Keeping it up: I’ve been getting as much... - Bridge to 10K

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Keeping it up

UnfitNoMore profile image
47 Replies

I’ve been getting as much running in as possible, and safe to do, with some back to back running days over the weekend to put 10k up for the running World Cup. Today... meh. Not like me to lose my enthusiasm, but as a non-political guy who follows politics (yes, that’s strange) I’ve known what’s going through Parliament today all weekend and it’s stolen my running mojo.

My thoughts are all focused on keeping it up... fitness wise. Anybody reading my title and thinking of something else have dirty minds... less so those who only thought that because of the picture.

That’s where my mojo is right now... somewhere in the middle of a tough workout on an app, YouTube or some website... I just got to go find it.

Here’s hoping I can get up tomorrow and run... if not there’s gonna be something else... Any suggestions as to what are very welcome and I’m hoping that if we share what else we do, it’ll help a lot of other people. We are in this together and no matter what, we I’ll cross more start lines in the future.

Happy training everyone.

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UnfitNoMore profile image
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47 Replies
damienair profile image

I’m in the same boat. I adore parkrun, and parkrun was the reason why I kept running. Without Saturday mornings to look forward to I am also losing my mojo. I need to pick up a new goal. Perhaps I’ll pick a forward date and try to train for a specific 5K or 10K time. It’s a really tough time right now. Stay safe and stay healthy.


UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply to damienair

You too Damien. parkrun being off really moved me... it’s more than a run, for some it’s the highlight of the week... hard to replace with ant & dec 🤣

Good idea on the time target I think... we are bound to lose some endurance if we go full lockdown, but going for a time over a distance we can do would be a great way back. Even if we don’t go into lockdown, I’m not confident of booking an autumn event and it a) happening and b) having the ability to train for it.

We will prevail... just want someone to turn the light on at the end of the tunnel


backintime profile image

Did you check under the sofa for your mojo?

Strangely the lockdown here has made me want to go out more, so for me it has proved to be a good thing - the gremlins are pushing me to go out rather than stay home :D

We're in unchartered territory for everyone, but we will come out the other side and things will get back to normal, we just have to grin and bear it.

I've been having dreams that resemble every disaster movie ever made, so I know it's preying on my mind, even though I feel reasonably calm

chin up - you will keep your fitness up, you'll get through it some how, with your sanity and your sense of humour intact I'm sure

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply to backintime

I think it may have ran in ahead somewhere playing hide and seek.

Love that your gremlins have changed... might not have been noticed without this. Can’t imaging France without people outside cafes with good food and a bottle of wine (maybe I’m not in touch with what France is these days, but the stereotype is alive and well in my head... they’ve also got striped shirts and onions around their necks and travel everywhere on bicycle)

Got 3/4 apps installed... if I can’t run tomorrow they can all have a go at breaking me 🤣

Stay safe and as active as you can.

backintime profile image
backintimeGraduate10 in reply to UnfitNoMore

do let us know which apps are worth downloading in your opinion

I will see if we get to go off lockdown after a week (we were supposed to be on for 15 days, we will find out soon if it's extended or not).

I will keep going out and getting back in shape after the IC, so it's good the gremlins are always pushing me to do the opposite of what I'm supposed to do :D

I have to say I haven't seen anyone with onions and a stripey shirt since I've been in France but the stereotype is also alive and well in my head, along with some Allo, Allo accents :D

CandyCool profile image

Oh I so understand that feeling. My get up and go has got up and gone! I’m just going backwards and it seems a little trivial in the grand scheme of things. I just feel like a moaning minny!

Like you said finding my mojo is somewhere in a fitness video. Hopefully x

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply to CandyCool

Health and fitness are the answer to a lot of things... ultimately we need that to beat the virus.. so it’s kinda not trivial. We shall hunt mojo down and show it what we got.

E27M14 profile image

Since I started working from home I have been running for half an hour in the mornings (instead of driving to work) but I am struggling to be honest. The weekend before last I ran 8km without too much difficulty, this morning I struggled to do 2.5km. I think it is because I am not sleeping too well and generally worried about what is happening on the world. I really hope we can still keep getting out there, even if it is just a mile a day, until all this is over. I’m hoping that because I have a dog I can use her as an excuse.

