That's my attempt at a clickbait headline!
Really it's about doing the NHS C25K+ STAMINA podcast - a repeat run from Tuesday.
I don't find this one too taxing - my natural running pace seems to be about 164 bpm (so Strava is telling me), so for the first 30 minutes of this run it is slower than that, and I find it pretty easy going, which I guess that's what it's trying to teach you - to sustain a pace. I don't find I'm gasping for breath.
I read recently a post from seven years back asking what people thought about while doing the run. Here's what went through my mind:
(1) There's a burst water main (or something) right at the start of the running bit. It was there Tuesday - haven't they fixed it yet?
(2) Do I dare sing out the words of the song on the first section (158 bpm) of the podcast? "You've got the feelin'". Well I mouthed them!
(3) How do drummers keep time so accurately? Does the Audiofuel music use a human or a drum machine?
(4) How far was I through the podcast on Tuesday when I got to the Spread Eagle? (No I didn't pop in for a swift one!)
(5) Man waiting for a bus blocking my way. Then saw me coming and stepped right in front of me so had to swerve round!
So all pretty random! Most of the time it was just me being propelled by the beat, which felt good.
Then for the finale. Got to the end of the podcast, walked to cool off and then dialled up "Rock Show" by Blink-182 on Spotify to see how long I could keep to its insane pace of 192 bpm. I have to say I only know this song because my daughter was into it when in her teens. Is it a suitable song for a 15 year old girl, given there is a very prominent Extremely Naughty Word half way through?!
I was interested to see if I could keep up with it. Well I did for about a minute, during which I managed a pace of 5 something per km. Guess I'll have to maintain that kind of pace for 5k if I'm going to get sub 30 mins on the Parkrun. Definitely not there yet! As you can see from the trace (pink graph) I slackened off a bit after that (round 180) - not that I was out of breath, but a cyclist turned into my road and seemed to be behaving in a peculiar manner, and I lost the focus a bit. Fun while it lasted though! I also kept an eye on the heart rate on my watch to make sure I wasn't overdoing it. It went up to 174, which is not as high as it has been on other runs.
I normally listen to classical music - but it's hard to find pieces at a constant tempo for running with classical. Also most of the rock songs I like are way too slow - around 120 bpm which is more or less a brisk walk. So I guess to really get going using the music beat as a pacer it's going to have to be punk rock!