely mix, we have drizzle, wind and the occasional glimpse of blue.
Love running in the rain, you're totally right more peace and less swerve needed.