Finished C25K about three weeks ago and done several 5k consolidation runs. Usually takes me between 32 mins and 35 mins. When should I look to start increasing my distance. Should I get a few more 5ks under my belt before trying to run any further? Am I right that I don’t need to run 5k in sub 30 minutes before I progress? Advice welcome. Thanks
How many weeks to consolidate ? : Finished C... - Bridge to 10K
How many weeks to consolidate ?

Hi Cally. After three weeks of consolidation you can definitely start increasing distance. You can follow the “10% rule”, adding 10% of time or distance to one of your runs each week. See how that feels and do what’s comfortable.
Thanks for asking this, I'm at the same stage as you and doing 5K in the same kind of times. I still feel exhausted after 5K, though! Do you feel you can go longer when you finish the 5K? I'd like to work towards 10K but wonder if I need to get 5K comfortable first.

Couple of weeks for consolidation is great so three is good......mixed runs... 5K...30 minutes... new routes, short routes and then lovely longer slow relaxed runs...) I call them my, see where I get to runs.... )they are the ones that build everything up...Stamina and strength..the running legs and speed and distance
Get a pattern of runs going and just see how those longer runs evolve
When you are ready.. then take a look at the next round of Magic is a fantastic way to get to 10K

You are right, you don’t need to run 5k in 30 mins to start running longer - I still can’t 14 months on from graduation. Long runs are much more achievable. Ju-ju’s magic plan to 10k is great and you can take as long as you want to do it. Slow and steady on the long run. Have fun.

I'm still not running 5 k in 30 minutes three months after graduation and to be honest I doubt I ever will. I am slow as slow but I'm still loving it. I did about three weeks of consolidation like you and then I started ju-ju's Magic plan to get to 10k. You can follow the plan by running three runs a week of different distances or, what I'm doing , three runs of different times (one short one, one of 30 minutes and one of a little longer). It's great to have a structure to guide you a bit like c25k but without the app! I've had the odd week off and repeated a couple so I'm nearing the end of my first time through now. Then I'm going to do it again running to distance. I'm always going to be slow and yo be honest I don't really care! I can run for 55 minutes now. How amazing is that! Good luck with whatever you choose.

I graduated over 2 years ago and I’m still consolidating. We will always be consolidating. Don’t feel under any pressure to run further or faster. 5K is a wonderful distance. I usually run 5K twice during the week and love parkrun every Saturday morning. I do longer runs every now and then but much prefer 5K. It’s the perfect distance in my personal opinion.

I went on to a 10k plan immediately. It only took my 3 weeks to do it too. Although that’s not ideal as it took me a while to get used to 10k. Move on now but take longer than me to get there.

Well done that’s a great time. You can move on whenever you wish xx