So keep on keeping it up, and keep in touch, we need to support each other more than ever right now!

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply to E27M14

My dogs aren’t old enough to run yet... but I’d be willing to get up and run 3-4am if they at least leave us a window!

I’m with you on the sleeping... averaging more than 8 hours in bed and less than 6 hours sleep here. That’s gonna make a morning run tough for sure... it’s affecting my middle of the day runs a little. Getting done what we can will serve us well of course... there will be other 8k runs!

You’re absolutely right about this place... we are so much stronger together than individually, and we are all so strong to start with.

Buddy34 profile image

Thought you'd got yourself some new medication UNM🤣🤣. If we do go into full lockdown because of the idiots who can seem to keep 2 meters apart I'm thinking of getting one of those exercise trampolines and follow the YouTube videos. Happy running/ training to you to. How are the dogs 🐕🐕

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply to Buddy34

Dogs are good, but restless in the evenings as they can’t go into the care home and visit their old ladies... it’s the same inside the home too apparently.

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply to Buddy34

Never trampolined in my life... we used to own one too!

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34Graduate10 in reply to UnfitNoMore

Well nows the time to start

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply to Buddy34

Might end badly... I think we have a spare middle bit of a trampoline in the garage, but the frame went years ago... improvisation might not be good here.

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34Graduate10 in reply to UnfitNoMore

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply to Buddy34

Ok... I’m out 🤣

Forget the running, take a few of those blue tablets instead and maybe you can take up pole vaulting 👍

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34Graduate10 in reply to


UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply to

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 👍

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to

Oh crikey the mind boggles! 🤣🤣

Deals1 profile image

Sorry. I don't really have any advice. I've totally lost my mojo too.... Its such a sad world at the moment. Not sleeping doesn't help either.

Hang in there. We all in it together. Hope you manage a run.

I'm currently listening to free weekly timed podcast... But I'm only on January 2019. (plenty of time to catch up now) take care

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply to Deals1

I’m up to date on that... spoiler alert, last week’s was quite sad.

We’re gonna have to keep moving and encouraging each other through the coming weeks/months... we can do anything.

Richard7 profile image
Richard7Graduate10 in reply to Deals1

Listen to this week's podcast, Tom was on it COO explaining the logic etc of pausing Parkrun. It actually made a good listen whilst I ran this morning.

SlowLoris profile image

For goodness sake folks!

Stop wittering on about mojo's. It's just running. Open the front door and go for a run. Come home. Feel better. You know how it works by now.

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply to SlowLoris

This is true. One exercise a day means I’m off running for a while as the dogs need walking... but I’m gonna be hitting up lots of other stuff.

lexi6 profile image

Fingers crossed you get your mojo back Unfit. I’ve decided that if they stop us from running outside I’m going to re start C25k using my living room, garden and driveway to run round like I did the first time (didn’t want to be seen outside) I’ve been listening to a NZ programme called Dirt Church Radio (interviews with runners) very inspiring. Meantime I have 4 new running books to read and 30 dates with Adrienne. Stay safe and well 😊

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply to lexi6

You too... and I’ll look up that show.

lexi6 profile image
lexi6Graduate10 in reply to UnfitNoMore

They chat too much with each at the beginning, but worth it for the interviews, Matt Rayment and Eugene Bingham are runners themselves.

Grannyhugs profile image

Here’s my workout. We’ve spent the last 4 days furiously trying to pack all our belongings into too few boxes ready for the removal company to put them into storage a month earlier than key exchange to try to get it done before the country goes into lockdown. 😅.

My workout for the next few weeks or months will be trying to move all these boxes around the house we can’t move out of because the country has gone into lockdown. I thought I’d call this new game packingcase jenga.😂😂

I’m actually delighted to be marooned in the house we’ve loved and lived in for 25 years. It’s on the edge of countryside with a large garden. I can run to my hearts content- or my legs give way.

