After last week's blip due to a tummy bug causing me to abort my 8k run 5.5k in, I set out to try it again, but this time outside, like I prefer. It was the coldest I've run yet this year, so had to dig around and try to figure out what would keep me warm once I got running, but not too hot. I found a fleece beanie, a long sleeve wicking top of my hubby's (helps to be married to a phys ed teacher), long pants, and some running gloves my sister in law had given me a few years ago that I haven't used yet, and a light weight jacket. With music set to shuffle, off I go ..... crap, a head wind..... ok, I'm cold 😬 but I will warm up, especially once I can turn out of the head wind. I hear Oldfloss whispering in my ear, "slow and steady" but I really want to book it so I can get out of the wind....smarter minds prevail and I keep it slow and steady. By 2k, I'm out of the wind, and starting to feel my thumbs again. Happy by Pharell Williams comes on and I think "yes, yes I am; I'm running, I'm outside, the sun is shining and so far my tummy is happy 🙂" . By 4K, I'm getting a little stitch in my side, but Red Hot Chilli Peppers Snow (Hey Oh) was on and I was singing along and perhaps had picked up my pace too quick. I slow it down. I realize despite the stitch, I'm not huffing and puffing like I used to and feel really, really good. Gloves come off at 5k, Demons by Imagine Dragons come on and I'm in my glory. I'm singing again, a little louder now, playing some air drums, and looking like a right fool running through residential streets😜. I realize there is a lot of traffic and people leaving their houses heading out for work, but I don't care! I'm feeling good, and enjoying every minute of this glorious run. By 6.5k, I'm getting a little tired, checking my garmin a bit to see where I'm at and Doug & the Slugs Day by Day comes on. You gotta be kidding me? The shuffle music gods are amazing today!!!! They know exactly what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it. So yup, you guessed it, this lady starts singing out loud again....sorry neighbours but this gal can't help herself today. Finally last 1/2 km .... David Gray's This year's Love comes on.....I slow it down, enjoying the last of my run, the sun on my face, and not even minding that I'm back into a headwind. Week 4 of ju-ju- 's C25k up to 10k done ✅ . Looking forward to week 5 even knowing it'll likely take 2 weeks, given the nutty schedule I have next week.... Questers Soldiering on, right Bluebirdrunner 😉
Thank you oh mighty music gods of shuffle - ... - Bridge to 10K
Thank you oh mighty music gods of shuffle - 8k run ✅

It sounds as if you were "in the zone". Well done 🙂
Yeah! awesome Sask! So happy you got out and everything fell into place. And Doug and the Slugs - at just the right time - you gotta love that! That's destiny is what that is! Was thinking of you this morn singing out lout to "Too Bad" - of course my cemetery audience might be a bit more understanding than your neighbors - but like you say "who cares when you're feeling good?"
I drive by a cemetery every morning as I drive my son to school and have contemplated running it (although I never thought of it before "meeting" you- thanks 😏) but I'd end up doing quite a few laps. With a nice pathway only a block away, I might get some strange looks so haven't gone there yet. They might appreciate my singing more than the living though!
haha - sounds like a possible plan! - for me the cemetery is a safer place to run in the middle of the street without being worried about getting run over. I don't love running on the sidewalk as I feel it in my shins with the concrete. The pavement seems to have a bit more give. (I could just be imagining that.) Otherwise it gets quite busy around here in the mornings. So far no complaints with the off key singing. Its when they start singing back to you that its time to get worried

Absolutely... 😊...Well done SaskAlliecat
Im glad you are feeling better, and its great that you were able to get outside to run. That would have been quite a slog on the dreadmill...
As you know I did my 8k run today too, and I don't think you'll mind if I tell you some details on your post.😆
While you were looking for running clothes to keep you warm...I put on my sleeveless racer back Brookes top this morning as it was sunny and I knew I was gonna get warm.. I have new cordless headphones (thanks Scott and Anniemurph) but took my normal ones in case of emergency. They did pop out once right near the start, but was able to carry on running whilst I put it back together.
I was listening to Sammi Murphy wk3, its just good running music with a steady beat and some Christine Aguilera 'Stronger', Brittany, Pink and Howard Jones thrown in. I ignore the walkbreaks and Mapmyrun lady tells me every 0.5k how I'm doing..
I do a there and back again route, and am adding extra length at the halfway point. I felt ok this morning up to the 4.5k mark where I turned last Friday, but instantly I was past it, got a bit of second wind and carried on for half a kilometre.Once I turn back, everything eases and my legs feel looser and I can really relax and up the pace a wee bit. Going back feels so much quicker and easier. I start to enjoy myself now 6k, yep I am going to be able to do this.
Most of the crunchy acorns are gone from the path now, and although I'm running on pavement next to the road there are lots of trees and countryside too. I have to be careful of driveways on case cars are pulling out but most see me and wave me across.
Just one kilometre left now, I've slowed a bit but know I will finish, then half a kilometre and...nothing from mapmyrun lady..I keep going up the lane ( the bit I didn't think I'd need to do, surely thats it...just as I go to look at my phone she pipes up distance 8.23 kilometres total time 1 hour 11 mins.
GPS must have dropped for a bit..thankful I stop and save. Now the walk home..some Adele I think cos she's at the top of my list..
🎵should I give up or should I just go chasing pavements..even though they lead nowhere...🎵..ha ha funny how that happens isn't it. I was quite tired and just pressed play.It made me smile.
So 8k done too. Slightly feeling it in my buttocks and thighs but feeling pleased.
Another week now before another long one....thank goodness 😉 Two days rest for me..I think Floss will be doing her 8k on Sunday maybe ...if she has time.
Enjoy your weekend SaskAlliecat 😊xxx
Your run sounds wonderful, Jan. Looks like you were feeling the groove as well. We are totally rocking this, I love it!!! It's great when the second wind kicks in. I don't even recall feeling the toxic 10 this morning - perhaps I was too focused on how cold my face and thumbs were 😬. I had initially planned to do an out and back but was worried my tummy might rebel again so wanted to stay closer to home. Plus, with the wind I could wind in and out of the different cul de sacs, crescents, and places to try and avoid heading into the wind for too long. Hopefully OldFloss 's run on the weekend is as awesome as ours were today 😁
It sounds like you had a great run too Jan! Must be something in the air. Or maybe it's just Friday!
I think I have done an extra run somewhere... I was only one run behind you.. now I am two! I did the Speed podcast today... slowly Week 4 Run 1... not sure what has happened! Now... do I go for 8K Sunday.. or 5K ????
I know on week 3 I only got 2 runs in but my schedule wasn't going to allow me a longer midweek run so I did a short speed work run and the 7k run, foregoing the 5k run. Since I had to stop my 8k run just after 5k last week, I called it my week7 run2 and am back on track to start week5 with all previous runs done. I sometimes have to juggle the order of runs depending on my schedule so I would run whatever feels right on your next run day. I have found my legs are tired on the run after a speed workout but if they feel good I'd go for 8k....but given you're not that long off the dreaded IC, perhaps it is best not to skip a run 🤔. My advice:Play it by ear.

Yes, that Friday feeling...and we are strong capable women💪👧 😄xx

That's a great run! Sometimes everything just comes together and it all flows like magic Enjoy week 5, no matter how long it takes because there is no time pressure in increasing distances and every mile counts