Stay strong little blue pill mam. We can and will get through this. 🤗

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply to Grannyhugs

That could catch on! Do you need a live in carer? Don’t think I can run now, and garden isn’t really suitable... house could be with a few tweaks... do we really need tables, chairs and couches? 🤣🤣

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to UnfitNoMore

🤣🤣 stay strong 🤗

backintime profile image

haven't watched it yet, but it might pass some time away at home

Irish-John profile image

I was wondering where I put my tablet...


Fabulous450 profile image

Hey UNM 👋🏽 👋🏽!

I had a little debate with myself yesterday, feeling like going out for a run a little bit, but just couldn’t settle my mind to actually do it. Although I have been calm and following all of the advice, having the kids at home, setting things up first thing in the morning to do their college work and home-working really brings it home.

After my daily home exercise, I still felt slightly on edge. So, I opted to go out in the garden and distract myself in nature; cutting the very long grass. I’m almost ready for my very own home version of PR and gym. I’ve got round 2 today. The grass was pretty long 😳🥴, but it’s looking good. My son is a Martial Arts & PT Instructor 🥋so it’s a good time to learn some new skills together. He does try to show me some stuff that I usually think 💭 eerrr...’no’! I’ll try not to run away from it! 🏃🏽‍♀️

I‘m sure that we will all support each other, while we get into a new routine that supports our mind and stabilises our sense of wellbeing.

Wishing you and all our VRB family, health and wellbeing, while we all do so many things a bit differently!! 💓

Annieapple profile image

🍏 oh and I thought I was running in your footsteps....come on guys ... yes it’s mainly all of you men losing your have to get it back!!! RUN while you can....find new routes, new music or new podcasts...whatever it takes....many of you miss the buzz of park runs & find it hard to run solo because there’s not that competitive edge! Think back to couch days and how sluggish your body felt, think back on your running journey & how much you put in to get to this stage, think of the many people like me you have encouraged a long the way.....don’t let it go!!! The gremlins need to be stomped on!! If you haven’t slept well get out there & do a shorter run. A run is a run as you well know!!

Run today while you may!! Big hug 🤗 your honesty will enable many who can’t express their frustration to face up to it too. We so need each other so keep posting!!

in reply to Annieapple

My mojo is still intact.. With all of this so are time there is no excuse to not do some sort of exercise.

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to

You are so right! However, sometimes it’s hard to align what we know to be true with what we are feeling!

That’s why this forum is so great! We can let it out & move on.

Glad you are still enjoying your runs! We need some of your “Sunday Lunch “ type questions again 🤣

in reply to Annieapple

I'm sure I'll think of more questions..

We can all motivate each other I am sure 😊

Enjoy whatever you get up to...😁👍

cheekychipmunks profile image

Aww UNM, give yourself a little shake and reset that mojo of yours. We need the likes of you!

It could be worse - we could be in the depths of winter. At least the weather is being kind to us at the moment, and the days are getting longer here in the UK. ☀️

It is hard though isn’t it? PR was an absolute staple of my week. ☹️ Still, I won’t grumble - my family are safe and I’m able to get out on the common for my precious runs.

Look after yourself. We will get through this! 👍😀

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to cheekychipmunks

Even if we have to drag each other kicking & screaming🤣

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Annieapple

Oh yes! 😅

grumpyoldgirl profile image

Having been on the IC for so long, parkrun has been a distant goal for quite a while for me, my strategy has been to regard each of my little runs as one step closer to my next parkrun. So can I suggest we all take this time to keep ourselves Parkrun Ready. Because that first parkrun, when it resumes, will be really special, and we won't want to miss it! We can still go out for exercise, we can do this. Chins up everybody, that's an order.

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to grumpyoldgirl

Love this keeping ourselves ready so we don’t miss out on the first Park Run after this is over. Fab goal!! 👍🥳

BishyBarnabee profile image

I thought ‘mojo’ was an abbreviation of ‘more jogging’. So that’s what to do ...😊

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate10 in reply to BishyBarnabee

Gonna have to get some of you to run some miles for me... one exercise a day means I can’t run... but there’s plenty of other ways to keep the fitness up indoors.

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to UnfitNoMore


Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to BishyBarnabee


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